Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Wednesday, October 14, 2020


(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)

Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Wesson and President Martinez (14); Absent: (0)
Approval of the Minutes
Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(1)14-0371

PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Ms. Teri Stein to the East Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (ELAAPC).


Recommendation for Council action:


RECEIVE and FILE the August 14, 2020 and the August 26, 2020  communications from the Mayor relative to the reappointment of Ms. Teri Stein to the ELAAPC, inasmuch as Ms. Teri Stein has withdrawn from further consideration.  


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(2)16-1229

PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Mr. Raymond Bishop to the South Valley Area Planning Commission (SVAPC).


Recommendation for Council action:


RECEIVE and FILE the August 14, 2020 and September 18, 2020 communications from the Mayor relative to the reappointment of Mr. Raymond Bishop to the SVAPC, inasmuch as Mr. Bishop has withdrawn from further consideration.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(3)20-1033

PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an Ordinance prohibiting, and suspending, any certificate of occupancy for any hotel in the City detaining migrants under the direction of private security companies.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Cedillo - Koretz):


REQUEST that the City Attorney prepare and present an ordinance that would prohibit, and suspend, any certificate of occupancy for any hotel in Los Angeles  which is being used to house and detain migrant children and families under the direction of private security companies.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(4)19-1533
CD 4



Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND, upon review of the entire administrative record, including the SCPE Case No. ENV-2019-1736-SCPE, and all comments received, that:

    1. The proposed Project qualifies as a transit priority project pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21155(b), which by definition means that the proposed Project is consistent with the general use designations, density, building intensity, and applicable policies specified for the project area in the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments pursuant to PRC Section 21155(a); and contains more than 50 percent residential; provides a minimum net density greater than 20 units an acre; and is within one-half mile of a major transit stop or high-quality transit corridor included in a regional transportation plan per PRC Section 21155(b).

    2. That all criteria in 21155.1(a) and (b) are met, including environmental criteria, land use criteria, and at least one criteria (affordable housing) in PRC Section 21155.1(c) is met.

  2. FIND that the proposed Project, located at 623-671 South La Brea Avenue, which involves the construction of an approximately 201,123 square-foot, mixed-use building containing 121 residential units, 125 hotel guestrooms, and 13,037 square feet of commercial/restaurant/retail space, to be constructed with seven residential/hotel levels above one level of ground floor residential and hotel lobbies and commercial uses and two levels of subterranean parking, and providing 192 automobile parking spaces, within two levels of subterranean parking, 108 long-term bicycle parking spaces, 31 short-term bicycle parking spaces, and 10,256 square feet of open space, qualifies as a transit priority project that is declared to be a Sustainable Communities Project and is therefore exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, in accordance with PRC Section 21155.1.


Applicant: Gidi Cohen, La Brea Bliss, LLC / Dana Sayles, Three6ixty


Case No. ZA-2019-1744-CU-MCUP-SPR-TOC; VTT-82618-CN


Environmental No. ENV-2019-1736-SCPE


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the Department of City Planning.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(5)20-0361
CD 5

CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the inclusion of the Sycamore Bungalow Court located at 617 - 623 1/2 North Sycamore Avenue, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. DETERMINE that the proposed designation is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Article 19, Section 15308, Class 8 and Article 19, Section 15331, Class 31 of the State CEQA Guidelines.

  2. DETERMINE that property conforms with the definition of a Monument pursuant to Section 22.171.7 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.

  3. ADOPT the findings of the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC), and include the Sycamore Bungalow Court located at 617 - 623 1/2 North Sycamore Avenue, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.


Applicant: Heather Fox, Historic Preservation Los Angeles


Owners: Alexis S. Hacker and Michael A. Strauss; J. Hacker and A. Hacker Trust


Case No. CHC-2019-7556-HCM


Environmental No. ENV-2019-7557-CE


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the CHC.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(6)20-0851
CD 1

CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Appeal for 1047-1053 South Fedora Street.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. DETERMINE based on the whole of the administrative record, that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15332, Article 19 (Class 32), and there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 applies.

