Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Friday, June 28, 2019

(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)

Members Present: Bonin, Buscaino, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Martinez, O'Farrell, Rodriguez, Ryu, Smith and President Wesson (10); Absent: Blumenfield, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, and Price (5)
Approval of the Minutes
Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(1)19-0653

HEALTH, EDUCATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, PARKS, ARTS, AND RIVER COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appointment of Ms. Denise Verret as permanent Director for the Los Angeles Zoo.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESOLVE that the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Denise Verret as permanent Director for the Los Angeles Zoo, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED.


Financial Disclosure Statement: Pending.


Background Check: Pending.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.








Adopted to Receive and File, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(2)14-0090-S1

EXEMPTION, PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a procedure for appeals to the Council from environmental determinations by certain nonelected decisionmakers.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. DETERMINE that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(2) and (3) as it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment; and, that this project is covered by CEQA’s common sense exemption, which provides that, where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA (Guideline section 15061(b)(3)).

  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated May 6, 2019, adding Article 4 to Chapter XIX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to establish a procedure pursuant to Section 21151(c) of the California Public Resources Code for appeals to the Council from environmental determinations by certain nonelected decisionmakers.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted as Amended, Ordinance Over, (11); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
, Smith
ITEM NO.(3)12-1015

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Tax Levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 1 (Pershing Square).


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated June 6, 2019, establishing the FY 2019-20 tax levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 1 (Pershing Square).


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(4)12-1018

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Tax Levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 8 (Legends at Cascades).


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated June 6, 2019, establishing the FY 2019-20 tax levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 8 (Legend at Cascades).


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(5)12-1016

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Tax Levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 3 (Cascades Business Park and Golf Course).


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated June 6, 2019, establishing the FY 2019-20 tax levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 3 (Cascades Business Park and Golf Course).


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(6)12-1017

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Tax Levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 4 (Playa  Vista - Phase 1).


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated June 6, 2019, establishing the FY 2019-20 tax levy for City of Los Angeles Community Facilities District No. 4 (Playa Vista - Phase 1).


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(7)19-0624

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to proposed amended and restated contract with Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. (Cornerstone) to provide access to a Learning Management System for administering employee training.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Personnel Department, or designee, to execute, the Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement, Contract No. C-127047, with Cornerstone to restate the term effective February 11, 2016 through February 10, 2021, and to increase the expenditure authority from $2,151,248 to a total not to exceed $4,178,542,subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.

  2. INSTRUCT the Personnel Department to ensure that Cornerstone submits current documents in compliance with the applicable contracting requirements, and the Bureau of Contract Administration verifies the documents, prior to executing the Agreement.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The City Administrative Officer reports that partial funding is provided by the General Fund, in the Personnel Department's Contractual Services account within line items titled Online training services and Performance management and succession planning software which are budgeted $370,021 and $300,000, respectively, in the 2019-20 Adopted Budget.  The proposed amended and restated agreement includes an expenditure authority that may exceed the Adopted Budget and require the Personnel Department to identify cost savings in other accounts if additional optional services are requested.  As the Agreement is subject to the availability of budgeted funds, approval of the recommendations of this report is in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(8)19-0562
CD 2

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an exception/waiver to the City's one-year street moratorium to permit the installation of an upgraded water meter system at 4304 Farmdale Avenue in Studio City.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Krekorian - O’Farrell):


  1. APPROVE an exception/waiver to the City's one-year street moratorium to permit the installation of an upgraded water meter system from a 3/4 inch to one inch supply line at 4304 Farmdale Avenue in Studio City.

  2. REQUIRE the permittee to properly repair and resurface the cut area, in accordance with the Bureau of Engineering requirements and standards, and upon completion of the work, be inspected by the Bureau of Contract Administration, to maximize the longevity of the street.

  3. REQUIRE the property owner to pay the street damage restoration fee at the one-year and one-day fee schedule.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted Forthwith, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(9)14-0814

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to Contract No. C-116636 with Mercer Human Resources Services, LLC (Mercer) for the administration of the City's Civilian Modified Flexible Benefits (FLEX) Program.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Personnel Department, to negotiate and execute Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to Contract No. C-116636 with Mercer for third party administration of the FLEX Program to extend the contract term by three years for a revised contract term from July 5, 2009 to March 31, 2019.

  2. INSTRUCT the Personnel Department to ensure that Mercer submits:

    1. Current documents in compliance with the applicable contracting requirements including the California Iran Contracting Act of 2010 prior to executing Supplemental Agreement No. 6.

    2. Documents for compliance with the Municipal Lobbying Ordinance and Campaign Finance regulations, including the Bidder Certification CEC Form 50 and Prohibited Contributors CEC Form 55, prior to executing Supplemental Agreement No. 6.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that there is no impact to the General Fund associated with the approval of this Agreement. Funding is provided by the Employee Benefits Trust Fund from appropriations to the Human Resources Benefits Fund provided annually in the Adopted Budget.  The recommendations contained in the May 22, 2019 CAO report, attached to Council file, are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies as budgeted funding has been allocated to fully fund the proposed expenditures.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(10)15-0097

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the exemption of one Assistant General Manager Recreation and Parks (Class Code 9241) position for the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the exemption of one Assistant General Manager Recreation and Parks (Class Code 9241) position for the RAP from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the RAP.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(11)19-0642

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the exemption of one Airports Manager III (Class Code 7260) position for the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the exemption of one Airports Manager III (Class Code 7260) position for the LAWA from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the LAWA.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(12)19-0643

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the exemption of one Director of Airport Safety Services (Class Code 9306) position for the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the exemption of one Director of Airport Safety Services (Class Code 9306) position for the LAWA from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the LAWA.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(13)19-0639

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the exemption of one Convention Center Building Superintendent (Class Code 3330) position for the Los Angeles Department of Convention and Tourism Development (CTD) from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the exemption of one Convention Center Building Superintendent (Class Code 3330) position for the CTD from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b)(4).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the CTD.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(14)19-0641

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the exemption of one Public Safety Risk Manager (Class Code 7976) position for the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the exemption of one  Public Safety Risk Manager (Class Code 7976) position for the LAFD from the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter pursuant to Charter Section 1001(b).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the LAFD.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(15)15-0989

AD HOC ON THE 2028 OLYMPICS AND PARALYMPIC GAMES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the LA 2028 Annual Report for 2019 and the LA 2028 Independent Budget Assessment Report conducted by audit and financial advisory firm KPMG.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. NOTE and FILE the LA 2028 Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 2018, inasmuch as it is submitted for informational purposes only.

