Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)


Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Lee, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Wesson and President Martinez (12); Absent: Buscaino, Huizar and Krekorian (3)

Approval of the Minutes
Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(1)19-1200-S54

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appointment of Ms. Alicia K. Hancock to the Employee Relations Board.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FILE the December 23, 2019 and January 2, 2020 communications from the Mayor relative to the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Alicia K. Hancock to the Employee Relations Board for the term ending September 23, 2021 inasmuch as Ms. Hancock has withdrawn herself from consideration.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(2)20-0032
CD 9

MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND THE LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a General Plan Amendment to the Southeast Los Angeles Community Plan to change the land use designation of the subject property from Limited Industrial to Neighborhood Commercial; and to effectuate a Zone Change from M1-1-CPIO to C2-1-CPIO; and, a Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) Amendment to the Southeast Los Angeles CPIO from Subarea K (Compatible Industrial) to Subarea A (Neighborhood-Serving Corridor) for the construction of a three-story, 45-foot tall, multi-family residential development containing 127 dwelling units (100 percent affordable, exclusive of a market-rate manager's unit, including seven Extremely Low Income units and 119 Low Income units), for a project comprising three buildings totaling approximately 134,492 square feet with a total Floor Area Ratio of 1.0:1, and providing 130 vehicular parking spaces at grade level, 89 long-term bicycle parking spaces, and nine short-term bicycle parking spaces, on a site currently vacant and undeveloped but paved, and that was previously occupied by a food processing and packaging facility which has been demolished, and removing and replacing four existing non-protected on-site trees, involving the net export of approximately 2,000 cubic yards of soil, for the properties located at 4020 South Compton Avenue and 1351-1377 East 41st Street, subject to Conditions of Approval.


Applicant: Parkview Affordable Housing, LP


Representative: Dana Sayles, Three6ixty


Case No. CPC-2019-4649-GPAJ-ZCJ-SPR-CPIO


Environmental No. ENV-2019-4650-MND






(Planning and Land Use Management Committee report to be submitted in Council.  If a public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink or go to: www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.)



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Lee
, Price


ITEM NO.(3)19-1517

HOUSING and BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEES' REPORT relative to amending Contract No. C-130651 with 3Di and Contract No. C-131385 with LCM Architects, Inc.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), or designee, to:

    1. Negotiate and execute a Second Amendment to Contract No. C-131385 with LCM Architects, Inc. for the continued provision of expert accessibility consultant services, to amend the scope to include additional requirements included in the Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, to increase the term by 12 months retroactively from December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020 for a new total term of 36 months, in substantial conformance with the draft document attached to the HCIDLA's report dated November 22, 2019 (report), subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form, availability of funds, and compliance with the City's contracting requirements.

    2. Negotiate and execute a Fourth Amendment to Contract No. C-130651 with 3Di, Inc. for enhancements to the Accessible Housing Program website to meet the requirements of the VCA, and to increase the compensation amount by $822,304 for a revised total of $6,197,252, in substantial conformance with the draft document attached to the HCIDLA report, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form, availability of funds, and compliance with the City's contracting requirements.

    3. Prepare Controller instructions and make any necessary technical adjustments consistent with the Mayor and City Council action on this matter, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO).

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:

    1. Transfer appropriations in the amount of $2,352,103 from the Unappropriated Balance Fund No. 100/58, Account No. 580238, Accessible Housing Program Retrofit Contracts, to the Accessible Housing Fund No. 10D/43 for expert accessibility consultant services and enhancements to the Accessible Housing Program website, to meet the requirements of the VCA, as follows:

      Fund  Acct No. Title Amount
      10D 43S900 Contract Programming - Systems Upgrade $   822,304
      10D 43S844 Technical Services 1,261,215
      10D 43S143 Housing and Community Investment Department 268,584
          Total: $2,352,103

    2. Increase appropriation in the amount of $144,000 in Fund No. 100/43, Account No. 001070, Salaries, As-Needed, and $124,584 in Fund No. 100/43, Account No. 001090, Overtime General.