  2. ADOPT THE FINDINGS of the Director of Planning as the FINDINGS of Council.

  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Margarita Lopez and THEREBY SUSTAIN the approval of the environmental clearance, a Categorical Exemption from CEQA, for a Transit Oriented Communities for the construction, use, and maintenance of a new, 75-foot high (at its highest point), six-story plus mezzanine residential building; the project will contain 50 multi-family dwelling units, of the 50 units proposed, five will be set aside for Extremely Low Income Households; the proposed building will encompass approximately 36,309.6 square feet in total building area for an approximate Floor Area Ratio of 4.5:1, providing 36 automobile parking spaces and 49 bicycle stalls within one level of at-grade parking and one level of subterranean parking for the property located at 1047 -1053 South Fedora Street, subject to Conditions of Approval.


Applicant: Joe Englanoff, 1047 Fedora, LLC


Representative: Jared Lanctot, Ferrier Architecture Studio


Case No. DIR-2019-5051-TOC


Environmental No. ENV-2019-5052-CE


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Department of City Planning.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(7)20-1012

PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) to prohibit home-sharing Citywide for dwelling units with more than six habitable rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the health and welfare of the community.


Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Koretz - Ryu - Krekorian):


  1. INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning (DCP), with the assistance of the City Attorney, to prepare and present an ICO to prohibit home-sharing citywide for dwelling units with more than six habitable rooms (excluding kitchens and bathrooms) per home sharing listing transaction and to prohibit valet service, catering service, professional stage and sound equipment, Disk Jockeys, Live Entertainment, event tents, stages, dance floors during home sharing activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and until the Safer at Home orders are lifted, and thereby protect the public safety, health and welfare of the community.

  2. INSTRUCT the DCP that the ICO prohibit continued maintenance of a home-sharing registration of a unit which is the subject of one sustained citation for violation of Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) provisions regarding loud and unruly gatherings (per LAMC 41.58.1).

  3. REQUEST that the City Attorney report back with recommendations on how Property Owners, Lessees, and Property Managers can be held to be equally responsible for any violations of the ICO and for reimbursing the City and County for the full cost of all resulting enforcement and contact tracing related to violations of this Ordinance.

  4. INSTRUCT the DCP that the ICO contain an Urgency Clause, making it effective upon publication, and run for 45 days, with a 10 month and 15 day extension by Council Resolution, and can be further extended for an additional 1 year, or until the adoption of the appropriate zoning/ land use regulatory controls have been prepared by the DCP, adopted by the Council and become effective, whichever occurs first.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(8)20-1098

PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to revising the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance (BMO) and Baseline Hillside Ordinance (BHO).


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Ryu - Bonin):


INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning to:


  1. Close the loophole allowing McMansions in multifamily zones and prepare an update to the BHO and BMO to apply the same restrictions applicable to homes in single family zones to all new and substantially remodeled single family residences in all multi-family zones, and ban construction of a new single family home where two or more units of housing were demolished at the site in the last five years.

  2. Update the BHO and BMO to establish a maximum size for all new single family residences built in the City of Los Angeles.

  3. Report with an analysis of current median sizes of single family housing types Citywide, and how the recommended maximum size for all new single family residences built in the City of Los Angeles will further equity and environmental sustainability.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted as Amended, (14)
ITEM NO.(9)20-1178

AD HOC COMMITTEE ON POLICE REFORM REPORT relative to pending agreements with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health for the Therapeutic Van Pilot Program and the Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services for a Mental Health Services Pilot Program.


Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Wesson - Martinez - Harris-Dawson - Blumenfield - Price - O'Farrell - Rodriguez):


  1. DIRECT the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), with the assistance of the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD), Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), and United Firefighters of Los Angeles (UFLAC) to report in regard to the following pending agreements:

    1. Agreement between the LAFD and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health for the Therapeutic Van Pilot Program.

