Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Tuesday, February 9, 2021



(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)


Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, de Leon, Koretz, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Ridley-Thomas, Raman, Rodriguez and President Martinez (13); Absent: Harris-Dawson and Krekorian (2)

Items for which an Opportunity for Public Comment will be Provided, Regardless of Whether a Public Hearing has been Previously Held
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(1)21-1200-S2

HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appointment of Mr. Nason Buchanan to the Affordable Housing Commission, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Nat Gale. 


Recommendations for Council action: 


RESOLVE that the Mayor's appointment of Nason Buchanan to the Affordable Housing Commission for the term ending June 30, 2022, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Mr. Buchanan resides in Council District 11. (Current composition: M=4; F=2) 


Financial Disclosure Statement: Pending. 

Background Check: Pending. 

Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 






Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(2)20-0645

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to prohibiting entry upon the Venice Canal and Grand Canal/Ballona Lagoon environmentally sensitive habitat areas between a designated walkway and the water.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated January 19, 2021, to add Section 63.136 to the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit entry upon a Venice Canal or Grand Canal/Ballona Lagoon Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area between a designated walkway and the water with the following amended language:


Section 63.136 (b)1
Actively engaging in the boating activity of moving a boat into and out of the water from public boat launch facility or private dock with the dock-owner's authorization, moving a boat from a Designated Walkway, or exiting from a boat onto a Designated Walkway.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(3)19-1164-S2

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to postponing salary increases for Non-Represented Classifications and General Managers.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated January 25, 2021, approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney, amending Schedule A of Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 4.61, to postpone previously scheduled salary increases for non-represented employees and general managers.  

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors, or, if approved by the City Attorney, any technical errors in the Ordinance described above in Recommendation No. 1.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that the estimated direct and indirect General Fund savings in Fiscal Years 2020-21 and 2021-22 resulting from postponing scheduled non-represented employee and general manager salary increases into subsequent fiscal years is estimated to be $2.58 million.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(4)13-1646-S7
CD 15

COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER and CITY ATTORNEY, ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION, and RESOLUTION relative to levying special taxes within the Community Facilities District No. 11 (Ponte Vista) and declaring the results of the Special Election.


(Budget and Finance Committee report to be submitted in Council. If a public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink or go to: www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.) 



Adopted, (15)


ITEM NO.(5)20-0548
CD 1

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to a request to issue tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds for Mariposa Lily, a supportive housing project, located at 1055 South Mariposa Avenue. 


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. NOTE and FILE the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) report, dated November 4, 2020 relative to the issuance of tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the Mariposa Lily project.

  2. ADOPT the accompanying RESOUTION attached to the HCIDLA Report dated November 4, 2020, authorizing the issuance of up to $13,000,000 in tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the Mariposa Lily project, located at 1055 South Mariposa Avenue.

  3. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, to negotiate and execute the relevant bond or note documents for the Mariposa Lily project, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The City Administrative Officer (CAO) states that there will be no impact to the General Fund as a result of the issuance of these tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes (bonds/notes) for the Mariposa Lily project. The City is a conduit issuer and does not incur liability for the repayment of the bonds/notes, which are a limited obligation payable solely from the revenues of the Project, and the City will in no way be obligated to make payments on the bonds/notes.


Financial Policies StatementThe recommendations in the CAO report, dated January 22, 2021, comply with the City’s Financial Policies.


Debt Impact Statement: The CAO states that there is no debt impact as these bonds are a conduit issuance debt and not a debt of the City. 


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted. 



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(6)20-1096
CD 6

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to a request to issue tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds for Oatsie's Place, a supportive housing project, located at 16015 Sherman Way.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. NOTE and FILE the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) report dated December 14, 2020, relative to the issuance of tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the Oatsie’s Place project.

  2. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION attached to the HCIDLA Report, dated December 14, 2020, authorizing the issuance of up to $11,037,885 in tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the Oatsie’s Place project, located at 16015 Sherman Way.

