Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding Friday, December 12, 2014 JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 340, CITY HALL 200 NORTH SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 - 10:00 AM
(For further details see Official Council Files)
(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)
Members Present: Blumenfield, Buscaino, Cedillo, Englander, Fuentes, Huizar, Koretz, LaBonge, O'Farrell, and President Wesson (10); Absent; Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks and Price (5)
Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations
Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council
Items Noticed for Public Hearing |
HEARING PROTEST, APPEALS OR OBJECTIONS to Building and Safety Department report and confirmation of lien for nuisance abatement costs and/or non-compliance of code violations/Annual Inspection costs, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) and/or Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC).
Recommendation for Council action:
HEAR PROTEST, APPEALS OR OBJECTIONS relative to proposed lien for nuisance abatement costs and/or non-compliance of code violations/Annual Inspection costs, pursuant to LAMC and/or LAAC and CONFIRM said lien for the following properties:
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Continue, Unanimous Vote (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | CONTINUED TO JANUARY 14, 2015 | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Continue, Unanimous Vote (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | CONTINUED TO JANUARY 14, 2015 | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Receive and File, Unanimous Vote (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Continue, Unanimous Vote (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | CONTINUED TO JANUARY 14, 2015 | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Receive and File, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | | (m) | | | | | | 14-0160-S149 | 14-0160-S149 | | | | | | | | CD 1 | 1100 West Temple Street. (Lien: $6,304.83)
(Continued from Council meeting of November 26, 2014)
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Receive and File, Unanimous Vote (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | | (n) | | | | | | 14-0160-S313 | 14-0160-S313 | | | | | | | | CD 5 | 10901 West Santa Monica Boulevard. (Lien: $2,561.51)
(Continued from Council meeting of December 5, 2014)
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (2) | | | | | | 14-1546 | 14-1546 | | | | | | | | | PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appointment of Ms. Antoinette Anderson to the South Los Angeles Area Planning Commission.
Recommendation for Council action:
RESOLVE that the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Antoinette Anderson to the South Los Angeles Area Planning Commission for the term ending June 30, 2019, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Ms. Anderson resides in Council District 10. (Current Commission gender composition: M=2; F=3)
Financial Disclosure Statement: Pending.
Background Check: Pending.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Continue, Unanimous Vote (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 16, 2014 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (3) | | | | | | 14-0600-S252 | 14-0600-S252 | | | | | | | | | BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Second Financial Status Report for Fiscal Year 2014-15.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: - REAPPROPRIATE $34,599,736.93 from various special funds as noted in Attachment 3 of the City Administrative Officer (CAO) report dated December 5, 2014 attached to the Council file.
- APPROPRIATE $154,108.63 to the Department accounts as specified in Attachment 4.
TRANSFER $10,123,888.00 between accounts within various departments and funds as specified in Attachment 5.
- TRANSFER $1,452,065.88 between various departments and funds as specified in
Attachment 6.
- ADJUST appropriations in Community Development Trust Fund 424 as follows:
- Reduce appropriations by $750,000.00 in Community Development Trust Fund 424 as follows:
Account | Title | Amount | 22J566 | Calhoun Ave Sidewalk Improvements | $750,000.00 | | | |
- Establish and increase appropriations by $750,000.00 in Community Development Trust Fund 424, Account 43L186.
- TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $750,000.00 in Community Development Trust Fund 424, Account 43L186, to the following accounts within the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services (BSS) Fund 100/86, for the Calhoun Ave Sidewalk Improvement Project:
Account | Title | Amount | 001010 | Salaries, General | $370,000 | 001090 | Salaries, Overtime | 126,000 | 003030 | Construction Expense | 118,000 | 003040 | Contractual Services | 67,000 | 006010 | Office & Administrative | 10,000 | 006020 | Operating Supplies | 59,000 | | Total: | $750,000 | | | |
- RESCIND Recommendation No. 17 of the First Financial Status Report (Council file no. 14-0600-S250), which authorized that any remaining proceeds, and any investment earnings thereafter, be transferred from Fund 26M and appropriated to the Capital Finance Administrative Fund No. 100/53, Account 000340.
