Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

(For further details see Official Council Files)

(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)


Members Present: Blumenfield, Bonin, Koretz, Martinez, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Smith and President Wesson (10); Absent: Buscaino, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Huizar and Krekorian (5)

Approval of the Minutes
Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council
Items Noticed for Public Hearing - PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED
ITEM NO.(1)11-0046
CD 2

HEARING OF PROTESTS relative to the establishment of the North Hollywood Transit Business Improvement District, pursuant to Section 53753 of the California Government Code, Section 36600 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code and Article XIII D of the California Constitution.


(Pursuant to Council adoption of Ordinance No. 186096 on April 30, 2019. Public announcement of the tabulation of ballots is on Wednesday, June 26, 2019.)



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(2)17-0962
CD 2

CONSIDERATION OF PROTESTS, CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the vacation of a portion of southwesterly side of Ventura Boulevard from approximately 190 feet to 312 feet westerly of Whitsett Avenue, VAC-E1401317 (Vacation).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. CONSIDER protests relative to the proposed Vacation.

  2. FIND that the Vacation is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, pursuant to Article III, Class 5(3) of the City's Environmental Guidelines.

  3. FIND that the street vacation proceedings pursuant to the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law be instituted for the vacation of the public right-of way indicated below and shown on the map of the April 12, 2019 City Engineer report, attached to the Council file:

    1. A portion of southwesterly side of Ventura Boulevard from approximately 190 feet to 312 feet westerly of Whitsett Avenue, adjoining Lots 8 and 9, Tract No. 5896, in excess of a 105-foot right-of-way from the existing northerly right-of-way line of Ventura Boulevard.

    2. A 6-foot walk, from Ventura Boulevard to 70 feet southwesterly thereof, adjacent to Lot 8, Tract No. 5896.

    3. The 6-foot wide storm drain easement from Ventura Boulevard to Sunswept Drive, adjacent to Lot 9, Tract No. 5896.

  4. FIND that there is a public benefit to the Vacation. Upon vacation of the street, the City is relieved of its ongoing obligation to maintain the street. In addition, the City is relieved of any potential liability that might result from continued ownership of the involved street easements.

  5. FIND that the Vacation is in substantial conformance with the purposes, intent and provisions of the General Plan, in conformance with Section 556 of the City Charter.

  6. FIND that the Vacation is not necessary for non-motorized transportation facilities, in conformance with Section 892 of the California Streets and Highways Code.

  7. FIND that the Vacation is not necessary for present or prospective public use, in conformance with Section 8324 of the California Streets and Highways Code.

  8. ADOPT the said City Engineer's report with the conditions contained therein.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that the petitioner has paid a fee of $14,980 for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to Section 7.44 of the LAAC will be required of the petitioner. Maintenance of the public easement by City forces will be eliminated.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(3)19-0458
CD 14

HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site and off-site consumption at Rolling Greens Nursery, located at 1005 South Mateo Street.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. DETERMINE that the issuance of a liquor license at Rolling Greens Nursery, located at 1005 South Mateo Street, will serve the Public Convenience or Necessity and will not tend to create a law enforcement problem.

  2. GRANT the Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site and off-site consumption at 1005 South Mateo Street.

  3. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transmit this determination to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as required findings under Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4.


Applicant:  Rolling Greens Nursery


Representative:  Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc.







Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
ITEM NO.(4)19-1200-S22

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appointment of Ms. Donna Choi to the Board of Transportation Commissioners.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESOLVE that the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Donna Choi to the Board of Transportation Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2021, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Rudy Espinoza, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Ms. Choi resides in Council District 14. (New composition: M=4; F=3)


Financial Disclosure Statement: Filed.


Background Check: Pending.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(5)13-1056

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Ms. Delia Ibarra to the Board of Fire Commissioners.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESOLVE that the Mayor’s reappointment of Ms. Delia Ibarra to the Board of Fire Commissioners for the new term ending June 30, 2024, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Ms. Ibarra resides in Council District One. (Current commission gender composition: M = 2; F = 2)


Financial Disclosure Statement: Filed.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(6)RELATED TO ITEM 16 (18-0982-S1)18-0982-S2
CD 13

STATUTORY EXEMPTION, PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Zone Change and Height District Change, and an Appeal for the properties located at 6400 Sunset Boulevard, 1440-1460 North Cahuenga Boulevard, 6400-6416 West Sunset Boulevard, 1419 North Ivar Avenue, 1441-1453 North Ivar Avenue and 1418 North Cahuenga Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND that, on November 21, 2018, the City Council determined, in their independent judgement, that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21155.1 as a Sustainable Communities Project, based on the entirety of the administrative record.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the PLUM Committee, as the Findings of Council.

  3. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated June 18, 2019, effectuating a Zone Change and Height District Change to remove the D limitation on the site, for a mixed-use development containing 200 residential units, with 10 units reserved for Very Low Income Households (5 percent) and 7,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space within a 26-story building (maximum height of 285-feet) on the northern lot, resulting in 231,836 square feet of new floor area and a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 6:1, for the properties located at 6400 Sunset Boulevard, 1440-1460 North Cahuenga Boulevard, 6400-6416 West Sunset Boulevard, 1419 North Ivar Avenue, 1441-1453 North Ivar Avenue, and 1418 North Cahuenga Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval as Modified by the PLUM Committee and attached to the Council file.

  4. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Douglas P. Carstens on behalf of Coalition to Preserve LA (Representative:  Douglas P. Carstens, Chatten-Brown and Carstens LLP), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) in approving: 1) a Master Conditional Use to permit the sale and dispensing of a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at four establishments for the 7,000 square-foot ground floor commercial use; 2) a Project Permit Compliance Review for signage in the Hollywood Signage Supplemental Use District; and 3) a Site Plan Review for a project that would result in an increase of 50 or more dwelling units.

  5. ADVISE the applicant, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.32 G:

    ...property shall not remain in a Q Qualified classification for more than six years unless during that time: (1) there is substantial physical development of the property to allow for one or more of the uses for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted; or (2) if no physical development is necessary, then the property is used for one or more of the purposes for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted... When these time limitations expire, the Q Qualified classification and the authority contained therein shall become null and void, the rezoning proceedings shall be terminated, and the property thereafter may only be utilized for those purposes permitted prior to the commencement of such rezoning proceedings.

  6. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.

  7. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.