  2. NOTE and FILE the independent review of the 2028 Olympics and Paralympic Games budget conducted by KPMG inasmuch as it is submitted for informational purposes only.

  3. DIRECT the City Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), with assistance from the City Attorney and Los Angeles Police Department, to work with LA 2028 and national, State, and local law enforcement agencies to identify and report concerning the timing of the appropriations process and the methods for determining any additional costs of security that might be outside the National Special Security Event designation.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO and CLA report that this action will not impact the General Fund.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(16)19-0637

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Unfreeze Resolution pursuant to Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) Section 4.132.


Recommendation for Council action:


ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION granting the filling of vacated positions for FY 2019-20 except for the positions detailed in number, code, and title in departments, bureaus, and offices as detailed in the Resolution, attached to the Council file, pursuant to LAAC Section 4.132.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the City Administrative Officer.  The Chief Legislative Analyst has not completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(17)19-0457
CD 5

MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND), MITIGATION MEASURES, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (MMP) and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a Waiver of Dedication and Improvement (WDI) appeal for the properties located at 8000-8014 West 3rd Street.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074(b), after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, including the MND, No. ENV-2018-1651-MND, and all comments received, with the imposition of mitigation measures, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment; FIND the MND reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City; and, ADOPT the MND and the MMP prepared for the MND.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the PLUM Committee as the Findings of Council.

  3. RESOLVE TO GRANT THE APPEAL filed by Lili Bosse, 8000 Third Street Properties, LLC and 8008 Third Street Investments, LLC (Representative: Dale Goldsmith, Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac LLP) and THEREBY APPROVE a WDI to waive the otherwise required dedication and sidewalk widening along the subject property's frontage on the south side of 3rd Street for the properties located at 8000-8014 West 3rd Street, subject to Conditions of Approval.


Applicant: Lili Bosse, 8000 Third Street Properties, LLC and 8008 Third Street Investments, LLC


Representative: Dale Goldsmith, Armbruster Goldsmith & Delvac LLP


Case No. CPC-2018-1650-DB-WDI


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Los Angeles City Planning Commission reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.






Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(18)RELATED TO ITEM 19 (19-0397-S1)19-0397
CD 10

CONSIDERATION OF and ACTION RELATED TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND), ERRATUM, MITIGATION MEASURES, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM, and related California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings, report from the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC), and an Appeal filed by Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (Representative: Michael Lozeau, Lozeau Drury LLP) from the determination of the LACPC in adopting MND (No. ENV-2016-3663-MND) and sustaining the determination of the Deputy Advisory Agency to approve a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (No. VTT-74311-CN-2A) composed of one master ground lot and two airspace lots for a maximum of 252 apartment units and 33 commercial condominium units on a 49,763 square-foot lot for the properties located at 3170, 3188 West Olympic Boulevard; 1006, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1020 South Serrano Avenue; and, 1007, 1011, 1015, 1017, 1019, 1021 South Hobart Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval.


Applicant:  Choi Bo Sung, Inc., CBS Property Group LLC


Representative:  Stuart Ahn


Case No. VTT-74311-CN-2A


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.






(Planning and Land Use Management Committee report to be submitted in Council.  If a public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink to go to:  www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.)



Adopted Urgent Forthwith, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(19)RELATED TO ITEM 18 (19-0397)19-0397-S1
CD 10

CONSIDERATION OF and ACTION RELATED TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND) No. ENV-2016-3663-MND and ERRATUM to the MND dated March 1, 2019 and adopted March 14, 2019, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 16164, report from the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC), and Appeal filed by Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (Representative:  Richard Drury, Lozeau Drury, LLP) from the determination of the LACPC in approving the MND and Erratum, and approving the following:


  1. A 35 percent Density Bonus for a project reserving 46 units for Very Low Income Households, for a total of 175 dwelling units, in conjunction with vehicular parking provided pursuant to Assembly Bill (AB) 744, and:

    a. An On-Menu Incentive to use pre-dedication area of any land required to be dedicated for street or alley purposes as tot area for purposes of calculating the maximum density permitted by the underlying zone in which the project is located;

    b. An On-Menu Incentive to average the floor area, density, parking, or open space, and permitted vehicular access from a less restrictive zone to a more restrictive zone;

  2. A Conditional Use for a 60 percent increase in density beyond the maximum 35 percent permitted in Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 12.22 A.25, for a 95 percent density increase over the project site, for 77 dwelling units in addition to the 175 dwelling units, for a total of 252 dwelling units, in lieu of the otherwise permitted base density of 129 dwelling units; and pursuant to LAMC Section 12.24 F:

    a. An increase in permitted Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 1.5:1 to 6.09:1 in the C2-1 Zone and 3:1 in the R4-1 Zone;

    b. A 20 percent decrease in the required width of the front yard on Serrano Avenue in the R4-1 Zone, for a 12-foot front yard setback in lieu of the otherwise required 15 feet pre LAMC Section 12.11 C.1;

    c. A 20 percent decrease in the required width of the front yard on Hobart Boulevard in the R4-1 Zone, for a 12-foot front yard setback in lieu of the otherwise required 15 feet per LAMC Section 12.11 C.1;

    d. A 20 percent decrease in the required width of the southerly side yard in the R4-1 Zone, for an 8-foot side yard setback in lieu of the otherwise required 10 feet per LAMC Section 12.11 C.2;

  3. A Site Plan Review for a development project that creates an increase of 50 or more dwelling units;


for the demolition of an existing one-story commercial retail building, related surface parking, and five residential buildings (a one-story single-family dwelling, a two-story single-family dwelling, and three multi-family rental units that are each one-story) for the construction of a new seven-story (85-foot) mixed-use structure above two levels of subterranean parking garage, that will provide 252 apartment units, of which 46 units are set aside for Very Low Income Households, and 32,100 square feet of commercial retail space, 261 vehicular parking spaces pursuant to AB 744, located at-grade and within two levels of subterranean parking garage, and including 100 long-term and 30 short-term bicycle parking spaces, a maximum FAR of 6.09:1, and the removal of 22 trees on-site and eight street trees (five street trees on Olympic Boulevard, one street tree on Hobart Boulevard, and two street trees on Serrano Avenue); for the properties located at 3170, 3188 Olympic Boulevard, 1006, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1020 South Serrano Avenue, and 1007, 1011, 1015, 1017, 1019, 1021 South Hobart Boulevard, subject to Modified Conditions of Approval and Amended Findings.