    2. Agreement between the LAFD, LAPD and Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services for a Mental Health Services Pilot Program.

  2. INSTRUCT the CLA, with the assistance of the LAFD, to report in regard to all pilot programs within the LAFD dealing with the issues of  homelessness, mental health, and substance abuse with said report to include, but not be limited to, the Advanced Provers Response Unit, Alternative Destination Response Unit and the Sobriety Emergency Response Unit.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA have completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(10)20-0769

AD HOC COMMITTEE ON POLICE REFORM REPORT relative to developing an unarmed model of crisis response.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. DIRECT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), with the assistance of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and City Attorney, to develop and issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking one or more non-profit partners to implement a pilot program for mobile crisis response modeled after Oregon's Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets Program, which would enable 911 operators to dispatch contracted service providers and specialists for non-violent calls that may have a social services component in the City including:

    1. Mental health

    2. Substance abuse

    3. Suicide threats

    4. Behavioral distress as well as

    5. Providing conflict resolution and welfare checks.

  2. DIRECT that City departments should consider the following in the development of the RFP as detailed in above Recommendation No. 1:

    1. The size of the City of Los Angeles in population and square mileage.

    2. The number of mental health related calls diverted to the LAPD and Los Angeles Fire Department.

    3. The diversity of the City, including but not limited to:

      1. Racial demographics.

      2. The number of languages spoken.

      3. The number of people living in poverty.

      4. The number of people experiencing homelessness.

      5. Homeless related mental health calls.

      6. Substance abuse related calls

      7. Any other factors that may be relevant to developing this type of program to meet the needs of City residents.

  3. DIRECT the CLA, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to report back in regard to changes to state and local law that may be needed to expand the ability of unarmed civilians to handle certain duties currently handled by sworn officers that do not involve serious criminal activity.

  4. INSTRUCT the Personnel department, with assistance from the CAO, to report with recommendations in regard to creating of a new civilian classification that would be responsible for responding to specified calls for service currently being handled by police officers.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the CLA.  The CAO has not completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  Yes



MacArthur Park Neighborhood Council

Silverlake Neighborhood Council


For, If Amended:

Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council

East Hollywood Neighborhood Council



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(11)20-0991

HEALTH, EDUCATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, PARKS, ARTS, AND RIVER COMMITTEE REPORT relative to what FilmLA can do to push for equity in the film industry including those who are vastly underrepresented.

Recommendation for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Cedillo - Rodriguez):


REQUEST FilmLA to report on the following:

  1. How the City and FilmLA can do more to push for equity for all in the film industry, including Latinos, African-Americans, Asians, and women who are vastly underrepresented throughout the industry.

  2. On the feasibility of using Council District 1, that has a demographic of mostly minorities, to be home to a pilot program for film producing, directing, and writing incubator so that we can train and create the environment to grow even more of our presence.

Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.

Community Impact Statement:  Yes.

For:  Empowerment Congress North Area NDC



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(12)15-1145
CD 15

HEALTH, EDUCATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, PARKS, ARTS, AND RIVER COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an amendment to the Proposition K Grant Agreement No. C-124138, for the Wilmington Boys and Girls Club of the Los Angeles Harbor for the Gymnasium and Multipurpose Outdoor Sports Court project.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the City Engineer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 3 to Proposition K Grant Agreement No. C-124138 to extend the deadline for completion of design and construction for the Wilmington Boys and Girls Club Multipurpose Outdoor Sports Court Project from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2020.

Fiscal Impact Statement:  The L.A. for Kids Steering Committee reports that the recommendation will have no immediate impact on the General Fund.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(13)20-1054

HEALTH, EDUCATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, PARKS, ARTS, AND RIVER COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Rim of the Valley Trails Regional Specified Project.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. ADOPT the map attached to the August 20, 2020, L.A. for Kids Steering Committee report, as the official Rim of the Valley Trails for purposes of effectuating the Rim of the Valley Trails Regional Specified Project under the Proposition K - L.A. for Kids Program (Prop K).