  8. NOT PRESENT and ORDER FILED the Ordinance dated March 14, 2019.


Applicant:  6400 Sunset LLC


Representative:  Edgar Khalatian, Mayer Brown, LLP




Related Case No. VTT-47796-CN-2A


Environmental No. ENV-2016-3631-SCPE


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.









Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(7)18-1160

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to prohibiting the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 15 feet of a driveway used by an emergency vehicle.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated April 29, 2019, amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to add Section 80.55.1 to prohibit the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 15 feet of a driveway used by an emergency vehicle; to amend LAMC Section 80.76.2 to add Section 80.55.1 as a civil penalty; and, to amend LAMC Section 89.60 to add a fine and late penalties for a violation of 80.55.1 to the schedule of civil parking penalties.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(8)19-0405
CD 12

MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND), MITIGATION MEASURES, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (MMP), PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCES FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Vesting Zone Change, Building Line Removal, and a Waiver of Dedication and Improvement (WDI) Appeal for the properties located at 8317 North Etiwanda Avenue and 18301 Roscoe Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15074(b), after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, including the MND, No. ENV-2017-4685-MND, and all comments received, with the imposition of Mitigation Measures, there is no substantial evidence that the Project will have a significant effect on the environment; FIND the MND reflects the independent judgement and analysis of the City; FIND the Mitigation Measures have been made enforceable conditions of the project; and ADOPT the MND and the MMP prepared for the MND.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the North Valley Area Planning Commission (NVAPC) as modified by the PLUM Committee, as the Findings of Council.

  3. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCES dated March 21, 2019, effectuating a Vesting Zone Change from RS-1VL to (T)(Q)C2-1 VL and effectuating a Building Line Removal to remove the 25-foot building line along Roscoe Boulevard, for the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling and the construction of a one-story, 9,304 square-foot medical office building and associated surface parking lot on an RS-1VL-zoned property, requiring the cut and export of approximately 1,000 cubic yards of soil with the proposed removal of eight non-protected trees on the site, for the properties located at 8317 North Etiwanda Avenue and 18301 Roscoe Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval, as modified by the PLUM Committee.

  4. RESOLVE TO GRANT THE APPEAL filed by Daniel Kashani, TriStar Realty Group, LLC (Representative: Dave Rand / Alix Wisner, Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac LLP), and THEREBY APPROVE a WDI to allow relief from the required five-foot dedication required under the Mobility Plan 2035 Boulevard II street designation along Roscoe Boulevard and the three-foot dedication required under the Mobility Plan 2035 Collector street designation along Etiwanda Avenue.

  5. ADVISE the applicant, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.32 G:

    ...property shall not remain in a Q Qualified classification for more than six years unless during that time: (1) there is substantial physical development of the property to allow for one or more of the uses for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted; or (2) if no physical development is necessary, then the property is used for one or more of the purposes for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted... When these time limitations expire, the Q Qualified classification and the authority contained therein shall become null and void, the rezoning proceedings shall be terminated, and the property thereafter may only be utilized for those purposes permitted prior to the commencement of such rezoning proceedings.

  6. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.

  7. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.


Applicant: 18301 Roscoe, LLC

Representative: Daniel Kashani, TriStar Reality Group, LLC

Case No. APCNV-2017-4684-VZC-BL-WDI-1A

Environmental No. ENV-2017-4685-MND

Fiscal Impact Statement:  The NVAPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.

Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted to Continue, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(9)19-0424

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to delinquent accounts receivables submitted by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) and the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) to the Collections Board of Review (Board).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. APPROVE the Board recommendation to authorize the LADBS to remove from its active accounts receivables 54 accounts totaling $423,498.36.

  2. APPROVE the Board recommendation to authorize the HCIDLA to remove from its active accounts receivables 158 uncollectible invoices totaling $149,957.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board report the proposed action will decrease the decrease the City’s receivable base by $573,455.36.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(10)19-0425

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to delinquent accounts receivables submitted by the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) to the Collections Board of Review (Board).


Recommendation for Council action:


APPROVE the Board recommendation to authorize the HCIDLA to remove from its active accounts receivables 57 uncollectible invoices totaling $233,641.27.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board report the proposed action will decrease the decrease the City’s receivable base by $233,641.27.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(11)18-0130

PERSONNEL AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 53.09 to allow temporary home care for a lost or stray dog or cat.


Recommendation for Council action:


REQUEST the City Attorney, in consultation with the Department of Animal Services (DAS), to prepare and present an Ordinance in substance similar to the Ordinance dated December 7, 2018, attached to the Council file, to amend LAMC Section 53.09 to allow temporary home care for a lost or stray dog or cat and incorporating the following:

  1. Notification requirements for individuals when they find a lost or stray dog or cat. 

  2. Waiving adoptive fees for people who have provided home care for a lost or stray dog or cat for 30 days; the only requirement to be payment for a license.

  3. Provisions for minimizing the City's liability.


Fiscal Impact Statement:   None submitted by the City Attorney.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement:  Yes




Tarzana Neighborhood Council



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(12)19-0453
CD 11

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to reprogramming funds to implement left-turn phasing, enhanced pedestrian crosswalks, and new signals as part of the Westside Fast Forward Initiative.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Bonin – Buscaino), SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to:


  1. Appropriate funding to implement left-turn phasing, enhanced pedestrian crosswalks, and new signals as part of the Westside Fast Forward Initiative, as follows:

    1. $2,860,000 within the Coastal Transportation Corridor Specific Plan Fund No. 447 from available cash balance to a new account entitled Westside Fast Forward Traffic Signals Project-Coastal.

    2. $1,920,000 within the West Los Angeles Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Program Fund No. 681 from available cash balance to a new account entitled Westside Fast Forward Traffic Signals Project-WLA.

  2. Make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this action.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(13)19-0464

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to increasing parking fines for trailers, semitrailers, and commercial vehicles on City streets.


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Buscaino - Blumenfield):


REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an Ordinance to increase fines in Los Angeles Municipal Code Sections 80.69.1(a), 80.61(c), and 80.69.2 relative to the parking of trailers, semitrailers, and commercial vehicles on City streets from $78 to $250 for the first violation, $500 for the second violation within 12 months, and $1,000 for the third violation within 12 months, and to increase the late and second late penalties.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(14)09-1295-S5
CD 5

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Expo Bike Path Northvale Gap Closure Project.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:



  1. AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT):

    1. In conjunction with the Bureau of Engineering, to begin real estate acquisition required to construct the Expo Bike Path Northvale Gap Closure Project between Overland and Motor Avenues.