  3. INSTRUCT the HCIDLA to complete the following actions prior to Mayor and Council approval to execute the proposed Amendments:  1) Complete the Charter Section 1022 Determination process; 2) Ensure contract compliance documentation are submitted and uploaded onto the Business Assistance Virtual Network; 3) Coordinate with the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Contract Administration for the verification of submitted compliance documentation; and 4) Ensure that evidence of the Contractor's insurance coverage meeting the limits deemed appropriate by the CAO's Risk Management Division are submitted through KwikComply.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that there is no impact to the General Fund.  The funding for the proposed contract amendments with LCM Architects and 3Di, Inc. will be provided by the funding available in the Unappropriated Balance for Accessible Housing Program Retrofit Contracts.  The recommendations in the CAO report dated December 11, 2019, comply with City Financial Policies in that funding for the proposed activities is available within the identified funds.

Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Lee
, Price
ITEM NO.(4)11-1544

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the re-exemption of one Director of Cash Management, Office of Finance, from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the re-exemption of one Director of Cash Management for the Office of Finance, from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter, pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the Mayor.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.






Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(5)19-1449

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to proposed microchip donation agreement with the Michaelson Found Animals Foundation, Inc (MFAF).


Recommendation for Council action:


CONCUR with the Board of Animal Services Commissioner's November 12, 2019 action to approve a microchip donation agreement, attached to the Council file, for the provision of 26,000 microchips and 40 microchip scanners to the Department of Animal Services (DAS).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The DAS reports that approval of the agreement with the MFAF will not impact the General Fund. This agreement will provide 26,000 microchips and 40 microchip scanners at no cost to the DAS.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(6)12-1967-S6

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to authorizing the transfer of grant funds from the Animal Welfare Trust Fund to the Animal Sterilization Fund for the reimbursement of sterilization costs.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


APPROVE the transfer of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (ASPCA) grant funds in the amount of $100,415 from the Animal Welfare Trust Fund (AWTF) to the Animal Sterilization Fund (ASF) as reimbursement for sterilization costs associated with ASPCA’s Public Cat Adoption Grant. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Department of Animal Services reports authorization to transfer $100,415 from AWTF- Fund No. 859 to the ASF- Fund No. 842 is required to prevent the General Fund from subsidizing sterilization costs associated with ASPCA’s sponsored cat adoptions.  Failure to grant this authorization will result in a $100,415 impact to the General Fund.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(7)19-1578

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the registration of the City of Los Angeles LGBTQ+ Employees Association (CLEA) as a Qualified Minority Organization pursuant to Employee Relations Resolution No. 1.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Koretz - Bonin):


INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to report in regard to CLEA's request to register as a Qualified Minority Organization pursuant to Employee Relations Resolution No. 1.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the CAO nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)
ITEM NO.(8)19-0900-S121
CD 6

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Hazeltine Avenue and Vanowen Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 5, 2019.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of MARCH 24, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Hazeltine Avenue and Vanowen Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $2,221.66 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  March 18, 2020)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(9)19-0900-S126
CD 7

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Bradley Avenue and Oro Grande Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 12, 2019.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of MARCH 24, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Bradley Avenue and Oro Grande Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $640.63 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  March 18, 2020)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(10)19-0900-S122
CD 7

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Hillhaven Avenue and Valmont Street No. 1 Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 2, 2019.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of MARCH 24, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Hillhaven Avenue and Valmont Street No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $935.52 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  March 18, 2020)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(11)19-0900-S123
CD 4

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Olympic Boulevard and Cochran Avenue Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 5, 2019.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of MARCH 24, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Olympic Boulevard and Cochran Avenue Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $398.99 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  March 18, 2020)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(12)19-0900-S125
CD 2

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Riverside Drive and Radford Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 11, 2019.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of MARCH 24, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Riverside Drive and Radford Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $398.99 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  March 18, 2020)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(13)19-0900-S124
CD 2

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Magnolia Boulevard and Colfax Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 12, 2019.