  3. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, to negotiate and execute the relevant bond or note documents for the Oatsie’s Place project, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that there will be no impact to the General Fund as a result of the issuance of these tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes (bond/notes) for the Oatsie’s Place project. The City is a conduit issuer and does not incur liability for the repayment of the bonds/notes, which are a limited obligation payable solely from the revenues of the Project, and the City will in no way be obligated to make payments on the bonds/notes.


Financial Policies Statement: The recommendations in the CAO report, dated January 22, 2021, comply with the City’s Financial Policies.


Debt Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no debt impact as these bonds or notes are a conduit issuance debt and not a debt of the City.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 




Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(7)20-1358
CD 4CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Appeals for the project located at 10555 West Bloomfield Street, 10551-10555 West Bloomfield Street, and 4366-4378 North Cahuenga Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. DETERMINE, based on the whole of the administrative record, that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15332, Class 32, and there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 applies.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.

  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEALS filed by Arthur Paul Hartel III and Tracy Martin (Representative: Tess Taylor), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in determining that the Project is categorically exempt from the CEQA, and approving a 35 percent Density Bonus for a Housing Development with a total of 57 units, of which six units, or 11 percent of the base density, will be set aside for Very Low Income Households; in lieu of the base density of 52 units, and an On-Menu Incentive to permit a 20 percent reduction in the required open space, involving the demolition of existing residential structures and the construction, use, and maintenance of a new four-story, 47,313 square foot residential building, with a maximum height of 41 feet, and providing a total of 69 automobile parking spaces and 63 bicycle spaces within two levels of subterranean parking, for the properties located at 10555 West Bloomfield Street, 10551-10555 West Bloomfield Street, and 4366-4378 North Cahuenga Boulevard, subject to Modified Conditions of Approval.


Applicant: Steve Bram, GSB Toluca, LLC


Representative: Eric Lieberman, QES, Inc.


Case No. CPC-2019-5742-DB-1A


Environmental No. ENV-2019-5743-CE


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (13); Absent: Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(8)RELATED TO ITEM NO. 9, 20-109320-1080


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND, pursuant to Sections 21082.1(c) and 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code, that the City Council reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR prepared for this project, which includes the Draft EIR, No. ENV-2016-4676-EIR [State Clearinghouse (SCH) No. 2017061083], dated March 2019, the Final EIR, dated September 2019; and, the Errata, dated March 2020 (Times Mirror Square Project EIR), as well as the whole of the administrative record.

  2. CERTIFY the following:

    1. The Times Mirror Square Project EIR has been completed in compliance with the CEQA.

    2. The Times Mirror Square Project EIR was presented to the Advisory Agency as a decision-making body of the lead agency and the City Council on an appeal of the EIR.

    3. The Times Mirror Square Project EIR reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the lead agency.

  3. ADOPT the following:

    1. The related and prepared Times Mirror Square Project EIR Environmental Findings.

    2. The Statement of Overriding Considerations.

    3. The MMP prepared for the Times Mirror Square Project EIR.

  4. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.

  5. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Supporter's Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (Representative: Paige Fennie, Lozeau Drury LLP) and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in finding that the Advisory Agency reviewed and considered the information contained in the Times Mirror Square Project EIR prepared for this project, certifying the EIR; adopting the EIR, the Statement of Overriding Considerations, and the MMP prepared for the Times Mirror Square Project EIR; and, approving with Conditions, VTT Map No. 74761 for the merger of a portion of public right of way along Broadway and re-subdivision of the Project site into nine lots for condominium purposes for a mixed-use project containing up to 1,127 residential units and up to 34,572 square feet of new commercial floor area, and a haul route for the export of up to 364,000 cubic yards of soils for the property located at 121-147 South Spring Street, 100-142 South Broadway, 202-234 West 1st Street; and, 205-221 West 2nd Street, subject to Conditions of Approval.    