    2. Expend funds for this purpose, as needed, from the $4.2 million appropriated in the Measure R Local Return Fund No. 510, Expo Bike Path Northvale Gap Closure Project Account.

  2. DIRECT the LADOT to work with the City Administrative Officer, Chief Legislative Analyst, and Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to identify funding sources to bridge the projected funding gap that currently ranges from $4,946,000 to $11,475,000, depending on real estate acquisition needs.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that the City must address a project budget shortfall in order to complete the project. Inasmuch as various funds are eligible for this project, the General Fund should not be impacted. If the City fails to deliver the project, it may be required to return the amount of Federal grant funds already reimbursed for expenditures.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(15)11-0581-S1
CD 5

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Second Amendment to the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) contract with MV Transportation, Inc., for DASH transit bus service for the Central Region.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the General Manager, LADOT, or designee, to execute the Second Amendment to the contract with MV Transportation, Inc., extending the contract term from May 1, 2019, through April 30, 2020, and increasing compensation by $9,093,226 for a total cost not to exceed $37,366,809, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, for continued DASH transit bus service for the Central Region.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports this action will not impact the General Fund. Funding is provided by the Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund. This action complies with city financial policies in that sufficient special fund revenues are available and eligible for this purpose.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(16)RELATED TO ITEM 6 (18-0982-S2)18-0982-S1
CD 13

STATUTORY EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an Appeal for the properties located at 6400 Sunset Boulevard, 1440-1460 North Cahuenga Boulevard, 6400-6416 West Sunset Boulevard, 1419 North Ivar Avenue, 1441-1453 North Ivar Avenue and 1418 North Cahuenga Boulevard.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. FIND that, on November 21, 2018, the City Council determined, in their independent judgement, that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21155.1 as a Sustainable Communities Project, based on the entirety of the administrative record.

  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC), as the Findings of Council.

  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Douglas P. Carstens on behalf of Coalition to Preserve LA (Representative:  Douglas P. Carstens, Chatten-Brown and Carstens LLP), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the LACPC in: 1) determining that the project is statutorily exempt from CEQA pursuant to PRC Section 21155.1 as a Sustainable Communities Project; and 2) sustaining the January 16, 2019 determination of the Deputy Advisory Agency to approve a Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. VTT-74496-CN, for the merger of three lots on a 0.83 net acre site into one ground lot for a project to include 200 residential apartments and 7,000 square feet of commercial use, as shown on map stamp-dated September 22, 2016 (Exhibit A); for the properties located at 6400 Sunset Boulevard, 1440-1460 North Cahuenga Boulevard, 6400-6416 West Sunset Boulevard, 1441-1453 North Ivar Avenue (APN: 5546-014-058), subject to Conditions of Approval as Modified by the PLUM Committee and attached to the Council file.


Applicant:  6400 Sunset LLC


Representative:  Edgar Khalatian, Mayer Brown, LLP


Case No. VTT-47796-CN-2A


Related Case Nos. CPC-2016-3630-ZC-HD-DB-MCUP-SPP-SPR-WDI; CPC-2016-3630-ZC-HD-DB-MCUP-SPP-SPR-WDI-1A


Environmental No. ENV-2016-3631-SCPE


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(17)11-0081-S5
CD 10

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending or negotiating the lease agreement with the Korean American National Museum, Inc. (KANM) for construction on the City-owned parking lot located at 601-617 South Vermont Avenue. 


Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Wesson - Ryu):


INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation and the Department of General Services, with the assistance of the City Attorney and any other related departments, to amend the existing lease agreement and other ancillary documents (C- 122257) or negotiate a new agreement and any other necessary documents with the KANM to allow them to construct a museum and replacement parking on the City-owned parking lot located at 601-617 South Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019 (APN: 5502-025-900) in Council District Ten.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(18)14-1174-S46
CD 14

CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to utilizing CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the Budd Weiner Park Improvements Project (Project) within the Monterey Hills Redevelopment Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. DETERMINE that the Project consisting of installation of park amenities is categorically exempt from provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Sections 15301(c), 15304(b), 15304(f), and 15311. The Project is also exempt under the City CEQA Guidelines Article III, Sections 1(a)(3), 1(d)(3), 1(d)(12), and 1(k)(6).

  2. APPROVE up to $42,316 in taxable CRA/LA EBP plus all earned interest available to Council District 14 from the Monterey Hills Redevelopment Project Area to be utilized for the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) to be the implementing department for activities related to the Project.

  4. AUTHORIZE the Board of Recreation and Parks Commissioners to negotiate and execute contracting documents as required with duly procured contractor(s) to effectuate the Project no later than September 30, 2019.

  5. INSTRUCT the RAP to transmit copies of all executed contract(s) under the Project to Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD).

  6. INSTRUCT the RAP to file a CEQA Notice of Exemption with the City Clerk and Los Angeles County Clerk upon Council approval.

  7. INSTRUCT the RAP to expend the CRA/LA EBP appropriation no later than September 30, 2024.

  8. INSTRUCT the RAP to report on its work accomplishments to the City Administrative Officer (CAO), and fund expenditures to the EWDD on a quarterly and as-needed basis.

  9. AUTHORIZE the Controller, subject to the availability of funds and a duly executed and encumbered contract(s), to expend up to $42,316 plus Interest from the CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9IT, Monterey Hills Taxable Series 2002-D, for activities related to the Project upon presentation of proper documentation from the RAP and satisfactory review by the EWDD in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Expenditure Agreement.

  10. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, EWDD, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted to Continue, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(19)14-1174-S61
CD 6

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to utilizing CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the Parthenia Street and Sepulveda Street Streetscape and Safety Improvements Project (Project) within the Pacoima/Panorama City Redevelopment Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND that the action of appropriating and withholding expenditure of funds for the Project pending the completion, review and consideration of planning and environmental documents related to the Project is not a project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) because it merely creates a funding mechanism or other government fiscal activity that does not commit the City to a project that may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment, and that preparing preliminary planning and environmental documents is not a project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) because it is an administrative activity that will not result in physical changes in the environment.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Street Services (BSS) to be the implementing department for the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller, subject to the requirements below and the availability of funds and duly executed and encumbered contract(s), to expend up to $650,307 from the CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9MT, Pacoima/Panorama City Taxable Series 2006-B, and up to $1,349,693 from Account No. 22L9MN, Pacoima/Panorama City TaxExempt Series 2009-D, for a total EBP amount of up to $2,000,000 for activities related to the Project upon presentation of proper documentation from the BSS, and satisfactory review by the Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Expenditure Agreement.