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of MARCH 24, 2020 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Magnolia Boulevard and Colfax Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $386.41 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2019-20 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date:  March 18, 2020)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(14)

RESOLUTIONS relative to removing various properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program.

Recommendation for Council action:

ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTIONS removing the following properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), inasmuch as the owner(s) have corrected the cited REAP violations and provided proof of compliance with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), Code Enforcement Unit, habitability citations, pursuant to Ordinance 173810, and ADOPT the Findings contained in the HCIDLA's report attached to the Council File:

CD 14

1526 East 1st Street (Case No. 475864) Assessor I.D. No. 5172-004-022



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 14

2711 East Michigan Avenue (Case No. 705592) Assessor I.D. 5180-017-029



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 13

1486 North Silver Lake Boulevard (Case No. 687598) Assessor I.D. No. 5425-022-020



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 14

415 North Mott Street (Case No. 622026) Assessor I.D. No. 5177-033-010



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 9

641 East 41st Place (Case No. 5323 and Case No. 419669) Assessor I.D. 5115-002-019



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 10

1411 South Harvard Boulevard (Case No. 325802) Assessor I.D. No. 5074-005-019



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 9

6106 South Main Street (Case No. 680762) Assessor I.D. No. 6006-010-031



Adopted - FORTHWITH, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 9

156 West 53rd Street (Case No. 689754) Assessor I.D. No. 5101-034-013



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 7

10461 North Ilex Avenue (Case No. 501729) Assessor I.D. No. 2620-027-008



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 9

7832 South Crocker Street (Case No. 686513) Assessor I.D. No. 6022-027-013



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 1

3926 North Homer Street (Case No. 657686) Assessor I.D. 5207-008-009



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
CD 2

5335 North Whitsett Avenue (Case No. 665423) Assessor I.D. No. 2346-013-081



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(15)14-1647-S1

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to a proposed First Amendment to an agreement with AssetWorks, LLC for the licensing, implementing, hosting, and maintaining the Asset Management Software. 


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Department of General Services (GSD), to execute the First Amendment to an Agreement with AssetWorks, LLC (Contract No. C-128432) for software licensing and maintenance, hosting, and other related services for the asset management system project, to extend the term of the Agreement by an additional four years, effective October 17, 2019 through October 16, 2023, for a cumulative term of seven years, and to increase the contract ceiling by $1.7 million for an amount not to exceed $6.2 million, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The CAO reports that funding is provided within the GSD Contractual Services Account for annual hosting and maintenance costs for the existing number of licenses and as-needed drawing services. However, the GSD will have to identify or request for additional funds to purchase additional licenses and modules. The recommendation stated in the CAO report dated November 25, 2019, is in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies inasmuch as the City’s financial obligation is limited to funds budgeted for services rendered according to the City's Standard Provisions.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.






(Information, Technology, and General Services Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(16)19-1191
CD 2

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for Raymer Street easterly of Woodman Place (VAC-E1401371).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate Raymer Street easterly of Woodman Place as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated October 2, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $47,080 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(17)19-1189
CD 4

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for the L-shaped alley northerly of Riverside Drive and westerly of Riverton Avenue (VAC-E1401365).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate the L-shaped alley northerly of Riverside Drive and westerly of Riverton Avenue as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated October 3, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(18)19-1190
CD 1

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for a portion of the easterly side of Alvarado Street located southerly of 12th Street (VAC-E1401372).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate a portion of the easterly side of Alvarado Street located southerly of 12th Street as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated October 2, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(19)19-0837
CD 13

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for a portion of the northwesterly side of Park Drive from approximately 82 feet to approximately 186 feet northeasterly of Duane Street, and a portion of Avon Street from approximately 110 feet to approximately 190 feet northeasterly of Duane Street (VAC-E1401368).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate a portion of the northwesterly side of Park Drive from approximately 82 feet to approximately 186 feet northeasterly of Duane Street, and a portion of Avon Street from approximately 110 feet to approximately 190 feet northeasterly of Duane Street, as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated July 26, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(20)19-0864
CD 11