Applicant: Rossano De Cotiis, Onni Times Square LP


Representative: Dale Goldsmith, Goldsmith and Delvac LLP


Case No. VTT-74761-2A


Environmental Nos.: ENV-2016-4676-EIR; SCH. NO. 2017061083


Related Case No. CPC-2016-4675-TDR-VCU-MCUP-1A


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (11); Nays: Bonin
, Krekorian
, O'Farrell
, Ridley-Thomas
ITEM NO.(9)RELATED TO ITEM NO. 8, 20-108020-1093
CD 14ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a Transfer of Floor Area Rights (TFAR) and Appeal filed for a Vesting Conditional Use (VCU), and a Master Conditional Use Permit (MCUP) for the properties located at 121-147 South Spring Street, 100-142 South Broadway, 202-234 West 1st Street, and 205-221 West 2nd Street.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND, based on the independent judgment of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, the project was assessed in the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 2016-4676-EIR (SCH No. 2017061083), certified on August 11, 2020 in conjunction with the Los Angeles City Planning Commission's (LACPC) denial of an appeal of VTT-74761; and, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR or addendum is required for approval of the Project.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the LACPC, as amended by the PLUM Committee, as the Findings of Council.

  3. APPROVE pursuant to Section 14.5.6A of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), a TFAR greater than 50,000 square feet of floor area for the transfer of up to 548,440 square feet of floor area from the Los Angeles Convention Center (Donor Site), located at 1201 South Figueroa Street, to the Project Site (Receiver Site), thereby permitting a maximum 9.42:1 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in lieu of the otherwise permitted 6:1 FAR for the properties located at 121-147 South Spring Street, 100-142 South Broadway, 202-234 West 1st Street, and 205-221 West 2nd Street, as amended by the PLUM Committee.

  4. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by the Supporter's Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (Representative: Paige Fennie, Lozeau Drury LLP) and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in finding that the project was assessed in the previously certified EIR and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR or addendum is required for approval of the project; and approving the following: 1) a Vesting Conditional Use to permit floor area averaging within a unified development; and, 2) a Master Conditional Use to permit the sale and dispensing of a full line of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at up to three establishments, and on-site consumption at up to 16 establishments; for the construction of a new mixed-use development and rehabilitation of the Times, Plant, and Mirror Buildings on the approximately 3.6-acre city block bounded by West 1st Street, South Spring Street, West 2nd Street, and South Broadway Street; the existing Executive Building at the corner of West 1st Street and South Broadway and parking garage at the corner of West 2nd Street and South Broadway would be demolished to allow for the Project's new mixed-use component consisting of the 37-story North Tower and 53-story;South Tower and containing a maximum of 1,127 residential units and up to 34,572 square feet of commercial floor area, and constructed above a five-story parking podium; the space below the podium would contain an additional nine levels of subterranean parking; the combined commercial and residential floor area would total up to 1,135,803 square feet; in total, including new construction and existing buildings to remain, the Project proposes up to 1,511,908 square feet of floor area, resulting in a maximum FAR of 9.42:1 for the properties located at 121-147 South Spring Street; 100-142 South Broadway; 202-234 West 1st Street and 205-221 West 2nd Street, subject to Modified Conditions of Approval.

  5. INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst to, within six months of the receipt of the Public Benefits Payment by the Public Benefit Trust Fund, convene the Public Benefit Trust Fund Committee, pursuant to LAMC Section 14.5.12.


Applicant: Rossano De Cotiis, Onni Times Square LP


Representative: Dale Goldsmith, Armbruster, Goldsmith and Delvac LLP


Case No. CPC-2016-4675-TDR-VCU-MCUP-1A


Environmental Nos. ENV-2016-4676-EIR; SCH: 2017061083


Related Case No. VTT-74761-2A


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees. 


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (11); Nays: Bonin
, Krekorian
, O'Farrell
, Ridley-Thomas
ITEM NO.(10)20-1565
CD 15

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to issuing a revocable permit to allow for the installation of fencing within the public right-of-way as part of the McCoy 255 community housing development.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Buscaino - Krekorian):


AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering to issue a revocable permit to Charles Wheeler, subject to satisfaction of the conditions for issuing such permit, to allow for the installation of fencing within the public right-of-way at 25322 South McCoy Avenue as part of the McCoy 255 community housing development.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(11)20-0230

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to developing a process to ensure that public equestrian trail easements are not overlaid on other easements, and thereby protect access on equestrian trails.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Lee - Rodriguez):


INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, in consultation with the Department of City Planning, Bureau of Engineering, Department of Recreation and Parks, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, City Attorney, and any other relevant department, to develop a process to ensure that public equestrian trail easements are not overlaid on other easements, and thereby protect access on equestrian trails.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(12)18-0624-S3
CD 12

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to acquisitions, dedications, and grants needed by the Zelzah Avenue Improvements, Ridgeway Road to Newcastle Avenue Project (Project).