  4. INSTRUCT the BSS to withhold expending, or committing to expend, any of the remainder of the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project until all of the following have occurred:

    1. The BSS has completed the preliminary planning documents and environmental review documents.

    2. The City has complied with the requirements of the CEQA with respect to the Project, including obtaining any necessary CEQA clearances.

    3. The Board of Public Works has considered and approved the Project for expenditure of the remaining funds.

  5. INSTRUCT the BSS to report on its work accomplishments to the City Administrative Officer (CAO), and fund expenditures to the EWDD, on a quarterly and as-needed basis.

  6. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, EWDD, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(20)19-0588

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a new retail lease agreement, on behalf of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, between the City and David Hopp, M.D., for space located at 123 South Robertson Boulevard, Suite B.   


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the Department of General Services to negotiate and execute a new lease agreement with David Hopp, M.D. CEO and Manager of YouthFill MD XlX, LLC dba Express Skincare, under the terms and conditions as substantially outlined in the subject Municipal Facilities Committee (MFC) report, dated June 4, 2019. 


Fiscal Impact Statement: The MFC reports that there will be no impact to the General Fund. The rent receivables from the lease of this space will generate revenue to the Special Parking Revenue Fund in the amount of $63,687 annually, adjusted for three percent annual escalations for the term of the contract.  


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.








Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(21)19-0607
CD 14

INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND GENERAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a lease agreement with Onni Group for office space located at 145 South Spring Street.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Department of General Services (GSD) to negotiate and execute a new lease agreement with Onni Group dba Onni Times Square Limited Partnership for office space located at 145 South Spring Street, for a term of five years, with four one-year options to extend. 

  2. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to place on the agenda of the first regular Council meeting on July 1, 2019, or shortly thereafter, instructions to authorize the Controller to transfer $491,901 in Capital Improvement and Expense Program funds to GSD's leasing account for all costs to be incurred in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 as follows:

    Fund Account Title Amount
    From: 100/54 00P301 Finance Contact Center $491,901
    To: 100/40 006030 Leasing Account $491,901


Fiscal Impact Statement: The MFC reports that there is no additional General Fund impact for anticipated FY 2019-20 expenses that total $491,901 and includes, communication installation ($126,193), furniture ($254,998), moving expenses ($28,500), and rental payments ($82,210). In 2017, savings from the Office of Finance operational budget were transferred to the CIEP fund for this purpose. Future rental costs would be addressed through the City budget process.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(22)14-1174-S66
CD 1

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to utilizing CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the Union Avenue Community Garden Site Remediation Project (Project) within the Pico Union 1 Redevelopment Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND that the action of appropriating and withholding expenditure of funds for the Project, pending the completion, review and consideration of planning and environmental documents related to the Project, is not a project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) because it merely creates a funding mechanism or other government fiscal activity that does not commit the City to a project that may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment, and that preparing preliminary planning and environmental documents is not a project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) because it is an administrative activity that will not result in physical changes in the environment.

  2. APPROVE up to $408,085 plus earned interest in taxable CRA/LA EBP available to Council District One from the Pico Union 1 Redevelopment Project Area to be utilized for the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS) to be the implementing department for activities related to the Project.

  4. AUTHORIZE the BOS to effectuate the Project including, but not limited to, the initiation of a Task Order Solicitation (TOS) from its list of Pre-Qualified On Call Consultants, and select the necessary consultant to develop a plan to assess and implement the Project including, but not limited to, environmental assignments as needed to undertake all Project related activities.

  5. AUTHORIZE the BOS to negotiate, prepare, and execute a TOS and all related documents between the BOS and Consultant for the Project no later than September 30, 2019.

  6. AUTHORIZE the Controller, subject to the availability of funds and a duly executed and encumbered contract, to expend up to $408,085 plus Interest from the EBP Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9NT, Pico Union 1 Taxable Series 2003-C, for activities related to the Project upon presentation of proper documentation by BOS, and satisfactory review and approval of EWDD in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Expenditure Agreement.

  7. AUTHORIZE the BOS to perform limited preliminary planning as may be necessary to conduct the environmental review for the Project from the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project.

  8. INSTRUCT the BOS to withhold expending, or committing to expend, any of the remainder of the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project until all of the following have occurred:

    1. The BOS has completed the preliminary planning documents and environmental review documents.

    2. The City has complied with the requirements of the CEQA with respect to the Project, including obtaining any necessary CEQA clearances.

    3. The Board of Public Works has considered and approved the Project for expenditure of the remaining funds.

  9. INSTRUCT the BOS to transmit copies of all executed contract(s) related to the Project to the EWDD.

  10. INSTRUCT the BOS to expend the EBP appropriation no later than September 30, 2024.

  11. INSTRUCT the BOS to report on its work accomplishments to the City Administrative Officer (CAO), and fund expenditures to EWDD, on a quarterly and as-needed basis.

  12. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, EWDD, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(23)14-1174-S68
CD 14

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to utilizing CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the Sixth Street Viaduct Park, Arts, River and Connectivity Improvement Project (Project) within the Adelante Eastside Redevelopment Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. FIND that the action of appropriating and withholding expenditure of funds for the Project, pending the completion, review and consideration of planning and environmental documents related to the Project, is not a project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) because it merely creates a funding mechanism or other government fiscal activity that does not commit the City to a project that may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment, and that preparing preliminary planning and environmental documents is not a project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) because it is an administrative activity that will not result in physical changes in the environment.

  2. APPROVE up to $607,074 in taxable, and $473,854 in tax-exempt in CRA/LA EBP for a combined total of $1,080,928 plus earned interest available to Council District 14 from the Adelante Eastside Redevelopment Project Area be utilized for the Project.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to be the implementing department.

  4. AUTHORIZE the BOE to effectuate the Project including, but not limited to, the initiation and issuance of a Task Order Solicitation (TOS) from its list of Pre-Qualified On-Call Consultants, and select the necessary design consultant as needed to undertake all Project related activities.

  5. REQUEST the Board of Public Works to approve, negotiate and execute contracting documents with duly procured contractor(s) as required to effectuate the Project.