Applicant:  Choi Bo Sung, Inc., CBS Property Group LLC


Representative:  Stuart Ahn


Case No. CPC-2016-3662-CU-DB-SPR


Related Case No. VTT-74311-CN-1A


Environmental No. ENV-2016-3663-MND


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.






(Planning and Land Use Management Committee report to be submitted in Council.  If a public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink to go to: www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.)



Adopted Urgent Forthwith, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(20)18-0555-S1

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an agreement with Nossaman LLP to assist City Attorney in providing legal services for Bureau of Sanitation's (BOS) Clean Water Campus Building and Parking Project.


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the contract with Nossaman LLP for three years, not to exceed $850,000, which will be paid for by the BOS special funds in order to assist the City Attorney in providing legal services related to the BOS's Clean Water Campus Building and Parking Project.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(21)18-0555
CD 1

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the recommendations for authorizations related to the Clean Water Campus at 303 North San Fernando Road.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS) and request the City Attorney, with assistance from the City Administrative Officer, the Chief Legislative Analyst, the Bureau of Engineering and other relevant departments (collectively, Clean Water Campus Working Group), to engage with the Goodwill Southern California (Goodwill) to develop a non-binding term sheet with fiscal impact for joint use of the City owned Humboldt site located in Council District 1 at 303 North San Fernando Road (APNs 5447-007-900 and 5447-007-901) and the adjacent Goodwill site (APN 5447-007-009) with the following goals:

    1. Construction of a Clean Water Campus Building on the Humboldt site for the BOS to accommodate at least 169,000 square feet above-grade office space.

    2. Utilization of a portion of the Humboldt site and the adjacent Goodwill site for use by the Goodwill to construct a new building to replace their facility located at 342 North San Fernando Road along with the construction of approximately 800 parking spaces.

    3. Realization of community benefits from the Goodwill's new building and the Goodwill’s intent for revitalization of their vacated facility located at 342 North San Fernando Road to include affordable housing.

    4. Inclusion of community benefits from the new Clean Water Campus Building.      

    5. Set a business inclusion requirement.

  2. INSTRUCT the Clean Water Campus Working group to work with the Goodwill Developer to assess the feasibility of providing up to 200 parking spaces at the Clean Water Campus for the Lincoln Heights Jail Project, subject to funding provided by the Lincoln Heights Jail Project Developer.

  3. INSTRUCT the BOS to provide regular updates to the Municipal Facilities Committee (MFC) during the development and finalization of the above non-binding term sheet between the City and the Goodwill.



Fiscal Impact Statement: The MFC reports that there is no anticipated fiscal impact to the BOS or to the City from proceeding with negotiations with the Goodwill. The costs of consultants and staff to support the Goodwill negotiations are included in the existing BOS approved budgets. The BOS will update the Board of Public Works on the anticipated availability payment from the Goodwill proposal and the BOS budget impact for the partnership in future status reports, once those costs are known.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(22)19-0328
CD 11

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a non-profit lease with the Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE) for a Head Start Child Care Center located at 682 Broadway Street.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the Department of General Services to negotiate and execute a non-profit lease with the PACE for a Head Start Child Care Center located at 682 Broadway Street, for a term of five years, with three five-year renewal options, with a month to month holdover option.  The rental rate is $0 per year on the basis that the value of the community benefit provided ($951,945) exceeds the market value of the leased space ($155,769).


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Municipal Facilities Committee reports that there is no impact on the General Fund, as the cost of operating and maintaining this facility will be funded by the non-profit operator.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(23)18-0301

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES and HEALTH, EDUCATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, PARKS, ARTS, AND RIVER COMMITTEES' REPORTS relative to introducing, expanding and converting already existing hydration stations at parks and municipal facilities to facilitate the use of reusable water bottles and access to clean water.



    Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Rodriguez - Martinez):

    INSTRUCT the Department of General Services (GSD) and Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP), with the assistance of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), to report in 30 days on the following:

    1. Feasibility of introducing and expanding hydration stations at parks and municipal facilities in order to promote the use of reusable water bottles and access to clean water.

    2. Identification of existing water fountains at parks and municipal facilities and the feasibility of converting them to include hydration stations to facilitate the use of reusable water bottles.


    Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Rodriguez - Martinez):

    1. CONCUR with the recommendation of the Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, And River Committee.

    2. INSTRUCT the GSD, RAP, with the assistance of the LADWP, City Administrative Officer (CAO), and Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), to report in 60 days with the following additional information:

      1. The current criteria for site selection and process for installation.

      2. Recommendations for eligible sites at municipal facilities and parks.

      3. Cost estimate of installation, maintenance, and any related costs as it relates to filtration and cooling systems.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of these reports.


Community Impact Statement: Yes



Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(24)19-0581
CD 14

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to restricting the parking of commercial and/or construction vehicles from parking and idling for extended periods of time along Colorado Boulevard and North Figueroa Street.


Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Huizar – Rodriguez):


  1. REQUEST the City Attorney, working with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) and any other appropriate department, to prepare and present an Ordinance to restrict the parking of commercial and/or construction vehicles front parking and idling for extended periods of time.