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Lee - Krekorian), SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering (BOE), Real Estate Division (RED) to accept the dedications and/or grants of parcels of land and/or property rights, as needed by the Project, and provide title reports for this work at no cost to the owners.

  2. AUTHORIZE the BOE RED, in accordance with Section 581(e) of the City Charter, to acquire the remaining right of way parcels, as planned, to complete the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE funds in the amount of $300,000, which is part of an already approved sum of $6,500,000 approved by Council on December 18, 2018 (Council file No. 18-0624-S1), to be drawn from the Engineering Special Services Fund No. 682/50, entitled Zelzah Ave Improvements, Ridgeway Rd to Newcastle Ave, for the acquisitions, dedications, and grants needed by the Project.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(13)20-0231

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to enacting equestrian trail standards that include flexible parameters to account for site variables and community specific needs.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Lee - Rodriguez):


INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning, Bureau of Engineering, and Department of Recreation and Parks, in consultation with the City Attorney, to prepare a report with recommendations, and the feasibility of an ordinance, to enact equestrian trail standards that include more flexible parameters to account for site variables and community specific needs


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(14)21-0056
CD 14

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to designating the intersection at 1st Street and San Pedro Street as Rose Ochi Square.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (de Leon - Rodriguez):


  1. DESIGNATE the intersection at 1st Street and San Pedro Street as Rose Ochi Square.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to erect permanent ceremonial sign(s) to this effect at this location.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(15)12-0101-S2
CD 3, 12

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to extending the temporary closure of Victory Boulevard from Gilmore Street to its northwesterly terminus for an additional eighteen months for reasons of public safety.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - O'Farrell):


INSTRUCT the City Engineer to report with recommendations on extending the temporary closure of Victory Boulevard from Gilmore Street to its northwesterly terminus for an additional eighteen months for reasons of public safety.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(16)20-1469

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to updating and refining the existing Public Way Reservation System (PWRS) software; developing a uniform construction notice with notification times similar to FilmLA notices for public and private projects; and, developing protocols for sidewalk and street closures that ensure pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular detours and impacts are minimized during all construction projects.


Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Blumenfield, de Leon - O'Farrell):


  1. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering (BOE), in coordination with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), to report on the efforts and resources needed to further update and refine the existing PWRS software to create a public-facing web portal that makes it easy for the public to know when sidewalks and streets are closed.

  2. REQUEST the Board of Public Works to develop a uniform construction notice as well as required notification times similar to FilmLA notices for public and private projects that clearly states what work will be happening, when it will happen, and what the impacts will be.

  3. INSTRUCT the LADOT, in coordination with the BOE and Bureau of Street Services, to develop protocols for sidewalk and street closures that ensure pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular detours and impacts are minimized during all construction projects.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(17)20-1574

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to implementing a Job Order Contracting process for minor construction and maintenance projects within the City.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - Price):


INSTRUCT the Department of Public Works and the Department of General Services, with the assistance of the City Attorney, City Administrative Officer (CAO), and Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), to report within 90 days with recommendations for implementing a Job Order Contracting process for minor construction and maintenance projects within the City.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(18)14-0407-S1

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2019-23 amendment to Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with the Engineers and Architects Association (EAA) for MOUs 1, 19, 20, and 21.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the 2019-23 MOUs for EAA bargaining units 1, 19, 20, and 21, attached to the Council file.

  2. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) and Controller to correct any clerical errors or necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.

Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of these contract extension amendments will result in savings of $16.34 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and FY 2020-22.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21.  There is an additional cost of $63,865 over the term of the contract extension associated with the salary adjustment of the Paralegal classification to address compaction. 


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted. 