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for Via Santa Ynez from 356' N/O Donna Ynez Lane to its northerly terminus (VAC-E1401365).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate Via Santa Ynez from 356' N/O Donna Ynez Lane to its northerly terminus as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated July 31, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted to Continue, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(21)13-1202
CD 6

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for an alley southerly of Saticoy Street westerly of Van Nuys Boulevard, Re-application (VAC-E1401213).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate an alley southerly of Saticoy Street westerly of Van Nuys Boulevard as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated September 10, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $32,100 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(22)19-0836
CD 13

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for a portion of the northerly side of Beverly Boulevard from Harvard Boulevard to approximately 100 feet westerly thereof (VAC-E1401367).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INITIATE vacation proceeding to vacate a portion of the northerly side of Beverly Boulevard from Harvard Boulevard to approximately 100 feet westerly thereof as shown on the map attached to the City Engineer report dated July 26, 2019, attached to the Council file, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.

  2. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to:

    1. Investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.

    2. Report to Council relative to the feasibility of vacating the requested area.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(23)19-0007-S27
CD 13

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the installation of the name of IDINA MENZEL on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the installation of the name of IDINA MENZEL at 6225 Hollywood Boulevard.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that there is no General Fund impact. All costs are paid by the permittee.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(24)19-0007-S28
CD 13

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the installation of the name of KRISTEN BELL on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the installation of the name of KRISTEN BELL at 6225 Hollywood Boulevard.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that there is no General Fund impact. All costs are paid by the permittee.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(25)19-0007-S26
CD 13

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the installation of the name of HARRY FRIEDMAN on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the installation of the name of HARRY FRIEDMAN at 6200 Hollywood Boulevard.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that there is no General Fund impact. All costs are paid by the permittee.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(26)20-0038

MOTION (RYU - RODRIGUEZ) relative to hosting a special awards ceremony and reception for Project Restore in the John Ferraro Council Chamber and City Hall Rotunda.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE Project Restore to use the John Ferraro Council Chamber and City Hall Rotunda on January 29, 2020 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., with the understanding that Project Restore will reimburse the City for any costs associated with this activity.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(27)20-0039

MOTION (RYU - RODRIGUEZ) relative to authorizing the Department on Disability (DOD) to accept a donation for the ReelAbilities Film Festival: Los Angeles 2019 event.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the DOD to accept the generous donation to the City of $10,000 from Disney Worldwide Services Inc. for the ReelAbilities Film Festival: Los Angeles 2019; and to deposit such funds into the Disabilities Trust Fund No. 849/65, Account No. 65100N.

  2. AUTHORIZE the DOD to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of the Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(28)13-0199
CD 13

MOTION (O'FARRELL - PRICE) relative to amending Council action of September 17, 2019 authorizing the City Clerk to provide the necessary assistance for the renewal of the East Hollywood Business Improvement District.


Recommendation for Council action:


AMEND the Council action of September 17, 2019 to authorize the City Clerk to negotiate and execute a contract with Edward Henning and Associates for expenses related to the renewal of the East Hollywood Business Improvement District, in lieu of Civitas Advisors, Inc.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(29)20-0040

MOTION (PRICE - O'FARRELL) relative to approval of a payment for City services for the 62nd Grammy Awards sponsored by the National Academy of Recording  Arts and Sciences (NARAS).


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the negotiated payment of $110,000 for City services for the NARAS to hold the 2020 Grammy Awards at the Staples Center.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(30)19-1454

MOTION (BUSCAINO - BONIN) relative to amending Council action of December 11, 2019 relative to the Los Angeles World Airports Letter of Agreement with the City of Inglewood for the release of funds for the Residential Sound Insulation - Grant Implementation Plan.


Recommendation for Council action:


AMEND the Council action of December 11, 2019 to adopt the following recommendations in lieu of Recommendation No. 3 in the Adopted Committee Report with all other aspects of that Action to remain unchanged:


3. Further approve request by said Board to not obtain any easements.


4. Concur with said Board's action on November 21, 2019, by Resolution 26900 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer of Los Angeles World Airports to execute said Letter of Agreement with the City of Inglewood for Residential Sound Insulation - Grant Implementation 15.



