Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Wednesday, December 2, 2020


(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)


Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, De Leon, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Wesson and President Martinez (15)

Items for which an Opportunity for Public Comment will be Provided, Regardless of Whether a Public Hearing has been Previously Held
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(38)20-1126
CD 3

DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) NO. ENV-2016-3909-EIR, STATE CLEARINGHOUSE (SCH) NO. 2016111027, FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL EIR, ERRATUM, STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (MMP), and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT, relative to an Environmental Appeal for the properties located at 6100 North Topanga Canyon Boulevard, 21800 and 21900 West Erwin Street, 21801, 21821, 21901, and 21931 West Oxnard Street, and 6101 North Owensmouth Avenue.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND, pursuant to Sections 21082.1(c) and 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15163 and 15093, the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Supplemental EIR prepared for this Project, which includes the Draft Supplemental EIR, No. ENV-2016-3909-EIR (SCH No. 2016111027), dated April 26, 2018, Final Supplemental EIR, dated April 5, 2019 (collectively, the Promenade 2035 Project Supplemental EIR), and Erratum, dated May 2020, as well as the whole of the administrative record.

  2. CERTIFY the following:

    1. The Promenade 2035 Project Supplemental EIR has been completed in compliance with the CEQA.

    2. The Promenade 2035 Project Supplemental EIR was presented to the LACPC as a decision-making body of the lead agency.

    3. The Promenade 2035 Project Supplemental EIR reflects the independent judgement and analysis of the lead agency.

  3. ADOPT the following:

    1. The related and prepared Promenade 2035 Project Environmental Findings.

    2. The Statement of Overriding Considerations.

    3. The MMP prepared for the Promenade 2035 Supplemental EIR.

  4. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the LACPC as the Findings of Council.

  5. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Jeff Bornstein (Representative: Jamie T. Hall, Channel Law Group, LLP), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in certifying the Promenade 2035 Project Supplemental EIR, and adopting the Promenade 2035 Project Environmental Findings, the Statement of Overriding Considerations, and the MMP for the Promenade 2035 Supplemental EIR, for the redevelopment of the existing Westfield Promenade Shopping Center located within the Warner Center Specific Plan area on a 34-acre site, after dedication, consisting of the demolition of 641,164 square feet of existing floor area for the construction of a multi-phase, mixed-use development comprised of residential, retail/restaurant, office, hotel and entertainment uses, to include, upon completion, of a total of 3,271,050 square feet of floor area, resulting in a net increase of 2,629,886 square feet of new floor area, including up to 1,432 multi-family residential units, of which five percent of the units proposed in the Northeast A, Northeast B, and Northwest B Phases, shall be Very Low Income Housing Units, and five percent shall be Workforce Housing Units, and approximately 280,000 square feet of retail/restaurant uses, approximately 731,500 square feet of office space, up to 572 hotel rooms within two hotels, and a fully-enclosed Entertainment and Sports Center approximately 181,550 square feet and 10,000 seats in size, or a partial-roof Entertainment and Sports Center approximately 181,550 square feet and 7,500 seats in size, with the proposed uses to be provided in several buildings throughout the Project Site that would range in height from one-story retail and three- to five-story creative office, to a 28-story office tower, and proposing 5,655 parking spaces on-site in a combination of parking structures, subterranean parking, and limited surface parking, and approximately 6.0 acres of ground level, publicly accessible open space, including a central green space and plaza areas, with the removal and/or relocation of eight on-site protected trees, and 90 street trees; for the properties located at 6100 North Topanga Canyon Boulevard, 21800 and 21900 West Erwin Street, 21801, 21821, 21901, and 21931 West Oxnard Street, and 6101 North Owensmouth Avenue.


Applicant:  Westfield Promenade, LLC, and Promenade Buyer, LLC, c/o Larry Green


Representative: Cindy Starrett and Shivaun Cooney, Latham and Watkins


Environmental No. ENV-2016-3909-EIR (Supplemental), SCH No. 2016111027


Related Case No. ZA-2016-3908-MCUP-DI-SPP-DB-1A


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


Adopted, (14); Absent: Cedillo