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(19)19-0845-S2

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Amendment No. 1 to the 2018-21 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for the Management Employees Representation Unit (MOU 36).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE Amendment No. 1 to MOU 36 represented by the Los Angeles Professional Managers' Association. 
  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors or make necessary technical connections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that that the current plan is to appoint one employee to the II pay grade at the Los Angeles World Airports.  The entire salary will be the sole responsibility of LAWA and will have no General Fund impact.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(20)19-0845-S3

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amendments to the 2018-22 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Units 4, 8, 14, 15, 17 and 18.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the MOUs, attached to the Council file, for Bargaining Units 4, 8, 14, 15, 17 and 18. 
  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors in the MOUs, or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of these contract extension amendments will result in savings of $56.26 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22 for the entire Coalition.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2000-21.  There is an additional cost of $1.4 million over the term of the contract extension associated with the salary adjustments to Service Employees International Union units to address compaction.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(21)19-0845-S4

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amendments to the 2018-22 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Units 2, 9, 12, 13, 36, 63, and 64.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the MOUs, attached to the Council file, for Bargaining Units 2, 9, 12, 13, 36, 63, and 64. 
  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors in the MOUs, or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of these contract extension amendments will result in savings of $56.26 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22. This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21. There is an additional cost of $1.4 million over the term of the contract extension associated with the salary adjustments to address compaction.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(22)19-1135-S1

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2019-23 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for the Management Attorneys Unit (MOU 32).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the 2019-2023 MOU for the Los Angeles City Attorney Management Association, representing MOU 32.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of the contract extension amendments for all of the City Attorney units will result in savings of $2.96 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(23)19-1136-S1

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2019-23 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for the Confidential Attorneys Unit, Bargaining Unit 31.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the 2019-23 MOU for Bargaining Unit 31, attached to the Council file.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of the contract extension amendments for all of the City Attorney units will result in savings of $2.96 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(24)19-1166-S1

PERSONNEL, AUDITS AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2019-23 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Sr. Administrative Analysts and Administrative Analysts Bargaining Unit (MOU 61).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the corrected 2019-23 MOU for Bargaining Unit 61, attached to the Council file.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of these contract extension amendments will result in savings of $253,000 in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(25)20-0331-S1

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2019-23 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the City Attorneys' Representation Unit (MOU 29).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. ADOPT the 2019-23 MOU for the MOU 29, attached to the Council file, represented by the Los Angeles City Attorneys Association.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors or make any necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of the contract extension amendments for all of the City Attorney units will result in savings of $2.96 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(26)21-0020

PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2020-22 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Park Rangers Unit (Bargaining Unit 65). 


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the 2020-22 MOU for Bargaining Unit 65.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to correct any clerical errors or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that the proposed exceptions to the current practice in MOU 30 amount to approximately $28,000 annually, $12,000 for Peace Officer Standards and Training certificates and $16,000 for Engine and/or Water Tender assignments (as determined necessary and directed by the Department of Recreation and Parks).


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(27)21-0126

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 2021-2022 Sustainable Communities and Strategic Partnerships Grant Program and recommended projects.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. APPROVE the accompanying final list of projects attached to the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) report dated January 27, 2021, as the City’s priorities for pursuing the Caltrans 2021-2022 Sustainable Communities and Strategic Partnerships Grant.

  2. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, LADOT, and/or the Director of the respective lead City department to:

    1. Submit grant applications to Caltrans on behalf of the City of Los Angeles for all recommended projects for funding through this grant.

    2. Execute any necessary funding agreements and contractual documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, for projects that are awarded funding through this grant opportunity.

  3. DIRECT the General Manager, LADOT, and/or the Director of the respective lead City department to identify any additional resource needs, including staff, and/or overtime funding, for the implementation of the projects that are awarded funding through this grant opportunity, and to seek approval for any additional staffing from Council prior to accepting the grant funds.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that this grant application has a required minimum local match of 11.47 percent for the Sustainable Communities category and 20 percent for the Strategic Partnerships category. The local match can be a cash match or in-kind match, including staff time. The two proposed projects will require a total of $160,580 in local match. The LADOT proposes using funds from Proposition C funds, which can credit supporting staff time as contributing to the local match. City staff will provide general project management support with existing staff resources.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(28)13-0922-S1

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) contracts with Modern Parking, Inc., and SP Plus Municipal Services.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the General Manager, LADOT, or designee, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, to execute:


  1. First amendments with Modern Parking, Inc., and SP Plus Municipal Services, to extend the term from July 25, 2014, through July 25, 2023, and to add performance metrics and penalties for the operation, management, and maintenance of LADOT parking facilities; and, to increase the contract ceiling for the Modern Parking, Inc., contract by $4,603,728.