  6. INSTRUCT the BOE to report on its work progress to the City Administrative Officer (CAO), and funds expended to the Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD), on a quarterly and as-needed basis.

  7. AUTHORIZE the Controller, subject to the availability of funds, to expend up to $607,074 plus interest from the EBP Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9AT, Adelante Eastside Taxable series 2005-B and 2007-C; and, up to $473,854 plus Interest from Account No. 22L9AN, Adelante Eastside Tax-Exempt Series 2009-D, for activities related to the Project upon presentation of proper documentation by the BOE, and satisfactory review and approval of the EWDD in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Expenditure Agreement.

  8. AUTHORIZE the BOE to perform limited preliminary planning as may be necessary to conduct the environmental review for the Project from the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project.

  9. INSTRUCT the BOE to withhold expending, or committing to expend, any of the remainder of the above-noted funds appropriated to the Project until all of the following have occurred:

    1. The BOE has completed the preliminary planning documents and environmental review documents.

    2. The City has complied with the requirements of the CEQA with respect to the Project, including obtaining any necessary CEQA clearances.

    3. The Board of Public Works has considered and approved the Project for expenditure of the remaining funds.

  10. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, EWDD, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted to Continue, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(24)14-1174-S78
CD 1,4,10,13

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Bond Oversight Committee report relative to accepting CRA/LA Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) for the benefit of the Wilshire/Koreatown Project Area.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ACCEPT $2,427,928 in CRA/LA EBP as listed on the approved CRA/LA, a Designated Local Authority’s (CRA/LA-DLA) Fiscal Year 2019-20 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS).

  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller to deposit $2,427,928 from the approved CRA/LA-DLA FY 2019-20 ROPS No. 1823 to Fund No. 57D, Account No. 22L9TN, Wilshire/Koreatown Tax-Exempt Series 2008-C.

  3. AUTHORIZE the Interim General Manager, Economic and Workforce Development Department, or designee, to prepare Controller instructions and/or make technical adjustments that may be required and are consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer; and, AUTHORIZE the Controller to implement these instructions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed appropriation of CRA/LA EBP. The CRA/LA EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from two transfers of approximately $86 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(25)18-0510
CD 11

HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to authorization to negotiate and execute a lease with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) for the site at 100 Sunset Avenue for use as a bridge housing facility.


Recommendation for Council action:


AUTHORIZE the Department of General Services to negotiate and execute a new lease agreement with Metro for the site at 100 Sunset Avenue, Venice, California 90293, in Council District 11, for use as a crisis and bridge facility.


Fiscal Impact Statement:  The Municipal Facilities Committee reports that the cost to construct this project is estimated to be $7.6 million. The Council and Mayor previously approved funding to finance this project as follows: $2.8 million from Homeless Services Program Fund, $1.3 million from the Crisis and Bridge Housing Fund, $815,011 from the Homeless Emergency Aid Program Grant Fund, and $3 million in grant funds from the California Community Foundation. The remaining balance of the $8 million authorized for this project is needed for furniture, fixture and other equipment costs.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.


[Council may recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Venice Stakeholders Assn. v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 19STCP00044 (This case relates to the proposed Bridge Housing project at 100 East Sunset Avenue)].



Adopted - URGENT FORTHWITH, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(26)18-0600-S162

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to outside counsel expenditures for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19.


Recommendation for Council action:


NOTE and FILE the City Attorney report, dated April 1, 2019, relative to outside counsel expenditures for FY 2019-19, as of December 31, 2018.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(27)19-0575

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Innovation and Performance Commission‘s (IPC) Innovation Fund (IF) funding for the Solar and Battery Storage Resiliency Program Project from the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP).


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. ESTABLISH and APPROPRIATE a new appropriation account entitled RAP - Solar and Battery Storage Resiliency Program in the amount of $200,000 within the IF Fund No. 105/10 from the available cash balance of the IF.

  2. TRANSFER $200,000 from the IF Fund No. 105/10, Account to be Established, RAP - Solar and Battery Storage Resiliency Program to Fund No. 302/89 as follows:

     Fund  Account  Title  Amount
     302/89           89270K      General Capital       $200,000
  3. INSTRUCT the RAP to:

    1. Separately track all encumbrances and expenditures of IF monies so that unspent funds can be returned to the IF at the end of the fiscal year.

    2. Report to the IPC with an accounting of the funds, the lessons learned, and any obstacles faced.

    3. Report to the IPC if, after the receipt of funds, the scope of the funded item differs from the scope approved for funding by the Mayor and the Council.

  4. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to make technical corrections as necessary to those transactions included in the CAO report, dated May 30, 2019, attached to the Council file, to implement Mayor and Council intentions.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of these recommendations will allocate $200,000 of the remaining $803,234 IF 2018-19 available balance. The $200,000 will be transferred to the RAP to begin implementation of the pilot project that has been approved by the IPC. In some cases, departments will incur ongoing costs.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(28)18-1230

CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Third Amendment to the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Contract with Airports Council International World.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board of Airport Commissioners that the proposed action is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article III Class 6(2) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.

  2. APPROVE the Third Amendment to LAWA Contract No. 4700001225 with Airports Council International World to add a provision in the contract for the use of mobile tablets for guest satisfaction survey data collection at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

  3. CONCUR with the action taken by the Board of Airport Commissioners on May 16, 2019, by Resolution No. 26767, authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, LAWA, to execute the Third Amendment to Contract No. 4700001225 with Airports Council International World.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Approval of the proposed Third Amendment to the LAWA contract with Airports Council International World will amend the agreement to add a provision for use of mobile tablets as a method to collect guest satisfaction survey data at LAX. There are no revisions to the contract budget authority or expiration date as all other terms remain the same. This action complies with LAWA's adopted financial policies.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(29)19-0326

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the below market value sale of Motorola Radios to the California Emergency Mobile Patrol (CEMP), a non-profit organization based in the San Fernando Valley.


Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Smith - Buscaino):


  1. FIND that the CEMP is eligible to purchase 100 XTS5000 Motorola Radios at below market value ($1.00) in accordance with Los Angeles Administrative Code Section  22.547 (Donation of Surplus City Equipment), as the recipient is a non-profit organization that has been established exclusively to further the services provided by the City.

  2. REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare a contract to effectuate the sale and transfer of the above identified surplus equipment at below market value to CEMP.