Adopted, (11); Absent: Buscaino
, Lee
, Price
, Wesson
ITEM NO.(31)20-0010-S1

MOTION (BLUMENFIELD - RYU) relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the series of bank robberies across the City of Los Angeles beginning on November 22, 2019.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 

  1. PROVIDE an offer of reward in the amount of $15,000 for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for for the series of bank robberies across the City of Los Angeles beginning on November 22, 2019.

  2. FIND that the subject reward complies with the provisions of Chapter 12, Article 1, Division 19, of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.

  3. DIRECT the City Clerk to publish the required notices and/or advertisements to effectuate this reward.



Adopted to Receive and File, (11); Absent: Buscaino
, Lee
, Price
, Wesson
ITEM NO.(32)20-0011-S1
CD 3

MOTION (BLUMENFIELD - BONIN) relative to funding for various street maintenance efforts and services throughout Council District Three coordinated by the Clean Streets Clean Starts program.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $5,000 in the Council District Three portion of the Street Revenue Fund No. 43D/50 to the Board of Public Works Fund No. 100/74, Account No. 3040 (Contractual Services) for various street maintenance efforts and services throughout Council District Three coordinated by the Clean Streets Clean Starts program.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Board of Public Works, Office of Community Beautification to prepare the necessary documents with and/or payments to the Clean Streets Clean Starts program, or any other agency or organization, in the above amount for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Street Services as well as the Department of Public Works Office of Accounting to make any technical corrections or clarification as necessary to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(33)14-0649
CD 15

MOTION (BUSCAINO - RODRIGUEZ) relative to amending the Professional Services Agreement with ASSI Security, Inc. for the re-opening of the Harbor Jail projects.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the Chief of Police, or his designee, to amend the Professional Services Agreement with ASSI Security, Inc. (Contract No. C-124017) to increase the maximum compensation limit from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000, in order to complete the projects included in the 2019-20 Adopted Budget, including the re-opening of the Harbor Jail.



Adopted - FORTHWITH, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(34)20-0010-S2

MOTION (BUSCAINO - RODRIGUEZ) relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the shooting death of Remond Lee on June 16, 2019.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 

  1. PROVIDE an offer of reward in the amount of $50,000 for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the shooting death of Remond Lee on June 16, 2019.

  2. FIND that the subject reward complies with the provisions of Chapter 12, Article 1, Division 19, of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.

  3. DIRECT the City Clerk to publish the required notices and/or advertisements to effectuate this reward.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(35)20-0011-S2
CD 11

MOTION (BONIN - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to funding and accepting a contribution for the McConnell pedestrian walkway project in Council District 11.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ACCEPT $8,000 in contribution from Westchester Golf Course and deposit those funds in the Council District 11 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund No. 43D/50.

  2. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $16,000 in the Council District 11 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund No. 43D/50 to the Street Lighting Fund No. 100/84 as follows: $3,200 to Account No. 001010 (Salaries), $3,200 to Account No. 001090 (Overtime) and $9,600 to Account No. 008780 (Materials) for a project which includes installation of LED Bollards in the McConnell pedestrian walkway between 86th Place and Manchester Avenue to add illumination to the pedestrian walkway for safety and ambiance.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Street Lighting to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections, and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections/clarifications/changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.


Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(36)20-1000

MOTION (MARTINEZ - LEE) relative to establishing regular Council meetings in the Van Nuys City Hall.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESOLVE, pursuant to Council Rule 18, that regular meetings of the Council shall be held in Van Nuys City Hall as follows:


Friday, February 7, 2020 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday, October 2, 2020 
Friday, December 4, 2020 


Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Lee
, Wesson
ITEM NO.(37)20-0051
CD 11

MOTION (BONIN - BUSCAINO) relative to funding for overtime costs associated with Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) services during construction of the Century Trunk Line Unit 1 Project.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. TRANSFER $150,000 from Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Blanket Authority No. 6757-5 (Work Order No. UBC69) to the Transportation Trust Fund No. 840/94, Account No. 2200 (Miscellaneous Deposits) for overtime costs associated with Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) services during construction of the Century Trunk Line Unit 1 Project.