  2. DIRECT the Bureau of Engineering, in consultation with the Department of Recreation and Parks and the Prop K program staff, to work with all of the Council Districts which have portions of their Districts within the official Rim of the Valley Trails area, on potentially eligible projects under the specified line item, and to report to the L.A. for Kids Steering Committee by the end of January 2021 with a prioritized list of potential projects, and preliminary (Class O Rough Order of Magnitude) budget and schedule estimates for those projects, for further Steering Committee and Council consideration.

Fiscal Impact Statement:  The L.A. for Kids Steering Committee reports that the recommendation will have no immediate impact on the General Fund.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(14)20-1091

RULES, ELECTIONS, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the revised Fair Political Practices Commission conflict of interest disclosure requirements.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FILE the City Attorney report dated August 27, 2020 relative to the revised Fair Political Practices Commission conflict of interest disclosure requirements.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(15)20-1010

RULES, ELECTIONS, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to considering new standards to determine when decision makers are required to recuse themselves from participating in official acts, and enhancing the City’s conflict of interest policy.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Ryu - Martinez - et al. - Blumenfield):


REQUEST the Ethics Commission to consider the standards that other agencies in the region apply to determine when decision makers for those agencies are required to recuse themselves from participating in official acts, including the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority recusal model, and make recommendations for the Council to enhance the city’s conflict of interest policy and potentially expand the universe of conflicts that require recusals by City officials.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(16)20-0002-S72

RULES, ELECTIONS, AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to establishing the City’s position regarding any legislation and/or administrative action that would expand Medi-Cal reimbursements for over-the-counter products, such as vitamin and mineral supplements.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Rodriguez - Martinez), SUBJECT TO THE CONCURRENCE OF THE MAYOR:


ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION to include in the City's 2019-20 State Legislative Program, SUPPORT for any legislation and/or administrative action that would expand Medi-Cal reimbursements for over-the-counter products, such as vitamin and mineral supplements.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Chief Legislative Analyst.  The City Administrative Officer has not completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14)
Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)
ITEM NO.(17)20-1218
CD 13



Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND that upon a review of the entire administrative record, including the Environmental Case No. ENV-2020-3753-SCPE, and all comments received, that:

    1. The Proposed Project, located at 1917-2005 1/2 West 3rd Street, which involves demolition and removal of the existing landscaping and pedestrian pathways, and the development of an approximately 106,386 square-foot residential building, 100-percent Priority Housing Project with 136 dwelling units restricted for Low Income Households and one manager’s unit; the project is comprised of a 7-story, 87-foot building, and would provide residential amenity space on the basement level, first and second floors including a community, lounge, fitness room, courtyards and common breezeway; dwelling units are located on the first through seventh levels and there is no provided parking for the project as per the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Guidelines for a Tier 4 project; the project is providing 94 long term and 10 short term bicycle parking stalls, a minimum of 10,708 square fee of usable open space in compliance with the Tier 4 TOC Guidelines including a 1,067 square foot lounge, 984 square foot community room, 1,057 square foot fitness room, outdoor courtyards and second level deck, while also providing 35 trees, qualifies as a transit priority project pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21155(b), which by definition means that the proposed Project is consistent with the general use designations, density, building intensity, and applicable policies specified for the project area in the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments pursuant to PRC Section 21155(a); and contains more than 50 percent residential; provides a minimum net density greater than 20 units an acre; and is within one-half mile of a major transit stop or high-quality transit corridor included in a regional transportation plan per PRC Section 21155(b).

    2. That all criteria in PRC Section 21155.1(a) and (b) are met, including environmental criteria, land use criteria, and at least one criteria (affordable housing) in PRC Section21155.1(c)
  2. DETERMINE that based on the whole of the administrative record, the Project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to PRC, Section 21155.1; FIND the Project is a transit priority project pursuant to PRC Section 21155; FIND the Project is a sustainable communities project that meets all of the requirements of subdivisions (a) and (b) and one of the requirements of subdivision (c) of PRC Section 21155.1.