  2. INSTRUCT the LADOT to install appropriate parking restrictions to address construction vehicles along Colorado Boulevard between Dahlia Drive and Patrician Way and along North Figueroa between Yosemite Drive and Scholl Canyon Road.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(25)19-0610

AD HOC ON THE 2028 OLYMPICS AND PARALYMPIC GAMES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a grant award from the Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the Olympics and Paralympic Games 2028 to support the SwimLA 2019 Program.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


AUTHORIZE the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) to accept a grant award from the Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the Olympics and Paralympic Games 2028 in the amount $1,367,955 to support the SwimLA 2019 Program to expand staff and facility hours and to subsidize swim program scholarships for youth from eligible low-income households.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The RAP reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. It is anticipated that acceptance of the grant award will likely resulting in a possible one-time cost savings to the RAP in its operation of summer swim programs through SwimLA.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(26)19-0567

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the LAwell Civilian Benefits Program for Plan Year (PY) 2020.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the PY 2020 LAwell Program including the employee benefit plans, benefit plan premiums and rates, and program design features embodied therein as detailed in the May 30, 2019 Personnel Department report, attached to the Council file.

  2. DIRECT the Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee, working with its Ad Hoc Plan Design Sub-Committee, to develop options and recommendations in regard to enhancing the dental benefits level to include a possible increase to the maximum benefit level and report back to Council prior to initiating the plan design renewal for PY 2021. 


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the Personnel Department.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(27)19-0583

ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to the approval of the First Amendment to contracts for Electrical Testing and Relay Maintenance Services with ABB Inc., Mastek Inc., and Power Tech Engineers Inc., respectively.


Recommendation for Council action:


CONCUR with the Board of Water and Power Commissioners' (Board) action of May 28, 2019, Resolution No. 019-208 approving First Amendment to Agreement Nos. 47402A, 47402B and 47402C for Electrical Testing and Relay Maintenance Services with ABB Inc., Mastek, Inc., and Power-Tech Engineers, Inc., as follows: 


  1. Extend the contractual term by one additional year from July 5, 2019 to July 4, 2020, with three one-year extension options, for a total term of seven years.

  2. Upon proper certification, the Chief Accounting Employee is authorized and directed to draw demands on the Water and Power Revenue Fund, in accordance with the terms of the Amendment in the subject Board report dated May 30, 2019.  


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that there is no General Fund impact. Approval of the proposed Resolution and contract amendment impacts the Water and Power Revenue Fund. No additional funding is requested at this time. The proposed action complies with the City Financial Policies in that sufficient funding is available for this purpose.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(28)19-0454

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the authority needed for the City of Los Angeles to post No Truck Idling signs and to enforce truck idling parking restrictions.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Buscaino – Koretz):


INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), with the assistance of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, the City Attorney's office, and other departments, as needed, to report with options that would grant the necessary authority to the City of Los Angeles to post No Truck Idling signs and enforce any truck idling parking restrictions, including those that have been posted by the California Air Resources Board.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(29)RELATED TO ITEM 30 (19-0258-S1)19-0258
CD 14

DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR), FINAL EIR (collectively, Fig and 8th Project EIR), FIG AND 8TH PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS, STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (MMP) and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Vesting Tentative Tract Map Appeals for the properties located at 744 South Figueroa Street, 732-756 South Figueroa Street and 829 West 8th Street.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. CERTIFY the following:

    a. The Fig and 8th Project EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

    b. The Fig and 8th Project EIR was presented to the Advisory Agency as a decision-making body of the lead agency.

    c. The Fig and 8th Project EIR reflects the independent judgement and analysis of the lead agency.

  2. ADOPT the following:

    a. The related and prepared Fig and 8th Project EIR Findings, as modified by the PLUM Committee.

    b. The Statement of Overriding Considerations, as modified by the PLUM Committee.

    c. The MMP prepared for the Fig and 8th Project EIR (Exhibit A).

  3. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the PLUM Committee as the Findings of Council.

  4. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (Representative: Nicholas Whipps, Wittwer Parkin LLP); and RESOLVE TO GRANT THE APPEAL filed by MFA 8th and Figueroa LLC (Representative: Donna Tripp, Craig Lawson and Company LLC) and THEREBY APPROVE the modification to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. VTT-74197,  for the merger and re-subdivision of an approximately 50,335 square-foot site to create one master ground lot comprising the entire site for condominium purposes, creating a mixed-use development, consisting of 438 residential condominiums and five commercial condominiums; and a haul route for the export of 95,000 cubic yards of soil; for the properties located at 744 South Figueroa Street, 732-756 South Figueroa Street and 829 West 8th Street, subject to modified Conditions of Approval and Findings, as modified by the PLUM Committee and attached to the Council file.



Applicant: Kenji Yamamoto, MFA 8th Figueroa LLC

Representative: Donna Shen Tripp, Craig Lawson and Company LLC

Case No. VTT-74197-2A

Related Case No. CPC-2016-1950-TDR-SPR-1A

Environmental No. ENV-2016-1951-EIR; SCH No. 2016101076

Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.

Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(30)RELATED TO ITEM 29 (19-0258)19-0258-S1
CD 14

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR), THE FIG AND 8TH PROJECT EIR, and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a Transfer of Floor Area Rights (TFAR) and Appeals for the properties located at 744 South Figueroa Street, 732-756 South Figueroa Street and 829 West 8th Street.

Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND, based on the independent judgement of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, the project was assessed in the Fig and 8th Project EIR, No. ENV-2016-1951-EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 2016101076), certified on January 24, 2019 and pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR, Negative Declaration, or addendum is required for approval of the Project.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the PLUM Committee as the Findings of Council.

  3. APPROVE a TFAR from the Los Angeles Convention Center (Donor Site) located at 1201 South Figueroa Street, for up to 122,480 square-feet to the Project Site (Receiver Site), thereby permitting a maximum 8.43:1 Floor Area Rights (FAR) in lieu of the otherwise permitted maximum 6:1 FAR, and Public Benefits Payment, for the demolition of an existing surface parking lot for the construction of a new 41-story, 530-foot tall, mixed-use development consisting of 438 residential condominiums and approximately 7,493 square feet of ground floor commercial retail and restaurant uses, providing 505 automobile parking spaces within four subterranean, and three above-grade parking levels, with the new building containing approximately 424,490 square feet of floor area for a Floor Area Ratio of 8.43:1; for the properties located at 744 South Figueroa Street, 732-756 South Figueroa Street and 829 West 8th Street, subject to modified Conditions of Approval and Findings, and as modified by the PLUM Committee.