  2. Supplemental agreements with Modern Parking, Inc., and SP Plus Municipal Services to temporarily adjust contractor compensation during the period of a Declaration of a Local Emergency.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Funding is provided by current and prior year accounts in the Special Parking Revenue Fund No. 363. The proposed first amendment for SP Plus Municipal Services and the supplemental agreements for SP Plus Municipal Services and Modern Parking, Inc., do not require an adjustment to the existing contract ceiling. The first amendment for Modern Parking, Inc., will require an increase of $4,603,728 to the contract ceiling. Additional funds will be provided for both SP Plus Municipal Services and Modern Parking, Inc., in 2021-22 through the City budget process.


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that this action complies with City financial policies in that sufficient special fund revenues are available and eligible for this purpose.


Community Impact Statement: None Submitted.







Adopted, (15)
Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)
ITEM NO.(29)

RESOLUTIONS relative to removing various properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program.

Recommendation for Council action:

ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTIONS removing the following properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), inasmuch as the owner(s) have corrected the cited REAP violations and provided proof of compliance with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), Code Enforcement Unit, habitability citations, pursuant to Ordinance 173810, and ADOPT the Findings contained in the HCIDLA's report attached to the Council File:

CD 4

1410 North Talmadge Street (Case No. 726729) Assessor I.D. No. 5430-031-024



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(30)20-0291

RESOLUTION relative to the Declaration of Local Emergency by the Mayor, dated March 4, 2020, wherein he declared that conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen both internationally and within the United States as a result of the introduction of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), pursuant to the provisions of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) Section 8.27.


Recommendation for Council action:


ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION to:

  1. Resolve that a local emergency continues to persist within the City of Los Angeles, within the meaning of Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 8.21, et seq., and the continuance of the Mayor’s March 4, 2020, Declaration of Local Emergency through 30 days from the adoption of this Resolution is therefore necessary.
  2. Direct, in accordance with the LAAC, Section 8.21 et seq., all appropriate City departments, agencies and personnel shall continue to perform all duties and responsibilities to represent the City of Los Angeles in this matter for the purpose of abating the emergency and for the receipt, processing and coordination of all inquiries and requirements necessary to obtain whatever State and Federal assistance that may become available to the citizens of Los Angeles who may be affected by the emergency.

  3. Instruct the General Manager, Emergency Management Department, to advise the Mayor and City Council on the need for extension of this Declaration of Local Emergency as may be required.

  4. Instruct the City Clerk to forward copies of this Resolution to the Governor of the State of California, the Director of the California Office of Emergency Services, and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.


Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(31)21-0054
CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (DE LEON - PRICE - RODRIGUEZ - BLUMENFIELD) relative to establishing a streamlined post entitlement permitting process for expediting supportive and affordable housing projects.


Recommendation for Council action:


INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, in coordination with the Department of City Planning, Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, Department of Public Works, Los Angeles Department of Transportation, and the Los Angeles Fire Department; and, REQUEST the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, to:

  1. Develop an expedited permitting process that establishes a maximum review per submittal time of 15 business days for projects that build the most amount of permanent supportive housing and affordable housing; and, such streamlined process should look at establishing a tiered structure of expediting projects based upon a value and volume system that prioritizes the construction of the largest amount of permanent supportive housing and affordable housing.

  2. Report back with a proposed sliding scale for review times, the technological and staffing resource needs, as well as any potential revenue sources needed to implement this system.

