| | | | | | | | Los Angeles City Council, Journal/Council Proceeding Wednesday, May 23, 2018 JOHN FERRARO COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 340, CITY HALL 200 NORTH SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 - 10:00 AM
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(For further details see Official Council Files)
(For communications referred by the President see Referral Memorandum)
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| | | | | | | | Members Present: Blumenfield, Buscaino, Englander, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Martinez, O'Farrell, Price, Ryu and President Wesson (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian and Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations
Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council | | | |
| | | | | | | | Items Noticed for Public Hearing | | | |
| | | | | | | | | HEARING PROTEST, APPEALS OR OBJECTIONS to Building and Safety Department report and confirmation of lien for nuisance abatement costs and/or non-compliance of code violations/Annual Inspection costs, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) and/or Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC).
Recommendation for Council action:
HEAR PROTEST, APPEALS OR OBJECTIONS relative to proposed lien for nuisance abatement costs and/or non-compliance of code violations/Annual Inspection costs, pursuant to LAMC and/or LAAC and CONFIRM said lien for the following properties: | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | (a) | | | | | | 18-0160-S53 | 18-0160-S53 | | | | | CD 12 | 10030 North Canoga Avenue aka 10028 North Canoga Avenue. (Lien: $3,207.26)
(Continued from Council meeting of April 24, 2018)
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | | (b) | | | | | | 17-0160-S701 | 17-0160-S701 | | | | | CD 15 | 545 West 127th Street. (Lien: $1,288.56)
(Continued from Council meeting of April 24, 2018)
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| | | | | | | | Adopted to Receive and File, Unanimous Vote (12); Absent: Bonin, Buscaino, Huizar (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (2) | | | | | | 18-0345 | 18-0345 | | | | | CD 11 | ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION, TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the use of an alternate project delivery method and the competitive sealed proposal selection process by Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to procure either a design-build or public-private partnerships and construction manager at risk contract for the Receiving Station Project (RS-X) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the determination by the Board of Airport Commissioners that the proposed action is administratively exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II Section 2(m) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated May 8, 2018, authorizing LAWA to use the competitive sealed proposal selection process and alternative project delivery methods, and establishing criteria relating to such contracts for the RS-X Project and related capital improvement projects at LAX.
- CONCUR with the action taken by the Board of Airport Commissioners on April 19, 2018 by Resolution No. 26478 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, LAWA, to use an alternate project delivery method and the competitive sealed proposal selection process to procure either a design-build or public-private partnerships and construction manager at risk contract for the RS-X Project at LAX.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that there is no quantifiable estimate of direct, measurable economic impact resulting from this action. There is, however, the potential for cost avoidance from the reduced risk of change orders that can result from phasing and sequencing conflicts; furthermore, a shortened project schedule could result in additional cost savings. Approval of the accompanying Ordinance will have no impact on the City's General Fund; neither will it impact LAWA’s operating or capital budgets at this time. This action complies with LAWA’s adopted financial policies.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (3) | | | | | | 16-1470-S2 | 16-1470-S2 | | | | | CD 4 | CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION, ADDENDUM, PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCES FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to Zone Changes for various parcels of Brookside Area and Sycamore Square.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- FIND, based on the independent judgment of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole administrative record, the project was assessed in Negative Declaration No. ENV-2016-2111-ND-REC-1; and pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 15162 and 15164, as supported by the Addendum dated January 2018, no major revisions to the Negative Declaration and no subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration is required for approval of the project.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings for Council.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated February 8, 2018, pursuant to Section 12.32 F of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), effecting a Zone Change to parcels lying within the proposed Brookside Ordinance Map from R1-1 to R1R3-RG and R1V3-RG, for the Brookside area generally bounded by Wilshire Boulevard, Highland Avenue, Olympic Boulevard and Muirfield Road.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated February 8, 2018, pursuant to Section 12.32 F of the LAMC, effecting a Zone Change to parcels lying within the proposed Sycamore Square Ordinance Map from R1-1 to R1V3-RG, for the Sycamore Square neighborhood generally consisting of properties along Citrus Avenue and Orange Drive in between Wilshire Boulevard and Olympic Boulevard.