  4. INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst to convene the Public Benefit Trust Fund Committee within six month of the receipt of the Public Benefit Payment by the Public Benefit Trust Fund.

  5. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (Representative: Nicholas Whipps, Wittwer Parkin LLP); and RESOLVE TO GRANT THE APPEAL filed by MFA 8th and Figueroa LLC (Representative: Donna Tripp, Craig Lawson and Company LLC), and THEREBY APPROVE the modification to the Site Plan Review for a project which results in 50 or more residential units, as modified by the PLUM Committee.



Applicant: Kenji Yamamoto, MFA 8th Figueroa LLC

Representative: Donna Shen Tripp, Craig Lawson and Company LLC

Case No. CPC-2016-1950-TDR-SPR-1A

Related Case No. VTT-74197-2A

Environmental No. ENV-2016-1951-EIR; SCH No. 2016101076

Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Los Angeles City Planning Commission reports that there is no General Fund Impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.

Community Impact Statement
: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(31)19-0008-S20
CD 3

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along segments of Variel Avenue and Erwin Street.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Blumenfield - Buscaino):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along Variel Avenue between Victory Boulevard and Erwin Street, and Erwin Street between De Soto and Canoga Avenues.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(32)19-0008-S21
CD 12

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along segments of Devonshire Street and Wilbur Avenue.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Smith - Rodriguez):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along Devonshire Street between Mason and Lurline Avenues, and Wilbur Avenue between Nordhoff and Rayen Streets.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(33)19-0008-S22
CD 15

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along segments of South Figueroa Street, Frampton Avenue, and Belle Porte Avenue.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Buscaino - Ryu):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along South Figueroa Street between West Redondo Beach Boulevard and West Victoria Street, Frampton Avenue between Anaheim and 251st Streets, and Belle Porte Avenue between 251st and 260th Streets.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(34)19-0008-S23
CD 15

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along various street segments in the Wilmington community.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Buscaino - Ryu):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along North Blinn Avenue between Pacific Coast Highway and East L Street, Coil Avenue between Pacific Coast Highway and Mahar Avenue, Drumm Avenue between Blinn Avenue and East L Street, Watson Avenue between East Sandison and Anaheim Streets, North Pioneer Avenue between East Young and Denni Streets, Denni Street between Lecouvreur Avenue and Alameda Street, McFarland Avenue between East L and East Anaheim Streets, Dominguez Avenue between East Opp and East Anaheim Streets, Sanford Avenue between East Sandison and East Anaheim Streets, Mahar Avenue between East Sandison and East Anaheim Streets, East Opp Street between McFarland and North Blinn Avenues, North Avalon Boulevard between East L Street and West Harry Bridges Boulevard, West R Street between North Marine and North Neptune Avenues, East Q Street between Eubank Avenue and South Figueroa Street, Pacific Coast Highway between Sanford Avenue and North Blinn Avenue, North Blinn Avenue between Pacific Coast Highway and East Opp Street, and East Opp Street between North Blinn and Sanford Avenues.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(35)19-0008-S24
CD 6

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along a segment of Raymer Street.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Martinez – O'Farrell):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along both sides of 15235 Raymer Street westerly to the end of the cul-de-sac.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(36)19-0008-S25
CD 10

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along a segment of Washington Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Wesson - Bonin):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along the south side of Washington Boulevard between South Redondo Beach and Hauser Boulevards.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(37)19-0008-S26
CD 10

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along a segment of Sawyer Street.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Wesson - Bonin):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along Sawyer Street between Venice Boulevard and South Fairfax Avenue.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(38)19-0008-S27
CD 12

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along segments of Kingsbury and Rinaldi Streets.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Smith - Buscaino):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along the north side of Kingsbury Street between Genesta Avenue and Balboa Boulevard and the north side of Rinaldi Street between Midwood Drive and Blucher Avenue.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(39)19-0008-S28
CD 8

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along segments of West Gage Avenue and West Manchester Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Harris-Dawson - Blumenfield):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along West Gage Avenue between South Wilton Place and South Western Avenue and West Manchester Boulevard between South Western Avenue and South Gramercy Place.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(40)19-0008-S29
CD 11

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along a segment of Milton Street.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Bonin - Martinez):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along Milton Street between Centinela Avenue and the cul-de-sac end at Milton Street.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(41)19-0008-S30
CD 11

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing oversize vehicle parking restrictions along a segment of Jefferson Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Bonin - Martinez):


  1. RESOLVE, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.69.4 and California Vehicle Code Section 22507, to hereby prohibit the parking of vehicles that are in excess of 22 feet in length or over seven feet in height, during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., along Jefferson Boulevard between Centinela and Mesmer Avenues.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), upon approval of this action, to post signs giving notice of a Tow Away, No Parking restriction for oversize vehicles within the specific hours detailed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(42)19-0586

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION and PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEES’ REPORTS relative to the Innovation and Performance Commission Innovation Fund funding for the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) City Idea Hub Project.



    Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

    1. ESTABLISH and APPROPRIATE a new appropriation account entitled DONE - City Idea Hub in the amount of $150,000 within the Innovation Fund No. 105/10 from the available cash balance of the Innovation Fund.

    2. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to place on the agenda for the first regular meeting on or after July 1, 2019, the following item:

      Transfer $150,000 from the Innovation Fund No. 105/10, Account to be Established, DONE - City Idea Hub Pilot to Fund No. 100/47 as follows:

      Fund  Account  Title   Amount
      100/47  3040  Contractual Services   $100,000
      100/47  1010  Salaries, General   50,000
           Total:  $150,000
    3. RESOLVE that one position of Project Assistant (Class Code No. 1542) within the DONE is APPROVED and CONFIRMED for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, subject to the allocation by the Board of Civil Service Commissioners.

    4. INSTRUCT the DONE to:

      1. Separately track all encumbrances and expenditures of Innovation Fund monies so that unspent funds can be returned to the Innovation Fund at the end of the Fiscal Year.