- AUTHORIZE the Controller, relative to the Fire Department, to transfer a total of $200,000 to the Information Technology Agency Fund No. 100/32, Account 001100, Hiring Hall Salaries, for the installation of communications equipment in Fire Department vehicles:
- $80,000 from MICLA Fund No. 298/38, Account 38K232, Communication Labor; to 298/38 Account 38L132 ITA and further to reimburse the General Fund.
- $120,000 from MICLA AO Series 2002F Acquisition Fund No. 290/38, Account 38J232, Communication Labor to 290/38 Account 38L132 ITA, and further to reimburse the General Fund.
- AUTHORIZE the Controller to establish and appropriate $1,800,000 to a new account within U.S. Department of Justice Forfeited Asset Fund No. 44D/70, account number to be determined, "Tasers," for the disbursement of the initial payment for the purchase of Electronic Control Devices, also known as Tasers.
- AUTHORIZE the CAO to make technical corrections as necessary to those transactions included in this report to implement Mayor and Council intentions.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approximately $46.59 million in expenditure shortfalls and major unbudgeted expenses are identified in this report. Transfers, appropriations and other adjustments totaling approximately $47.27 million are recommended in Sections 1 and 2. Further, this report authorizes the use of $1.8 million in Forfeited Assets Trust Funds as initial payment for the purchase of Electronic Control Devices (known as Tasers). This also commits the City to four additional payments of approximately $574,904 annually that will need to be appropriated through the annual budget process from a source of funds to be determined at that time. The cumulative fiscal impact of this purchase is $4 million over five years. No adjustment to budgeted revenue is recommended at this time.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted. | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted - TO THE MAYOR FORTHWITH, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (4) | | | | | | 14-1572 | 14-1572 | | | | | | | | CD 13 | ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, ADDENDUM TO FINAL IMPACT REPORT, and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an appeal for property located at 6230 West Yucca Street.
Recommendations for Council action:
- FIND that the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ENV-2006-6941-EIR, together with the March 2013 Addendum to the Final Impact Report, is adequate environmental clearance for the Director Determination and complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
- ADOPT the CEQA findings under State CEQA Guidelines 15162, 15163, and 15164 that no further environmental review is required for the Director Determination.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Director of Planning as the Findings of Council.
- RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Argyle Civic Association (Representative: George Abrahams), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the Director of Planning in approving the "Q" Condition clarification listed below for the previously approved project at 6230 West Yucca Street. The proposed project consists of 116 residential units, 2,120 square feet of commercial space, and 12,200 square feet of open space, encompassing 114,311 square feet of floor area within a 17.5-story, approximately 177-foot tall building. There are 201 vehicle parking spaces, 118 long-term bicycle parking spaces, and 14 short-term bicycle parking spaces.
- Delete "Q" Condition No. 3.
- Revise "Q" Condition No. 4 to read:
4. Site Plan. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, detailed development plans, including a complete landscape and irrigation plan and a parking area and driveway plan, shall be submitted to the Department of City Planning for review and sign-off clearance. These plans shall be in substantial conformance with the plot plan, elevations and landscape plans approved by the Director of Planning in the September 26, 2014 Site Plan Review approval. The plans shall comply with applicable provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), the subject conditions herein and the intent of the subject permit authorization.
- Revise "Q" Condition No. 5 to read:
5. Parking. The project shall provide at a minimum the number of spaces required under LAMC Sections 12.21-A.4(a) and 12.21-A.4(x) and their location and access shall be in substantial conformance with the project plans approved by the Director of Planning in the September 26, 2014 Site Plan Review approval.
- Revise "Q" Condition No. 10 to read:
10. The design of the project shall be in substantial conformance with the site plans and elevations approved by the Director of Planning in the September 26, 2014 Site Plan Review approval.
Applicant: David Jordan, 6230 Yucca, LLC
Representative: Matt Dzurec, Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac LLP
Case No. DIR-2012-2767-CLQ
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Department of City Planning. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (5) | | | | | | 14-1087 | 14-1087 | | | | | | | | CD 3 | HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to authorization to issue up to $14,000,000 in Tax-Exempt Multi-Family Conduit Revenue Bonds for the Winnetka Senior Apartments Project.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the RESOLUTION, attached to the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) report dated November 19, 2014 (attached to Council file [C.F.] No. 14-1087), authorizing the issuance of up to $14,000,000 in Tax-Exempt Multi-Family Conduit Revenue Bonds in the form of Multi-Family Collateralized Notes for the development of the Winnetka Senior Apartments Project located at 20750 Sherman Way, Los Angeles.