  3. Form a central coordination hub for expediting homeless and affordable housing.

  4. Report to the Council on any ordinance changes needed to implement the proposed expediting process and central coordination hub.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Planning and Land Use Management Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(32)21-0061
CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (DE LEON - BLUMENFIELD - PRICE) relative to developing a limited set of standard plans for modular multi-family homeless and affordable housing, bungalow courts, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INSTRUCT the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering (BOE), in coordination with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS), Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, and the Department of City Planning (DCP), to develop a limited set of standard plans for modular multi-family homeless and affordable housing, bungalow courts, and ADUs; such standards should cover all required disciplines, including but not limited to architectural, structural, grading, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing.

  2. INSTRUCT the BOE to issue a Task Order of Solicitation to their on-call Architectural Design Services list to provide said standard plans within 30 days, and undertake a public engagement process to solicit feedback from stakeholders on architectural design elements that conform to the variety of architectural styles in the City of Los Angeles; and, upon certification by the LADBS and DCP that these plans meet all relevant building and zoning codes, they shall be deemed standard plans applicable for use in the respective zones and parcels, or less restrictive zones and parcels, and shall be posted on the LADBS website and made available to the public at no charge.

  3. INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer to identify the necessary funding for said plans from the Community Development Block Grant - CARES (CDBG-CV) Round 2 or Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Round 2 funds that the City is set to receive.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Planning and Land Use Management Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted as Amended, (15)


ITEM NO.(33)20-0841-S5
CD 3

COMMUNICATION FROM THE MUNICIPAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE (MFC) relative to a lease agreement with the County of Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO) for 6065 Reseda Boulevard. 


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the Department of General Services to execute a new no-cost lease agreement with METRO for 6065 Reseda Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91335, in Council District 3, for a term to begin upon the City Clerk’s attestation of the lease for up to five years for construction of an interim housing facility on this site as part of the Homelessness Roadmap.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The MFC states that there is no anticipated impact to the General Fund at this time. In Fiscal Year 2022-23, the annual cost to operate this site will be $2,971,100. The City portion of this cost after the County Commitment to Roadmap operations will be $1,485,550. Funding for these costs will be considered through the City’s annual budget process, which is subject to Mayor and Council approval.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 


(Homelessness and Poverty Committee and Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment waived consideration of the above matter)


Adopted, (14); Absent: Price
ITEM NO.(34)21-0142
CD 10

MOTION (RIDLEY-THOMAS - BLUMENFIELD) relative to approving a street banner program being coordinated by the United Neighborhoods of Historic Arlington Heights, West Adams and Jefferson Park Communities Neighborhood Council (UNNC) to celebrate this diverse community and to encourage heightened involvement and participation in UNNC activities.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE, in accordance with the Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 62.132, the street banner program being coordinated by the United Neighborhoods of Historic Arlington Heights, West Adams and Jefferson Park Communities Neighborhood Council, as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program for the period of March 2021 to March 2022.

  2. APPROVE the content of the street banner designs, attached to the Motion.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(35)20-0653
CD 10

MOTION (RIDLEY-THOMAS - RAMAN) relative to rescinding consideration of the historical-cultural designation of properties located at 1619 South Van Ness Avenue and 1623 South Van Ness Avenue.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESCIND the Council action of June 17, 2020, relative to initiating consideration of the properties located at 1619 South Van Ness Avenue and 1623 South Van Ness Avenue, as City Historic-Cultural Monuments, as recorded under Council File No. 20-0653, in as much as the historical-cultural designation is no longer necessary.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(36)21-0143
CD 1

MOTION (CEDILLO - RODRIGUEZ) relative to approving a street banner program being coordinated by the Chinatown Business Improvement District to encourage Angelinos, visitors, and resident stakeholders to patronize Chinatown shops and restaurants in the Chinatown community.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE, in accordance with the Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 62.132, the street banner program being coordinated by the Chinatown Business Improvement District, as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program for the period of February 2, 2021 to January 31, 2022.

  2. APPROVE the content of the street banner designs, attached to the Motion.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(37)21-0151
CD 14

MOTION (DE LEON - PRICE) relative to Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) funding for the Downtown Women's Center to provide shelter to women and a hygiene trailer in the Women's Village in Skid Row Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. APPROVE up to $386,750 of HHAP funding from the Skid Row line item for the Downtown Women's Center to provide shelter to 20 women and a hygiene trailer from February 8, 2021 to June 30, 2021 in the Women's Village in Skid Row Area.