      2. b.Report to the Innovation and Performance Commission with an accounting of the funds, the lessons learned, and any obstacles faced.

      3. Report to the Innovation and Performance Commission if, after the receipt of funds, the scope of the funded item differs from the scope approved for funding by the Mayor and the Council.

    5. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to make technical corrections as necessary to those transactions included in the June 3, 2019 CAO report, attached to the Council file, to implement Mayor and Council intentions.

    6. Separately track all encumbrances and expenditures of Innovation Fund monies so that unspent funds can be returned to the Innovation Fund at the end of the Fiscal Year.


    Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

    1. CONCUR with the recommendations of the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee.

    2. INSTRUCT the DONE, with assistance from the Information Technology Agency, to report on the outcome of the pilot after the pilot’s completion.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations above, will allocate $150,000 of the remaining $803,234 Innovation Fund 2018-19 available balance. The $150,000 will be transferred to the DONE to begin implementation of the pilot project that has been approved by the Innovation and Performance Commission. In some cases, departments will incur ongoing costs.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(43)19-0578

COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT and CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER relative to proposed contracts with AG Pacific Construction and Development Corporation, Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment and the Watts Labor Community Action Committee to provide services in connection with the Handyworker Program.


(Housing Committee report to be submitted in Council.  If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink or go to www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.)



Adopted Forthwith, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
, Rodriguez
, Smith
ITEM NO.(44)14-1499-S4

ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE and PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEES' REPORTS relative to the City’s current illegal dumping fine level and enforcement practices.



    Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Harris-Dawson - Koretz):

    1. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS), and departments associated with the Clean Streets LA Program, to report in 45 days on the City's current illegal dumping fine level and enforcement practices and provide effective approaches to modify these practices to reduce illegal dumping.

    2. INSTRUCT the BOS, as part of this review, to assess existing State law and Los Angeles County provisions regarding illegal dumping to reinforce the City's illegal dumping fine and enforcement practices.

    3. INSTRUCT the BOS to report on the feasibility of creating a reward program, supported by collected fines, for City residents to report illegal dumping activities.


    Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Harris-Dawson - Koretz):

    1. CONCUR with the recommendation of the Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee.

    2. INSTRUCT the BOS to report on streamlining and expediting the installation of illegal dumping cameras.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of these reports.


Community Impact Statement: Yes.



Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(45)19-0373

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to developing long-range plans for the Pavement Preservation Program.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - Huizar):


INSTRUCT the Bureau of Street Services to report on the following:


  1. The progress of efforts to develop long-range plans for the Pavement Preservation Program.

  2. How long-range planning will be utilized to mitigate conflicts with planned street work.

  3. An update on outstanding conflicts and efforts to resolve all outstanding holds.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(46)18-0204

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEES' REPORTS relative to the City Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Program of the United States Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) Financial Assistance Award.



    Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


    1. APPROVE the draft Administrative Plan for the EDA RLF Program, Financial Assistance Award No. 07-57-03106 (Attachment 2 of the City Administrative Officer (CAO) report dated May 31, 2019, attached to the Council file) as amended with the revisions described on Page 7 of said CAO report.

    2. INSTRUCT the Interim General Manager, Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD), or designee, to:

      1. Revise the RLF Administrative Plan (Attachment 2 of said CAO report) as noted in Recommendation No. 1 above.

      2. Submit the revised RLF Administrative Plan to the EDA for final approval.

      3. Report to the Council and Mayor on an annual basis regarding the status of the EDA RLF Program, including but not limited to, the status of the loan portfolio and capital base, funded projects, and information regarding related activities.

      4. Make technical corrections as necessary to transactions included in said CAO report to implement Mayor and Council intentions, subject to the approval of the CAO.

    3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to transfer $1,200,000 from the Unappropriated Balance (UB) Fund No. 100/58, Account No. 580237, U.S. Economic Development Administration Grant Obligation, to EWDD’s Los Angeles City Industrial-Commercial Revolving Loan Fund No. 58J, Account No. 22RXXX, titled City of Los Angeles Revolving Loan Fund.

    4. INSTRUCT the EWDD to report in three months with an update of the program, projects being funded, and outreach efforts.

    1. CONCUR with the Economic Development Committee report dated June 11, 2019.

    2. INSTRUCT the EWDD to report to Council every 6 months with the metrics for success, rates of the lone-loss, and program expectations regarding the Program.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that there is no additional impact to the General Fund in the current Fiscal Year (FY). The recommendations above comply with City Financial Policies in that funds in the amount of $1.2 million have been budgeted in the Adopted FY 2018-19 UB for the outstanding City obligation for the EDA RLF grants. Funding for this item in the amount of $1,302,978 has been included in the Adopted FY 2019-20 UB.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(47)19-0372

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an analysis of MyLA311 pothole service requests and mitigation plan for the top locations experiencing recurrent potholes.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - Buscaino):


INSTRUCT the Bureau of Street Services (BSS) to report on the following:


  1. An analysis of MyLA311 pothole service requests over the last three years and identification of the Top 10 locations in each Council District experiencing recurrent potholes.

  2. A plan to mitigate the issues at the identified locations.

  3. The BSS’s efforts to incorporate an assessment of MyLA311 datasets into the annual development of the Pavement Preservation Program.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(48)19-0530
CD 15

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the feasibility of improving F Street between Sanford Avenue and Pioneer Avenue.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Buscaino - Bonin):


  1. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to investigate the feasibility of improving F Street between Sanford Avenue and Pioneer Avenue.

  2. INSTRUCT the BOE, with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer (CAO), to report with a cost estimate and funding recommendations, including the creation of an assessment district.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(49)19-0653

COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the appointment of Ms. Denise Verret as the Director of the Zoo Department.






(Health, Education, Neighborhoods, Parks, Arts, and River Committee report to be submitted in Council. If a public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink or go to: http://www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.)