Applicant: Miramar Development, LP


Representative: Alfred Fraijo, Esq, Sheppard Mullin


Case No. DIR-2020-3752-TOC-SPR-HCA-PHP


Environmental No. ENV-2020-3753-SCPE


Fiscal Impact Statement: No


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Planning and Land Use Management Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (14)
ITEM NO.(18)20-0657

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (HARRIS-DAWSON - BONIN) relative to funding any aspect of the Summer Jazz Concert (Virtual), Holiday Tree Lighting (Virtual), Holiday Toy Drive, Turkey Drive, MLK Freedom Festival (Virtual), and Our Pride (Virtual) events.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. UTILIZE $150,000 in the Council's portion of the Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 to fund any aspect of the following events and in the amounts specified: 

    Summer Jazz Concert (Virtual)   $30,000 
    Holiday Tree Lighting (Virtual)  $40,000
    Holiday Toy Drive  $20,000
    Turkey Drive  $20,000
    MLK Freedom Festival (Virtual)    $30,000
    Our Pride (Virtual)  $10,000

  2. DIRECT the City Clerk to prepare and process the necessary documents and/or payments, directly with the vendor/service provider, and / or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, in the above amounts, for the above purposes, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed; and, AUTHORIZE the City Clerk to execute any such documents on behalf of the City.

  3. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted as Amended, (14)
ITEM NO.(19)20-1006

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (RYU - KREKORIAN) relative to available funding sources to help Los Angeles County close the funding shortfall for the John Anson Ford Theatre Trail Project.


Recommendation for Council action:


INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer to report in 30 days with available funding sources, including but not limited to the City's General Fund, Measure A funds, and appropriate grants, that could be used to help Los Angeles County close the $1 million funding shortfall for the John Anson Ford Theatre Trail Project.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (14)
20-1321MOTION (O'FARRELL - PRICE) relative to the Conflict of Interest Waiver for the law firm of AlvaradoSmith with respect to its representation in the redevelopment of the former Shriners Hospital for Children and in connection with various ongoing eminent domain matters.
17-0769-S6MOTION (MARTINEZ - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to transferring jurisdiction of all matters relating to cannabis to the Planning and Land Use Committee.
20-1326MOTION (RYU - BLUMENFIELD) relative to funding for work related to the 2173 1/2 North Bronson Avenue traffic island.
20-1327MOTION (LEE - KORETZ) relative to a Supplemental Fee Agreement with T-Mobile to expedite review of modifications to the infrastructure applications.
20-1325MOTION (KORETZ - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to funding for tree watering efforts at the Westwood Recreation Center coordinated by the Office of Community Beautification with services to be provided by the Koreatown Youth and Community Center.
20-1319MOTION (RYU - CEDILLO) relative to funding for the Measure M Fund (Speed Hump Program) for construction of speed hump(s) on 8th Street from Ridgely Drive to Hauser Boulevard.
20-1320MOTION (KREKORIAN - O'FARRELL) relative to funding for services in connection with the City's recognition of Peace in Armenia and Artsakh at City Hall on October 14, 2020, including the illumination of City Hall.
Vartan Yegiyan Martinez - O'Farrell 
Domestic Violence Awareness Month        Koretz - Martinez - Blumenfield     
Commander Beverly Lewis Buscaino - Martinez 
Post & Beam Wesson - Harris-Dawson - Price

At the conclusion of this day's Council Session ADJOURNING MOTIONS WERE ADOPTED in tribute to the memory of:
Floyd Black             Wesson - All Councilmembers 
Ron Perranoski Koretz - All Councilmembers 
Jay Johnstone Koretz - All Councilmembers 
Bob Gibson Koretz - All Councilmembers 
Whitey Ford Koretz - All Councilmembers 
Joe Morgan Koretz - All Councilmembers 

Roll Call
Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Wesson and President Martinez (14)