- APPROVE the related loan documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
- REQUIRE that Citibank, N.A. fulfill the reporting requirements of the Responsible Banking Ordinance adopted by the Council on May 25, 2012 (C.F. 09-0234) prior to the execution of the relevant bond documents.
- AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, to:
- negotiate and execute the relevant loan documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
- Negotiate and execute amendments to the existing HCIDLA loan agreement documents for the Winnetka Senior Apartments Project. Revisions will include, but are not limited, to changes to the affordability term, interest rate, and loan term, subordination to a new permanent loan, and transfer to a new limited partnership to enable admittance of tax credit investors; all changes are subject to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund program guidelines and shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports there will be no impact to the General Fund as a result of the issuance of these bonds. The City is a conduit issuer and does not incur liability for the repayment of the bonds, which are a limited obligation payable solely from the revenues of the Project, and the City will in no way be obligated to make payments on the bonds.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted - TO THE MAYOR FORTHWITH, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration) | | | |
| | | | | | | | | RESOLUTIONS relative to removing various properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program.
Recommendation for Council action:
ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTIONS removing the following properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), inasmuch as the owner(s) have corrected the cited REAP violations and provided proof of compliance with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (LAHCID), Code Enforcement Unit, habitability citations, pursuant to Ordinance 173810, and ADOPT the Findings contained in the LAHCID's report attached to the Council File: | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Koretz, Krekorian, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Koretz, Krekorian, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Koretz, Krekorian, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Koretz, Krekorian, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Koretz, Krekorian, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (7) | | | | | | 14-1534 | 14-1534 | | | | | | | | | COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR AND MEMBER, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE relative to proposed First Amendment to Contract No. C-115890 with ABB, Inc. (ABB) for system maintenance and support services for the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS) Wastewater Distributed Control Systems at Donald C. Tillman and Los Angeles/Glendale Water Reclamation Plants.
Recommendation for Council action:
AUTHORIZE the Board of Public Works, on behalf of the BOS, to execute the First Amendment to Contract No. C-115890 with ABB to extend the term by an additional five years (for a total term of ten years), retroactively from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2019, and increase the cost ceiling by $1 million, from $2 million to $3 million.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that there is no General Fund impact and sufficient funds are available within the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund to support the first year costs of the proposed First Amendment. Funding for the subsequent years of the First Amendment will be provided through the City's annual budget process and subject to Mayor and Council approval. The recommendation contained in the November 3, 2014 CAO report complies with the City's Financial Policies as ongoing revenue will support ongoing expenditures.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (8) | | | | | | 12-1367-S2 | 12-1367-S2 | | | | | | | | | COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR AND MEMBER, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE relative to proposed piggyback personal services contract with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. (Clean Harbors) for as-needed routine and emergency response for hazardous waste management services.
Recommendation for Council action:
AUTHORIZE the President and Secretary, Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners, to execute the contract with Clean Harbors to provide as-needed routine and emergency response for hazardous waste management services for an initial term expiring on November 1, 2017, with two three-year renewal options, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that funding for this agreement is provided in the Department of Recreation and Parks' Fund 302, Department 88, Contractual Services Account 003040. Additionally, funding for this agreement is provided in the Department of Recreation and Parks' Golf Special Account Fund 302, Department 52H. There is no additional impact to the General Fund. To the extent applicable, the recommendation above complies with the City Financial Policies in that ongoing revenue will be used to meet ongoing expenditures.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (9) | | | | | | 12-0709 | 12-0709 | | | | | | | | CD 10 | COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR AND MEMBER, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE relative to the direct sale of property located at 6000 Jefferson Boulevard to International Coffee and Tea, LLC, the corporate parent of Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (Coffee Bean) for development.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- DETERMINE that the sale of the City-owned property at 6000 Jefferson Boulevard to Coffee Bean will assist in the economic development of the City and that the public interest is best served by the direct sale of the property.