Adopted, (12); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(50)19-0202
CD 9

PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the re-appropriation of monies from the Transfer of Floor Area Rights (TFAR) Public Benefit Payment Trust Fund (Trust Fund) previously allocated to Council District Nine.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. APPROVE the Casa de Rosas Job Training and Outreach Programs ($1,000,000), La Opinion Job Training and Outreach Program ($1,000,000), and Public Arts Funding ($250,000) as listed in Attachment A:  Proposed Alternative TFAR Projects - Council District Nine, of the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) report dated June 14, 2019, for a combined total amount of $2,250,000 from the TFAR Trust Fund.

  2. INSTRUCT the CLA, with the assistance of the Department of City Planning, to report to Council with the above recommendation on the funding of these projects/programs from the TFAR Trust Fund.

  3. AUTHORIZE the CLA to prepare and submit instructions to the Controller to facilitate the funding of these projects/programs from the TFAR Trust fund.

  4. AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement the instructions of the CLA consistent with the recommendations in the CLA report to allocate and expend funds for these projects/programs.

  5. AUTHORIZE and INSTRUCT all City Departments that receive TFAR Trust Funds to negotiate and execute any contracts necessary to implement the projects/programs, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, and done in consultation with Council District Nine.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has provided a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.



Adopted Forthwith, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(51)14-1499-S7, 14-1499-S8, 19-0600-S89, 19-0600-S156, 19-0609
14-1499-S7, 14-1499-S8, 19-0600-S89, 19-0600-S156, 19-0609

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF SANITATION relative to the deployment plan for Homeless Outreach and Proactive Engagement (HOPE)/Clean Street Los Angeles (CSLA) Teams, Designated Livability Teams and supervisors.


(Homelessness and Poverty, Personnel and Animal Welfare, and Budget and Finance Committees waived consideration of the above matter.)


(Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice Committee report to be submitted in Council.  If a public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)


(Click on the above hyperlink to go to: www.lacouncilfile.com for background documents.)



Adopted as Amended, (11); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
, Smith
Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)
ITEM NO.(52)19-0688

MOTION (BUSCAINO - PRICE for WESSON - ET. AL) relative to asserting jurisdiction over the Board of Harbor Commissioners action on June 20, 2019, regarding denying an appeal on Coastal Development Permit No. 18-25, thereby authorizing the installation of landside infrastructure necessary to operate automated, driverless trucks at APM Terminals on Pier 400 at the Port of Los Angeles.


Recommendations for Council action:

  1. ASSERT jurisdiction, pursuant to Charter Section 245, over the Board of Harbor Commissioners action on June 20, 2019, relative to denying an appeal on Coastal Development Permit No. 18-25.

  2. VETO the action of the Board of Harbor Commissioners and REMAND the matter back to the Board of Harbor Commissioners.  


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.  







Adopted, (12); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price


19-0011-S4MOTION (BONIN - KORETZ) relative to funding for various street and neighborhood cleanup and maintenance services throughout Council District Eleven coordinated by the Los Angeles Conservation Corps.
19-0741MOTION (WESSON - RYU) relative to funding for services in connection with the Mayor's special recognition of the Alzheimer's Association convention on July 14, 2019.
19-0002-S132RESOLUTION (BUSCAINO - BONIN - WESSON - KORETZ - MARTINEZ) relative to establishing the City's position regarding Assembly Bill (AB) 1321 (Gipson), which would authorize the State Lands Commission to approve the use of automated technology at coastal ports if the automation will provide a safe working environment and not cause critical damage to the state economy or to the surrounding local communities.
19-0360-S2MOTION (WESSON - MARTINEZ) relative to negotiating and executing an agreement with the California Community Foundation (CCF) for the purpose of conducting early outreach efforts for the 2020 Census.
19-0742MOTION (WESSON - CEDILLO - MARTINEZ - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to amending the City's zoning code to prohibit the construction and operation of private detention centers in the City of Los Angeles.
14-1174-S37MOTION (WESSON - RYU) relative to the use of taxable and tax-exempt CRA/LA Excess Bond Proceeds for capital improvement costs related to the Pio Pico Library Park Project in the Wilshire Center/Koreatown Redevelopment Project Area.
14-1174-S87MOTION (WESSON - RYU) relative to rescinding prior Council actions of June 20, 2017 and June 5, 2018 regarding the Korean American National Museum and the Pio Pico Library Pocket Park Project.
14-1174-S85MOTION (WESSON - RYU) relative to the use of taxable and tax-exempt CRA/LA Excess Bond Proceeds for the Koreatown Gateway and Koreatown Madang Linear Park Projects (Projects).
At the conclusion of this day's Council Session ADJOURNING MOTIONS WERE ADOPTED in tribute to the memory of:
Mauricia Miranda Flores      Cedillo - Ryu - All Councilmembers 
Edward Hunt O'Farrell - All Councilmembers 

Roll Call
Members Present: Bonin, Buscaino, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Huizar, Koretz, Martinez, O'Farrell, Ryu and President Wesson (10); Absent: Blumenfield, Krekorian, Price, Rodriguez and Smith (5)

Los Angeles City Council Agenda, Continuation Agenda - REVISED
Friday, June 28, 2019


Items Noticed for Public Hearing - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED
ITEM NO.(53)11-0046
CD 2

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF BALLOT TABULATION and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishment of the North Hollywood Transit Business Improvement District (District), pursuant to Section 53753 of the California Government Code, Section 36600 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code and Article XIII D of the California Constitution.


Recommendations for Council action, if the tabulation of ballots indicates majority support, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated May 28, 2019, establishing the North Hollywood Transit Business Improvement District and confirming the assessments to be levied upon properties within the District, as described in the Management District Plan.

  2. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk, subject to approval of the City Attorney, to prepare, execute and administer an operating agreement between the City and a non-profit corporation for the administration of the District's programs.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Clerk reports that direct costs associated with department administrative expenses will be charged to the District and will be recovered from assessments collected.


(Pursuant to Council action on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 and adoption of Ordinance No. 186096 on April 30, 2019.)