  3. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to inform CEMP [Mike Panman, President, PO Box 33631, Granada Hills, California 91394, (818) 324-5363] that the surplus equipment must be claimed within 60 days from the date of Council approval of the request after which time it will revert to the City’s surplus equipment pool for disposal by the Department of General Services.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed an analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(30)18-0306

CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Third Amendment to the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Contract with AT and T Mobility National Accounts, LLC (ATT), for ongoing wireless, voice-and broadband services, and equipment purchases.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board of Airport Commissioners that the proposed action is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article III, Class 1(18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.

  2. APPROVE the Third Amendment to LAWA Contract DA-4765 with ATT to extend the term by six months for ongoing wireless, voice-and broadband services, and equipment purchases.

  3. CONCUR with the action taken by the Board of Airport Commissioners on May 16, 2019, by Resolution No. 26766, authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, LAWA, to execute the Third Amendment to the contract with ATT.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Approval of the proposed Third Amendment to Contract DA-4765 with ATT will extend the term for an additional six months to continue wireless, voice and broadband services, and equipment purchases. Funds for this contract are included in the Fiscal Year 2018-19 LAWA Operating Budget in LAX Cost Center No. 1170003 IT Infrastructure, Commitment Item No. 522 - Materials and Supplies, and No. 523 - Utilities; and, various Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Divisions' Cost Centers. Funding for subsequent years will be requested as part of the annual budget process. This action complies with LAWA's adopted financial policies.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(31)13-1619

CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Second Amendment to the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Terminal Media Operator Concession Agreement with JCDecaux Airport, Inc.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board of Airport Commissioners that the proposed action is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article III, Class 1(18)(c) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.

  2. APPROVE the Second Amendment to the LAWA Terminal Media Operator Concession Agreement LAA-8796 with JCDecaux Airport, Inc., to revise the language regarding emerging media in the agreement covering advertising, sponsorship, and emerging media opportunities at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

  3. CONCUR with the action taken by the Board of Airport Commissioners on May 16, 2019, by Resolution No. 26774, authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, LAWA, to execute the Second Amendment to Terminal Media Operator Concession Agreement LAA-8796 with JCDecaux Airport, Inc.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that this action will not impact the General Fund or LAWA's Operating or Capital budgets. Approval of the Second Amendment to this agreement will have no effect on LAWA revenues or expenditures. There may be, however, a future increase in revenue resulting from expanding the emerging media options. This action complies with LAWA's adopted financial policies.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.







Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(32)19-0589

BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a refund claim filed by Helinet Aviation Services LLC.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


APPROVE the refund claim filed by Helinet Aviation Services LLC in the amount of $101,852.48, plus interest.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Office of Finance. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(33)11-2130-S4
CD 4

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the feasibility of implementing potential mitigations presented in Kimley-Horn's May 2018 Rowena Avenue Waverly Drive Angus Street Cut-Through Traffic Study Report.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. SUPPORT Kimley-Horn's Option 1 in the Rowena Avenue, Waverly Drive, Angus Street Cut-Through Traffic Study, which makes no change to roadway geometry on Rowena Avenue and recommends additional pedestrian safety measures to the corridor and surrounding area.

  2. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to:

    1. Work with the City Administrative Office to identify capital funds to implement the feasible capital improvement recommendations identified in the LADOT report dated April 10, 2019.

    2. Assess the feasibility of making additional safety and traffic circulation enhancements to the project area, including but not limited to:

      1. Upgrade the existing striped bike lane to accommodate a wider Class II buffered bike lane, or Class IV separated bikeway to provide additional safety to people bicycling.

      2. Extend the eastbound bike lane on Rowena Avenue to Hyperion Avenue.

      3. Consider alternative striping options to mitigate traffic congestion and confusion for eastbound drivers at Glendale Boulevard and Rowena Avenue.

  3. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Street Lighting, with the assistance of the LADOT, to assess the feasibility and identify funding for the installation and/or upgrade of pedestrian scaled lighting on Rowena Avenue between Silver Lake Drive and Hyperion Avenue.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that retaining the existing road configuration has no immediate fiscal impact. However, additional complementary measures such as constructing new sidewalks and curb extensions, enhancing striping, and adding turn restrictions, will have fiscal impacts ranging from approximately $10,000 to $2,748,000. Funding is not identified or readily available for all measures.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(34)17-1125

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an update of the Dockless Bike / Scooter Share Pilot Program.


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. REQUEST that the City Attorney, in consultation with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), prepare and present an ordinance establishing a graduated penalty structure for enforcement of e-scooter permit condition violations.

  2. DIRECT the Los Angeles Police Department and the LADOT to report in 90 days with a joint work program and funding request for a public education and enforcement campaign.

  3. DIRECT the LADOT to report:

    1. In 90 days with a breakdown of 311 requests and response times by location.

    2. In 60 days with recommendations to address oversaturation of devices in the most desirable markets.

Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that this action will not impact the General Fund.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted as Amended, (11); Nays: Smith
(1); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(35)17-1125-S7

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to requiring Dockless On-Demand Personal Mobility companies operating in the City of Los Angeles to cooperate with law enforcement investigations.


Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Koretz – Cedillo):


  1. DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to revise the rules and guidelines for the Dockless On-Demand Personal Mobility Pilot to require personal mobility companies to:

    1. Create a law enforcement portal for the expedient processing of search warrant requests.

    2. Designate a law enforcement liaison as a primary point of contact for Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers conducting investigations.

    3. Provide user education about what to do in the event of a collision and cooperation with law enforcement.

  2. REQUEST the City Attorney, with the assistance of LADOT, to report back with additional steps the City can take to require cooperation with law enforcement as a permit condition.

  3. DIRECT the LAPD and the Los Angeles Fire Department, with the assistance of the LADOT, to update procedures to collect information about device type in collision and injury reports and report back in 90 days.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: Yes.

For:    Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)
ITEM NO.(36)13-1072

COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the reappointment of Mr. Mel Levine to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners (Board) for the term ending June 30, 2024.


Recommendation for Council action:


RESOLVE that the Mayor's reappointment of Mr. Mel Levine to the Board for the term ending June 30, 2024 is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Mr. Levine resides in Council District 11.  (Current composition: M=1; F=4)


Financial Disclosure Statement:  Filed.


Community Impact Statement:  None submitted.