- APPROVE the form and substance of Purchase and Sale Agreement, Grant Deed, and Covenant Agreement, prepared by City Attorney and attached to the Council file, based on the terms specific in this report for the sale of the property of 6000 Jefferson Boulevard to Coffee Bean for the fair market value $7,150,000, less a potential credit not to exceed $300,000 for remediation costs.
- REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance providing for the sale of the property to Coffee Bean as described in this report, without notice of sale or advertisement of bids, as justified by the economic benefits the Project will generate in the public interest.
- AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD), to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement and to complete the transaction if all contingencies are met, subject to completion of California Environmental Quality Act review, and process the necessary documents to execute the sale and deposit the proceeds into the appropriate accounts, as directed by the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) and as approved to form and substance by the City Attorney.
- APPROVE the receipt of sales proceeds into the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund.
- AUTHORIZE the EWDD to make technical corrections or adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO).
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO/EWDD report that the proposed sale is for City-owned property located at 6000 Jefferson Boulevard to Coffee Bean for the fair market value of approximately $7,150,000. The property is no longer needed for municipal purposes, pursuant to Council determination on October 23, 2012 (Council File No. 12-0709). Sale proceeds will be deposited into the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund. Upon occupancy, the project as described in the November 14, 2014 joint CAO/EWDD report, attached to the Council file, is projected to generate ongoing annual Property and Utility Users tax revenues estimated at $68,000, in addition to Business Tax revenues not yet estimated. The proposed transaction is in accordance with Charter Section 385 (Sale of Property), and LAAC Sections 7.27 and 7.27.2.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted - TO THE MAYOR FORTHWITH, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (10) | | | | | | 14-1556 | 14-1556 | | | | | | | | | FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (FEIR) and COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR AND MEMBER, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE relative to the Green Acres Farm Biosolids Land Application Project.
Recommendations for Council action:
- CERTIFY that the FEIR (State Clearing House No. 2013021021) for Farm Biosolids Land Application, attached to the Council file, complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and that City Council has reviewed the information contained therein and considered it along with other factors related to the Green Acres Farm Biosolids Land Application Project.
- FIND that the determination reflects the independent judgment of the City of Los Angeles and that this determination reflects the record of proceedings in this matter located in Council files for this Project in the custody of the City Clerk and Bureaus of Sanitation and Engineering.
- ADOPT the CEQA findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations prepared for this action, attached to the Council file.
- ADOPT pursuant to Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code the Mitigation Monitoring Plan prepared for this action, attached to the Council file.
- APPROVE the November 5, 2014 Board of Public Works report, attached to the Council file, in connection with the Green Acres Farm Biosolids Land Application Project.
- INSTRUCT the Bureau of Sanitation to file a Notice of Determination with the Los Angeles County Clerk within the requisite time period.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board of Public Works reports that funding information is not required for this CEQA determination. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted - FORTHWITH, (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks, Price (4) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (11) | | | | | | 13-0838-S1 | 13-0838-S1 | | | | | | | | CD 6 | MOTION (MARTINEZ - FUENTES - BLUMENFIELD) relative to funding adjustments to meeting the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) construction deadline for the Sun Valley Economic Development Administration Public Improvement Project (Project).
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- AUTHORIZE the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering to accept and deposit $3,165,771 of reimbursement grant funding from the EDA for the Project to Engineering Special Services Fund, Fund No. 682.
- AUTHORIZE the Controller's Office to appropriate EDA grant funding up to $3,165,771 to a new account in Engineering Special Service Fund, Fund No. 682/50, entitled EDA - Sun Valley Improvements Project.
- AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to spend $1,421,760 in Measure R Local Return Funds, Fund No. 51Q/94, Appropriation Unit No. 94K691, SFV-EDA, of which $1,014,935 to be designated as the required local match for the EDA Grant and the remaining $406,825 to be used to address a portion of the budget shortfall.
- AUTHORIZE the Controller's Office to transfer $1,014,935 from State AB 1290 City Fund, Fund No. 53P/28, Appropriation Unit No. 281206, entitled CD 6 Redevelopment Projects - Services to a new account in Fund No. 682/50, entitled EDA - Sun Valley Improvements Project, to address the remaining budget shortfall.