Adopted Ordinance Over, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Krekorian
, Price
, Rodriguez
, Smith
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(54)19-0580

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Los Angeles County programs that impact homelessness in the City, and discussion of the 2019 Point-in-Time Count of homeless individuals and policy and funding recommendations.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (O'Farrell -Krekorian):

  1. REQUEST the Executive Director, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to report to Council to address new solutions for homelessness in consideration of the 2019 Point-In-Time Count of homeless individuals, and include policy guidance and recommendations on the following:

    1. Efforts to address mid and low acuity level homeless individuals, including but not limited to college students.

    2. Policies to prevent people from becoming chronically homeless.

    3. Expanding City/County/LAHSA Prevention and Diversion efforts.

    4. How to effectively and efficiently target the funding in the Governor's Revised Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget, proposed for Cities, Counties, and Continuums of Care in light of the 2019 Homeless Count results.

    5. How the 2019 Count results impact LAHSA' s Strategic Plan currently in development.

  2. REQUEST the Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County, and Director, County's Homeless Initiative, to report to Council relative to County programs that impact homelessness in Los Angeles, as well as Measure H funding recommendations based on LAHSA's 2019 Point-In-Count.

Fiscal Impact Statement:  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(55)15-1138-S33

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to submission of the City's Plan to Address the Shelter Crisis to the State of California.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer to submit the City's Plan to Address the Shelter Crisis, pursuant to Government Code Section 8698.4, to the State of California by July 1, 2019.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  None submitted by the Homeless Strategy Committee. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  Yes.


For:  East Hollywood Neighborhood Council



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(56)15-1138-S39

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Comprehensive Homeless Strategy Quarterly Performance Report for the third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FILE the June 14, 2019 Homeless Strategy Committee transmittal relative to the Comprehensive Homeless Strategy Quarterly Performance Report for the third quarter of FY 2018-19.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(57)17-0090

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Quarterly Report for Fiscal Years (FY) 2017-18 and 2018-19 Proposition HHH Bond Issuances (January 1 - March 31, 2019).


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FILE the June 11, 2019 Proposition HHH Administrative Oversight Committee transmittal relative to the Quarterly Report for FYs 2017-18 and 2018-19 Proposition HHH Bond Issuances (January 1 - March 31, 2019).


Fiscal Impact Statement:  Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(58)14-1174-S46
CD 14

CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to utilizing CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the Budd Weiner Park Improvements Project (Project) within the Monterey Hills Redevelopment Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. DETERMINE that the Project consisting of installation of park amenities is categorically exempt from provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Sections 15301(c), 15304(b), 15304(f), and 15311. The Project is also exempt under the City CEQA Guidelines Article III, Sections 1(a)(3), 1(d)(3), 1(d)(12), and 1(k)(6).

  2. APPROVE up to $42,316 in taxable CRA/LA EBP plus all earned interest available to Council District 14 from the Monterey Hills Redevelopment Project Area to be utilized for the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) to be the implementing department for activities related to the Project.

  4. AUTHORIZE the Board of Recreation and Parks Commissioners to negotiate and execute contracting documents as required with duly procured contractor(s) to effectuate the Project no later than September 30, 2019.

  5. INSTRUCT the RAP to transmit copies of all executed contract(s) under the Project to Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD).

  6. INSTRUCT the RAP to file a CEQA Notice of Exemption with the City Clerk and Los Angeles County Clerk upon Council approval.

  7. INSTRUCT the RAP to expend the CRA/LA EBP appropriation no later than September 30, 2024.

  8. INSTRUCT the RAP to report on its work accomplishments to the City Administrative Officer (CAO), and fund expenditures to the EWDD on a quarterly and as-needed basis.

  9. AUTHORIZE the Controller, subject to the availability of funds and a duly executed and encumbered contract(s), to expend up to $42,316 plus Interest from the CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9IT, Monterey Hills Taxable Series 2002-D, for activities related to the Project upon presentation of proper documentation from the RAP and satisfactory review by the EWDD in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Expenditure Agreement.

  10. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, EWDD, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price
ITEM NO.(59)14-1174-S68
CD 14

CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to utilizing CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the Sixth Street Viaduct Park, Arts, River and Connectivity Improvement Project (Project) within the Adelante Eastside Redevelopment Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND that the action of appropriating and withholding expenditure of funds for the Project, pending the completion, review and consideration of planning and environmental documents related to the Project, is not a project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) because it merely creates a funding mechanism or other government fiscal activity that does not commit the City to a project that may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment, and that preparing preliminary planning and environmental documents is not a project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) because it is an administrative activity that will not result in physical changes in the environment.

  2. APPROVE up to $607,074 in taxable, and $473,854 in tax-exempt in CRA/LA EBP for a combined total of $1,080,928 plus earned interest available to Council District 14 from the Adelante Eastside Redevelopment Project Area be utilized for the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to be the implementing department.

  4. AUTHORIZE the BOE to effectuate the Project including, but not limited to, the initiation and issuance of a Task Order Solicitation (TOS) from its list of Pre-Qualified On-Call Consultants, and select the necessary design consultant as needed to undertake all Project related activities.

  5. REQUEST the Board of Public Works to approve, negotiate and execute contracting documents with duly procured contractor(s) as required to effectuate the Project.

  6. INSTRUCT the BOE to report on its work progress to the City Administrative Officer (CAO), and funds expended to the Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD), on a quarterly and as-needed basis.

  7. AUTHORIZE the Controller, subject to the availability of funds, to expend up to $607,074 plus interest from the EBP Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9AT, Adelante Eastside Taxable series 2005-B and 2007-C; and, up to $473,854 plus Interest from Account No. 22L9AN, Adelante Eastside Tax-Exempt Series 2009-D, for activities related to the Project upon presentation of proper documentation by the BOE, and satisfactory review and approval of the EWDD in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Expenditure Agreement.

  8. AUTHORIZE the BOE to perform limited preliminary planning as may be necessary to conduct the environmental review for the Project from the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project.

  9. INSTRUCT the BOE to withhold expending, or committing to expend, any of the remainder of the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project until all of the following have occurred:

    1. The BOE has completed the preliminary planning documents and environmental review documents.

    2. The City has complied with the requirements of the CEQA with respect to the Project, including obtaining any necessary CEQA clearances.

    3. The Board of Public Works has considered and approved the Project for expenditure of the remaining funds.

  10. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, EWDD, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Blumenfield
, Cedillo
, Huizar
, Krekorian
, Price