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Los Angeles City Council Agenda, Continuation Agenda Wednesday, June 12, 2019 JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 340, CITY HALL 200 NORTH SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 - 10:00 AM
CONTINUED FROM: TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration) | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (29) | RELATED TO ITEM NO. 30 (19-0370) | | | | | 19-0370-S1 | 19-0370-S1 | | | | | CD 9 | CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) AND ERRATA (COLLECTIVELY THE FIG PROJECT EIR), PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Vesting Zone Change and Height District Change for the properties located at 3900 South Figueroa Street, 3900-3972 South Figueroa Street, 3901-3969 South Flower Drive, and 450 West 39th Street.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- FIND, based on the independent judgement of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, the project was assessed in The Fig Project EIR, No. ENV-2016-1892-EIR and Errata, SCH No. 2016071049, and previously certified in Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. VTT-74193; and pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR, negative declaration or addendum is required for approval of the Project; and ADOPT a Vesting Zone Change and Height District Change from C2-1L and R4-1L to (T)(Q)C2-2D.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated May 31, 2019, effectuating a Vesting Zone Change and Height District Change from C2-1L and R4-1L to (T)(Q)C2-2D subject to (T) and (Q) conditions for the removal of eight multi-family residential buildings within the Flower Drive Historic District, the removal of surface parking areas, and the export of approximately 60,800 cubic yards of soils, for a proposed seven-story mixed-use development comprised of Hotel, Student Housing, and Mixed-Income components, within three separate buildings with a maximum building height of 83 feet, with the Hotel component to include up to 298 guest rooms, 15,335 square feet of retail and restaurant uses, 13,553 square feet of shared guest and public amenities, and 7,203 square feet of public meeting spaces, including a basement level; the Student Housing component to include up to 222 student housing units and 32,991 square feet of retail and restaurant uses; and the Mixed-Income Housing component to include up to 186 dwelling units (77 dwelling units reserved for Low Income households and five dwelling units reserved for Very Low Income households), 20,364 square feet of office, and 7,000 square feet of retail and restaurant uses; all three components to be served by a central eight-story above-ground parking structure, containing one subterranean parking level and a rooftop amenity level, with a maximum building height of up to 90 feet; resulting in up to 620,687 square feet of floor area and a floor area ratio (FAR) of up to 3.25:1, including a commercial FAR of 0.50:1; for the properties located at 3900 South Figueroa Street, 3900-3972 South Figueroa Street, 3901-3969 South Flower Drive, and 450 West 39th Street, subject to Conditions of Approval as Modified by the PLUM Committee.
- RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEALS filed by Mitchell M. Tsai on behalf of SAJE (Representative: Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney at Law) and Jim Childs, West Adams Heritage Association, and THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the LACPC in approving: A) a Conditional Use Permit for a hotel use in the C2 Zone within 500-feet of an R Zone; B) a Master Conditional Use Permit for the sale and/or dispensing of a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at a maximum of six establishments, including hotel and restaurant uses; C) a Zoning Administrator's determination to allow building heights of up to 90-feet within 100 to 199-feet of the OS Zone; and D) a Site Plan Review for a development project which creates over 50,000 square feet of non-residential floor area and over 50 dwelling units.
- ADVISE the applicant, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.32 G:
...property shall not remain in a Q Qualified classification for more than six years unless during that time: (1) there is substantial physical development of the property to allow for one or more of the uses for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted; or (2) if no physical development is necessary, then the property is used for one or more of the purposes for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted...When these time limitations expire, the Q Qualified classification and the authority contained therein shall become null and void, the rezoning proceedings shall be terminated, and the property thereafter may only be utilized for those purposes permitted prior to the commencement of such rezoning proceedings.
- ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.
- ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.
Applicant: Ventus Group
Representative: William F. Delvac, Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac, LLP
Case No. CPC-2016-2658-VZC-HD-CU-MCUP-ZAD-SPR
CEQA No. ENV-2016-1892-EIR (SCH NO. 2016071049)
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.
Community Impact Statement: Yes.
Against unless amended: Empowerment Congress North Area Neighborhood Development Council
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| | | | | | | | Adopted as Amended FORTHWITH, (12); Absent: Buscaino, Huizar, Wesson (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (30) | RELATED TO ITEM NO. 29 (19-0370-S1) | | | | | 19-0370 | 19-0370 | | | | | CD 9 | CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) and ERRATA (COLLECTIVELY THE FIG PROJECT EIR), STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (MMP) and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Vesting Tentative Tract Map appeals for the properties located at 3900 South Figueroa Street, 3900-3972 South Figueroa Street, 3901-3969 South Flower Street, and 450 West 39th Street.
Recommendations for Council action:
- FIND that, pursuant to Sections 21082.1(c) and 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Draft EIR No. ENV-2016-1892-EIR (SCH No. 2016071049) dated October 2017, and the Final EIR dated October 2018, and Errata dated November 2018 and January 2019 (Collectively The Fig Project EIR), as well as the whole of the administrative record; CERTIFY that a) The Fig Project EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); b) The Fig Project EIR was presented to the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as a decision-making body of the lead agency; and c) The Fig Project EIR reflects the independent judgement and analysis of the City Council; and ADOPT a) The related and prepared Fig Project Environmental Findings; b) The Statement of Overriding Considerations; and c) The MMP prepared for The Fig Project EIR.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the LACPC as the Findings of Council.
- RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEALS filed by Mitchell M. Tsai on behalf of SAJE (Representative: Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney at Law) and Jim Childs, West Adams Heritage Association, and THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the LACPC in approving the Vesting Tentative Tract Map for the merger and resubdivision of an approximately 4.4-acre (191,047 square-foot) site into one ground lot and eight commercial condominium lots for a new mixed-use development and to vacate a portion of the existing right-of-way along Flower Drive, and a Haul Route for the export of 60,800 cubic-yards of soil, for the properties located at 3900 South Figueroa Street, 3900-3972 South Figueroa Street, 3901-3969 South Flower Drive, and 450 West 39th Street, subject to Conditions of Approval.
Applicant: Scott Gale, Ventus Group
Representative: William F. Delvac, Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac, LLP
Case No. VTT-74193-2A
CEQA No. ENV-2016-1892-EIR (SCH. No. 2016071049)
Fiscal Impact Report: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | ADOPTED FORTHWITH, (12); Absent: Buscaino, Huizar, Wesson (3) | | |