- AUTHORIZE the City Engineer to make any technical corrections or provide additional Controller instructions as needed, subject to the approval of the Chief Legislative Analyst, in order to effectuate the intent of the Mayor and the City Council and instruct the Controller's Office to implement those instructions.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted to Continue, Unanimous Vote (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 16, 2014 | | |
| | | | | | | | | FINAL MAPS in the various Council Districts.
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the Final Maps and Adopt the City Engineer Reports as detailed in the various listed Council files, inlcuding bonds, agreements, contracts and other related issues as specified: | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | (a) | | | | | | 14-1677 | 14-1677 | | | | | | | | CD 13 | FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 65889 located at 1639-1641 North Morton Avenue easterly of Echo Park Avenue.
(Bond No. C-124849)
(Less Dwelling Unit Tax: $3,000)
(Quimby Fee: $64,026)
Subdivider: Fifteen Morton LLC; Surveyor: Iacobellis & Associates, Inc.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | | (b) | | | | | | 14-1678 | 14-1678 | | | | | | | | CD 4 | PARCEL MAP L.A. NO. 2010-3251 located at 2601, 2671, 2709 and 2709 1/2 North Bowmont Drive and 9460 West Eden Drive southerly of Mulholland Drive.
(Bond No. C-124850)
Subdivider: Haig Tacorian and Gilda Tacorian; Engineer/Surveyor: Raymundo Lombera
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Martinez, Parks, Price (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-0850 | 14-0850 | MOTION (O'FARRELL - ENGLANDER) relative to amending prior Council action of August 13, 2014 authorizing the Department of Recreation and Parks to apply for and receive grant awards from the 2104-15 General Child Care Program and 2014-15 California State Preschool Program continued funding for subsidized preschool services at the Jim Gilliam Child Care Center. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-1717 | 14-1717 | MOTION (ENGLANDER - O'FARRELL) relative to funding for any aspect of the efforts/operations of the Granada Hills Grubfest Event. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-1621 | 14-1621 | MOTION (ENGLANDER - O'FARRELL) relative to rescinding prior Council action of December 3, 2014 regarding the allocation of $5,000 in the Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Trust Fund. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 13-1103 | 13-1103 | MOTION (MARTINEZ - BUSCAINO) relative to rescinding prior Council action of June 25, 2014 regarding the Van Nuys Fire Station No. 39. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-1716 | 14-1716 | MOTION (FUENTES - HUIZAR) relative to funding for the Bradley Plaza Project. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-0017 | 14-0017 | MOTION (O'FARRELL - BLUMENFIELD) relative to amending prior Council actions of January 14, 2014 and May 27, 2014 regarding a lease agreement for the Council District 13 Field Office at 1722 West Sunset Boulevard. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11-1378 | 11-1378 | MOTION (O'FARRELL - ENGLANDER) and RESOLUTION relative to amending prior Council action of September 9, 2014 authorizing the Department of Recreation and Parks to apply for the 2013 Housing-Related Parks Program grant. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 12-0539-S7 | 12-0539-S7 | MOTION (HUIZAR - BUSCAINO) relative to including the Night on Broadway event in the list of the Citywide Special Events. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 13-0540 | 13-0540 | MOTION (WESSON FOR KREKORIAN - KORETZ) relative to amending prior Council action of June 19, 2013 regarding the case entitled, Gary Grossman, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC467057. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-0004-S3 | 14-0004-S3 | Captain III John N. Incontro | LaBonge - Cedillo |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | At the conclusion of this day's Council Session ADJOURNING MOTIONS WERE ADOPTED in tribute to the memory of: | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14-0003-S3 | 14-0003-S3 | Monica Easter Ambrester | Wesson - All Councilmembers | Keith Gordon | Wesson - O'Farrell - All Councilmembers | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Roll Call | Members Present: Blumenfield, Buscaino, Cedillo, Englander, Fuentes, Huizar, Koretz, LaBonge, Martinez, O'Farrell and President Wesson (11); Absent: Bonin, Krekorian, Parks and Price (4)
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| | | | | | | | Whereupon the Council did adjourn. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Closing Text | ATTEST: Holly L. Wolcott, CITY CLERK By Council Clerk PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL ****************************************************************************************************************** Regular meeting recessed at 10:25 am Special meeting convened at 10:25 am Special meeting adjourned at 10:36 am Regular meeting convened at 10:36 am
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