  2. INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer and Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to negotiate and finalize the contract amount for the shelter and hygiene trailer as needed.

  3. INSTRUCT the Housing and Community Investment Department to:

    1. Amend the contract with Los Angeles Homeless Services to add $200,250 from the Skid Row line item in HHAP funding to Downtown Women's Center to provide shelter to 20 women in the Women's Village.

    2. Amend the parking covenant agreement with Downtown Women's Center to allow for temporary housing in the parking lot at 501 East 5th Street.

    3. Prepare any additional Controller instructions or make any necessary technical corrections or clarifications consistent with the Mayor and Council action in this matter; and Authorize the Controller to implement these instructions.



Adopted to Continue, (13); Absent: Harris-Dawson
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(38)21-0155
CD 12

MOTION (LEE - RODRIGUEZ) relative to funding to serve the North San Fernando Valley to obtain much needed medical equipment.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ALLOCATE $101,023.00 in the Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Trust Fund No. 699/14 for any aspect of the efforts of the Providence Holy Cross Foundation to assist Providence Holy Cross Medical Center to obtain much needed medical equipment.

  2. DIRECT the City Clerk to prepare and process the necessary document(s) with, and/or payment(s) to Providence Holy Cross Foundation, or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, in the above amount, from the above source, and for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed; and that, if needed, the Council member of the Twelfth District be authorized to execute any such documents on behalf of the City.

  3. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above fund transfer instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(39)20-0152
CD 15

MOTION (BUSCAINO - LEE) relative to approving a street banner program being coordinated by the Los Angeles Harbor Department to beautify the areas near the Port of Los Angeles.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE, in accordance with the Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 62.132, the street banner program being coordinated by the Los Angeles Harbor Department, as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program for the period of March 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022.

  2. APPROVE the content of the street banner design, attached to the Motion.


*Journal correction - Correct council file no. 21-0152

Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(40)19-0290
CD 3

MOTION (BLUMENFIELD - KORETZ) relative to coordinating a street banner campaign to promote the Tarzana Neighborhood Council and encourage participation.


Recommendations for Council action:

  1. APPROVE in accordance with Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 62.132, the Street Banner program being coordinated by the Tarzana Neighborhood Council, as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program for the period of April 3, 2021 to April 3, 2022.

  2. APPROVE the content of the street banner design, attached to the Motion.




Adopted, (15)
ITEM NO.(41)19-0845-S5

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to amendments to the 2018-22 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Units 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16 and 37.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the MOUs, attached to the Council file, for Bargaining Units 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16 and 37. 
  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller and the CAO to correct any clerical errors in the MOUs, or make necessary technical corrections subsequent to City Council approval.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that implementation of these contract extension amendments will result in savings of $56.26 million in direct costs over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and 2020-22.  This includes savings achieved from the deferral of raises as well as two unpaid days to be taken in FY 2020-21.  There is an additional cost of $1.4 million over the term of the contract extension associated with the salary adjustments to address compaction.  The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees does not have any salary adjustments to address compaction in the amended MOUs.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


(Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of above matter)



Adopted, (15)

MOTION (KREKORIAN - O'FARRELL) relative to retaining EverytownLaw and Quinn Emmanuel Urquhart & Sullivan to provide pro bono legal assistance to assist the City Attorney to combat the presence of Ghost Guns in the City.

Evelyn Viveros-Mueller Buscaino - Krekorian
Thomas E. Fields Price - O'Farrell
Jorge Rodriguez Rodriguez - Lee

At the conclusion of this day's Council Session ADJOURNING MOTIONS WERE ADOPTED in tribute to the memory of:
Joe LozanoRodriguez - Martinez - Blumenfield -  All Councilmembers
Nora Baker Tertzag Hampar Rodriguez - Krekorian - All Councilmembers
Armen HamparRodriguez - Krekorian - All Councilmembers
Ed PearlKoretz - All Councilmembers
Joan Sternde Leon - All Councilmembers
Beatrice June Chow Buscaino - All Councilmembers

Ending Roll Call

Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, de Leon, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Raman, Ridley-Thomas, Rodriguez and President Martinez (15)