(Scheduled pursuant to Council Rule 46(b))



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(37)

RESOLUTIONS relative to removing various properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program.

Recommendation for Council action:

ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTIONS removing the following properties from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP), inasmuch as the owner(s) have corrected the cited REAP violations and provided proof of compliance with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), Code Enforcement Unit, habitability citations, pursuant to Ordinance 173810, and ADOPT the Findings contained in the HCIDLA's report attached to the Council File:

CD 1

1408 South Arapahoe Street (Case No. 394823) Assessor I.D. No. 5056-008-009



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 2

5420 North Colfax Avenue (Case No. 671731) Assessor I.D. No. 2348-001-074



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 8

1587 West Vernon Avenue (Case No. 637410) Assessor I.D. No. 5021-022-013



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 9

1462 East 23rd Street (Case No. 261088) Assessor I.D. No. 5119-025-006



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 9

268 West 41st Street (Case No. 562970) Assessor I.D. No. 5111-021-002



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 9

629 West 56th Street (Case No. 583194) Assessor I.D. No. 5001-022-025



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 13

259 North Westlake Avenue (Case No. 645285) Assessor I.D. No. 5157-026-024



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 15

736 West Shepard Street (Case No. 683551) Assessor I.D. No. 7467-028-018



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 9

940 East 49th Street (Case No. 126342) Assessor I.D. No. 5108-019-003



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(38)15-0042
CD 13

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR), COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER and RESOLUTION TO VACATE relative to vacating Homewood Avenue between Cole Avenue and Cahuenga Boulevard and Airspace Vacation District - VAC-E1401261 (Vacation).


Recommendations for Council action:


  1. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of July 25, 2017, of the determination of ENV-2014-4280-EIR, which was approved by the City Council on December 6, 2016.

  2. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of July 25, 2017, that the Vacation is in substantial conformance with the General Plan pursuant to Section 556 of the Los Angeles City Charter.

  3. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION TO VACATE No. 18-1401261 for the Vacation.

  4. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transmit, following Council adoption, Resolution to Vacate No. 18-1401261 to the Bureau of Engineering, Land Development and Geographic Information System Division for recordation of said Resolution with the Los Angeles County Recorder.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Engineer. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(39)19-0600-S134

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (WESSON  - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to providing funding to support the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee for increased and unique technical and legal workload demand.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


TRANSFER $160,000 from the Department of City Planning's Salaries General Account to the City Clerk's Salaries General Account to support the PLUM Committee with technical and legal workload demands.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted to Continue, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(40)19-0633

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (KREKORIAN - KORETZ - RYU) relative to retaining the law firm of Kaplan Kirsch and Rockwell to provide legal services regarding federal aviation law.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Kaplan Kirsch and Rockwell to provide legal services regarding federal aviation law to help protect the interest of the City and its residents.

  2. TRANSFER $100,000 from the Reserve Fund to City Attorney Fund No. 100/12, Account No. 00930, with the understanding that the budget may be increased to $290,000 should further need be presented to, and authorized by, the Council.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter)



Adopted - FORTHWITH, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(41)17-1365-S5
CD 12

MOTION (SMITH - RYU) relative to funding for additional Police Department resources in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Devonshire area for the benefit of residents of Council District 12.


Recommendation for Council action:


DIRECT the City Clerk to place on the Council Agenda for JULY 1, 2019, or soon thereafter as possible, the following recommendations for adoption:


  1. TRANSFER / APPROPRIATE  $26,880 in the AB1290 Fund No. 53P, Account No. 281212 (CD 12 Redevelopment Projects - Services) to the Police Fund No. 100/70, Account No. 001092 (Overtime - Police Officers) to fund additional Police Services in Council District 12.

  2. AUTHORIZE the LAPD to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be orally, electronically or by any other means.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(42)19-0011-S3
CD 12

MOTION (SMITH - RYU) relative to funding for additional graffiti and weed abatement services to be provided by West Valley Alliance.


Recommendation for Council action:


DIRECT the City Clerk to place on the Council Agenda for JULY 1, 2019, or soon thereafter as possible, the following recommendations for adoption:


  1. TRANSFER / APPROPRIATE $55,000 in the Council District 12 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund No. 43D/50 to the Public Works Fund No. 100/74, Account No. 3040 (Contractual Services) to fund additional graffiti and weed abatement services to be provided by West Valley Alliance.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Department of Public Works to make any corrections or clarifications to the above fund transfer instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this motion.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(43)18-0232-S1

MOTION (KREKORIAN - WESSON) relative to establishing an appropriation account for the deposit of business plan late submission and potentially other California Environmental  Reporting System (CERS)-related penalties.


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


  1. AUTHORIZE the Controller to establish an appropriation account entitled CERS Penalties, account number to be determined, within Department No. 38/41L, Unified Program Trust Fund, for the deposit of business plan late submission and potentially other CERS-related penalties.

  2. AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Fire Department, subject to approval of the City Administrative Officer, to prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments to comply with the intent of Council actions, and authorize the Controller to implement the instructions.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(44)19-0654

MOTION (KREKORIAN - WESSON) relative to retaining outside legal counsel to assist the City in its negotiations and further interactions with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


Recommendations for Council action:

  1. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Amall and Golden to assist the City in its negotiations and further interactions with HUD, including litigation as necessary.

  2. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to place on Council Calendar for JULY 1, 2019, the following action relative to this matter:


That the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, authorize the Controller to transfer $60,000 from the Unappropriated Balance, Outside Counsel Including Worker's Compensation line item to the City Attorney, Fund No. 100/12, Account No. 009301.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(45)17-0242-S1

MOTION (WESSON - RYU) relative to actions related to the construction of a commercial kitchen at Korea Town Senior Community Center (KSCC).


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. AUTHORIZE the City Controller and the Department of Public Works, Board of Public Works, Office of Accounting to transfer via a Wire Transfer, $432,586.33 (balance), from the Engineering Services Trust Fund Account No. 682/50 to an escrow account, with United Escrow Company, Reference Escrow No. 62341 - CC, as outlined in the instructions attached to the Motion, for the purposes of reimbursement for construction of the commercial kitchen at KSCC.

  2. DIRECT the City Engineer to amend the current agreement with KSCC (Amendment No. 1), and describe in the new amendment (Amendment No. 2) the process for reimbursement(s) to the vendor/contractor directly, from the new established escrow account, as well as all of the terms and conditions for reimbursement as mentioned in the recitals of the Motion.