  2. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to transfer the above identified funds on an as needed basis from the Transportation Trust Fund No. 840/94, Account No. 2200 (Miscellaneous) Deposits) to the Transportation Fund No. 100/94, Account No. 001090 (Salaries-Overtime) to pay for overtime costs associated with the above described project and to credit or reimburse the LADWP for any surplus amounts.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above fund transfer instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(38)18-0651-S3
CD 15

MOTION (BUSCAINO - BONIN) relative to funding instructions for A Bridge Home project located at 515 North Beacon Street.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. AUTHORIZE the Controller to transfer and appropriate $1,500,000 to the Capital Improvement Expenditure Program (CIEP) Fund No. 100/54, Account No. 00R678, Bridge Housing - Beacon Street, from the following accounts:

    Fund / Dept  Account Title Amount
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56)  001101 Hiring Hall Construction $550,000
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56) 001121 Benefits Hiring Hall Construction 150,000
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56) 003180 Construction Materials 800,000
        Total: $1,500,000

  2. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to prepare any additional Controller instructions or make any necessary technical adjustments consistent with the Mayor and Council action in this matter; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.

  3. AUTHORIZE the CAO to prepare any additional Controller instructions to reimburse City departments for their accrued labor, material or permit costs related to this project from the Bridge Housing - Beacon Street account within the CIEP Fund No. 100/54 consistent with Mayor and Council action on this matter; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.

Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(39)18-0651-S2
CD 15

MOTION (BUSCAINO - BONIN) relative to funding instructions for A Bridge Home project located at 828 Eubank Avenue.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. AUTHORIZE the Controller to transfer and appropriate $3,630,700 to the Capital Improvement Expenditure Program (CIEP) Fund No. 100/54, Account No. 00S704, Bridge Housing - Eubank Avenue, from the following accounts:

    Fund / Dept  Account Title Amount
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56) 001014 Salaries, Construction Project $339,000
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56) 001101 Hiring Hall Construction 813,000
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56) 001121 Benefits Hiring Hall Construction 534,000
    100/40 Department of General Services (Fund 100/56) 003180  Construction Materials 1,944,700
        Total: $3,630,700

  2. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to prepare any additional Controller instructions or make any necessary technical adjustments consistent with the Mayor and Council action in this matter; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.

  3. AUTHORIZE the CAO to prepare any additional Controller instructions to reimburse City departments for their accrued labor, material or permit costs related to this project from the Bridge Housing - Eubank Avenue account within the CIEP Fund No. 100/54 consistent with Mayor and Council action on this matter; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.

Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(40)20-0064
CD 11

MOTION (BONIN - BUSCAINO) relative to funding the construction of a pet area on site at the A Bridge Home project located at 100 East Sunset Avenue in Council District 11.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the City Engineer to accept a $20,000 grant from the California Community Foundation for the construction of A Bridge Home project located at 100 East Sunset Avenue in Council District 11; to deposit this amount into a new Account in the Capital Improvement Expenditure Program Fund No. 100/54, entitled Bridge Housing - Sunset Avenue; and to further cause that amount to be transferred / appropriated to the General Services Fund No. 100/40 as follows: $5,775 to Account No. 001101 (Hiring Hall Construction), $4,725 to Account No. 001121 (Hiring Hall Benefits), and $9,500 to Account No. 003180 (Construction Materials, Supplies and Services) in order for the Department of General Services to perform the required construction.

  2. AUTHORIZE the City Engineer to negotiate and execute the required Grant Award Agreement and any other necessary documents relative to this grant award on behalf of the City, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering and/or the City Administrative Officer to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.


Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
ITEM NO.(41)20-0065

MOTION (MARTINEZ - WESSON - RODRIGUEZ - PRICE) relative to instructing the Department of City Planning (DCP) to prepare an Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) to prohibit the issuance of any demolition, building, grading, and any other applicable permits to prevent the construction or operation of private detention centers.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. INSTRUCT the DCP, in consultation with the City Attorney, to prepare and process an ICO to prohibit the issuance of any demolition, building, grading, and any other applicable permits to prevent the construction or operation of private detention centers, inclusive of facilities wherein all persons, regardless of their citizenship status, are detained, confined, or under restraint or security pending the resolution of any judicial or administrative proceedings, inclusive of detention facilities for separated or unaccompanied minors, and that are operated by private, nongovernmental entities.

  2. INSTRUCT the DCP to include an Urgency Clause in the ICO, making it effective upon publication, and consistent with California Government Code Section 65858, the ICO shall run for 45 days, with a 10 month and 15 days extension by Council Resolution, and can be further extended for an additional 1 year, or until the adoption of the appropriate land use regulatory controls have been prepared by the DCP, adopted by the Council and become effective, whichever occurs first.

Adopted URGENT FORTHWITH, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Lee
, Wesson
ITEM NO.(42)

FINAL MAPS in the various Council Districts.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the Final Maps and Adopt the City Engineer Reports as detailed in the various listed Council files, including bonds, agreements, contracts and other related issues as specified:

CD 14

FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. No. 2014-2769 located at 454-462 and 506 Commercial Street and 503-511 East Ducommun Street westerly of Garey Street.


Owner: City of Los Angeles; Surveyor: William Rohal


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Subdivider has paid a fee of $8,720 for the processing of this final parcel map pursuant to Section 19.02(B)(3) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. No additional City funds are needed.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted



Adopted, (14); Absent: Buscaino
Closed Session
ITEM NO.(43)19-1601

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Peyman Yadegar, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC663889. (This matter involves an inverse condemnation action against the City arising out of a sewer backup at a residential property located at 122 North Anita Avenue.)


(Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on January 13, 2020)



Adopted in Open Session, (14); Absent: Buscaino


ITEM NO.(44)17-0783

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled William Mears, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al., United States District Court Case Nos. CV15-08441 and CV15-09587; Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal Case No. 18-55847. (This matter arises from an incident involving members of the Los Angeles Police Department on December 24, 2014, after a jury verdict in favor of Plaintiffs.)


(Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on January 13, 2020)



Adopted in Open Session, (14); Absent: Buscaino


ITEM NO.(45)19-1600

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Michael Rodney Williams v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC705515. (This matter involves a vehicle versus pedestrian accident at MacArthur Park.)


(Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on January 13, 2020)



Adopted in Open Session, (14); Absent: Buscaino


ITEM NO.(46)19-1537

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Paul Blumberg v Brian Hewitt, Sam Martin, Brad Foss, City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, et al., United States District Court Case No. CV10-5072. (This matter arises from an incident involving members of the Los Angeles Police Department on October 29, 1997, in Los Angeles, California.)


(Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on January 13, 2020)



Adopted in Open Session, (14); Absent: Buscaino


ITEM NO.(47)19-1538
CD 9

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Nora Bercian v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC649602. (This matter involves a dangerous condition of public property arising out of a trip-and-fall accident that occurred on West 52nd Place in the City of Los Angeles.)


(Budget and Finance Committee considered the above matter in Closed Session on January 13, 2020)



Adopted in Open Session, (14); Absent: Buscaino



MOTION (HUIZAR - BONIN) relative to the funding instructions for the Refresh Spot located at 544 Towne Street.


MOTION (MARTINEZ - KREKORIAN) relative to an offer of reward for information leading to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for a series of bank robberies in the Van Nuys corridor of the City of Los Angeles beginning in late 2018.

Danny TrejoCedillo - Price
Sue Bartlett Krekorian - Martinez
Veronica ConradoHuizar - Lee 
A Day of Prayer and Meditation Huizar - Price 

Ending Roll Call

Blumenfield, Bonin, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Huizar, Koretz, Krekorian, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu and President Martinez (12); Absent: Buscaino, Lee and Wesson (3)