Adopted, (12); Absent: Buscaino
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(46)19-0652

MOTION (O'FARRELL - BONIN) relative to funding for the LGBT Heritage Month event.


Recommendation for Council action:


DIRECT the City Clerk to place on the Council Agenda for JULY 1, 2019, or soon thereafter as possible, the following recommendations for adoption:


  1. That $10,000 in the Council's portion of the Heritage Month Celebration Special Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 be utilized to fund any aspect of the LGBT Heritage Month event.

  2. That the City Clerk be directed to prepare and process the necessary documents and / or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, in the above amount, for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed; and that the City Clerk to authorized to execute any such documents on behalf of the City.

  3. That the City Clerk be authorized to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(47)19-0656

MOTION (BUSCAINO - BONIN) relative to funding for Italian American Heritage Month and Croatian State Day.


Recommendation for Council action:


DIRECT the City Clerk to place on the Council Agenda for JULY 1, 2019, or soon thereafter as possible, the following recommendations for adoption:


  1. That $50,000 in the Council's portion of the Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 be utilized to fund any aspect of the following two events in the amount specified: Italian American Heritage Month - $25,000, Croatian State Day - $25,000.

  2. That the City Clerk be directed to prepare and process the necessary document(s) and / or payment(s) with any appropriate agency or organization(s), as appropriate, the above amount, for the above purposes, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed; and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute any such documents on behalf of the City.

  3. That the City Clerk be authorized to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(48)19-0658

MOTION (WESSON - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to funding for the efforts of Mothers in Action for the Taste of Soul event.


Recommendations for Council action:

  1. ALLOCATE $80,000 in the Cultural, Art and City Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 for the efforts of Mothers in Action for the Taste of Soul event.

  2. DIRECT the City Clerk to prepare the necessary document(s) or agreement(s) with Mothers in Action, or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, in the above amount, for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed; and, AUTHORIZE the Council member of the Tenth District to execute any such documents on behalf of the City, as may be needed.

  3. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(49)19-0657

MOTION (WESSON - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to funding to support the efforts of Mothers in Action for the Taste of Soul Event.


Recommendation for Council action:


DIRECT the City Clerk to place on the Council Agenda for JULY 1, 2019, or soon thereafter as possible, the following recommendations for adoption:


  1. Allocate $80,000 in the Cultural, Art and City Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 for the efforts of Mothers in Action for the Taste of Soul event.

  2. Direct the City Clerk to prepare the necessary document(s) or agreement(s) with Mothers in Action, or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, in the above amount, for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, if needed; and that the Council member of the Tenth District be authorized to execute any such documents on behalf of the City, as may be needed.

  3. Authorize the City Clerk to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(50)14-1174-S38
CD 1

MOTION (CEDILLO - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to rescinding Council action regarding allocating funds from the Westlake Redevelopment Project Area to the Bryson Affordable Housing Campus.


Recommendation for Council action, SUJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


RESCIND Council action of June 27, 2018 relative to the allocation of $1.5 million in taxable CRA/LA Excess Bond Proceeds available to Council District One from the Westlake Redevelopment Project Area to assist with rehabilitation costs related to the Bryson Affordable Housing Campus (Council file No. 14-1174-S38) and REVERT all funds to their original source.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(51)19-0686
CD 1

MOTION (CEDILLO - BLUMENFIELD) relative to funding for Charter Bus services in Council District One.  


Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. TRANSFER/APPROPRIATE $3,400 in the AB1290 Fund No. 53P, Account No. 281201 (CD 1 Redevelopment Projects - Services) to the Transportation Fund No. 385/94, Account No. 94R266 for supplemental Charter Bus services in Council District One.  

  2. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk and / or the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(52)19-0687
CD 14

MOTION (HARRIS-DAWSON for HUIZAR - BLUMENFIELD) relative to a transfer of funds regarding the 2019 Homewalk.



Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:


APPROPRIATE $544 from the Unappropriated Balance Fund No. 100/58 to the General Services Fund No. 100/40, Account No. 1070 (Salaries-As Needed), for services in connection with the 2019 Homewalk, with said funds to be reimbursed to the General Fund by the United Way of Greater Los Angeles.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
ITEM NO.(53)

FINAL MAPS in the various Council Districts.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the Final Maps and Adopt the City Engineer Reports as detailed in the various listed Council files, including bonds, agreements, contracts and other related issues as specified:

CD 10

FINAL MAP OF PARCEL MAP L.A. No. 2017-1840 located at 3134-3136 North Ivy Street, northeasterly of Venice Boulevard.


Owner: The Nik Group; Surveyor: Jaroslaw Grabarek


Fiscal Impact Statement: The subdivider has paid a fee of $9,064 for the processing of this final parcel map pursuant to Section 19.02(B) (3) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. No additional City funds are needed.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian
CD 11

FINAL MAP OF TRACT No. 53072 located at 2050 North Stoney Hill Road southerly of Mountaingate Drive.


(Bond No. C-133330)

Subdivider : Monteverdi, LLC; Surveyor: Robert Rogers/KPFF


Fiscal Impact Statement: The subdivider has paid a fee of $13,420 for the processing of this final tract map pursuant to Section 19.02(A)(2) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. No additional City funds are needed.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.



Adopted, (10); Absent: Buscaino
, Cedillo
, Harris-Dawson
, Huizar
, Krekorian

MOTION (MARTINEZ - O'FARRELL) relative to partial funding for the Sherman Way Tunnel monthly cleaning.


MOTION (WESSON - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to funding for the embRace LA John Singleton Film Competition.


MOTION (SMITH - RODRIGUEZ) relative to funding for additional Sanitation services in Council District 12.

Muslim Heritage Month July 2019  O'Farrell - Price
Howard J. Fullman MD, FACG, FACP  Wesson - Martinez

At the conclusion of this day's Council Session ADJOURNING MOTIONS WERE ADOPTED in tribute to the memory of:
Mary Virginia OrozcoMartinez - All Councilmembers
Lt. Col. Bob FriendBlumenfield - Rodriguez - All Councilmembers
Leslie Andre Wakefield Jr.  Harris-Dawson - All Councilmembers

Ending Roll Call

Blumenfield, Cedillo, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Martinez, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu, Smith and President Wesson (11); Absent: Bonin, Buscaino, Huizar and Krekorian (4)