Applicant: City of Los Angeles
Case No. CPC-2017-4556-ZC
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the LACPC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
(Continued from Council meeting of May 2, 2018)
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| | | | | | | | Adopted as Amended, (12); Absent: Bonin, Buscaino, Huizar (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (4) | | | | | | 18-0163 | 18-0163 | | | | | CD 4 | MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND), MITIGATION MEASURES, MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (MMP), PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Vesting Zone Change for the properties located at 14241-14261 West Magnolia Boulevard.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- FIND, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 1507 4(b), after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, including the MND, No. ENV-2015-2555-MND and all comments received, with the imposition of Mitigation Measures, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment; FIND the MND reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City; FIND the Mitigation Measures have been made enforceable conditions on the project; and, ADOPT the MND and the MMP prepared for the MND.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the South Valley Area Planning Commission (SVAPC) as the Findings of Council.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated January 11, 2018, effectuating a Vesting Zone Change from [Q]R1-1 to (T)(Q)RD1.5- 1, for the demolition of five one-story, single-family residences and the subsequent construction, use and maintenance of a two-story, 34-foot, four-inch high residential building providing approximately 32,725 square feet of floor area and 21 dwelling units, on an approximately 29,982 square-foot site, providing a total of 66 automobile parking spaces within one subterranean level of parking, 33 bicycle parking spaces and 4,572 square feet of open space, with grading and exporting of approximately 8,500 cubic yards of soil, removing 24 nonprotected trees, with the applicant paying a fee to the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund, in lieu of constructing affordable units within the project, prior to the issuance of a building permit and to comply with Measure JJJ, for the properties located at 14241-14261 West Magnolia Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval.
- ADVISE the applicant, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.32 G:
...property shall not remain in a Q Qualified classification for more than six years unless during that time: (1) there is substantial physical development of the property to allow for one or more of the uses for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted; or (2) if no physical development is necessary, then the property is used for one or more of the purposes for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted... When these time limitations expire, the Q Qualified classification and the authority contained therein shall become null and void, the rezoning proceedings shall be terminated, and the property thereafter may only be utilized for those purposes permitted prior to the commencement of such rezoning proceedings.
- ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.
- ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.
Applicant: Horace H. Heidt, Horace Heidt Agency Company
Representative: Tom Stemnock, Planning Associates, Inc.
Case No. APCSV-2015-2554-VZC
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the SVAPC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (5) | | | | | | 17-0083 | 17-0083 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to prohibiting the registering of individuals based on religion.
Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated January 25, 2018, to prohibit registering individuals based on religion.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: Yes
For: Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (6) | | | | | | 18-0225 | 18-0225 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Flu Vaccine Medical Point of Dispensing Exercise After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the Emergency Operations Board (Board) report, dated June 5, 2017, attached to the Council file, relative to the Flu Vaccine Medical Point of Dispensing Exercise After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (7) | | | | | | 18-0224 | 18-0224 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Defense Support of Civil Authorities Senior Leaders Seminar and Table Top Exercise After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the Emergency Operations Board (Board) report, dated June 5, 2017, attached to the Council file, relative to the Defense Support of Civil Authorities Senior Leaders Seminar and Table Top Exercise After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (8) | | | | | | 18-0226 | 18-0226 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Operation Mic Drop Communications Table Top Exercise After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the Emergency Operations Board (Board) report, dated June 5, 2017, attached to the Council file, relative to the Operation Mic Drop Communications Table Top Exercise After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (9) | | | | | | 12-0049-S17 | 12-0049-S17 | | | | | CD 8 | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the disposition of the property located at 1636 West Manchester Boulevard as an economic development opportunity that creates permanent jobs.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Harris-Dawson - Cedillo):
AUTHORIZE the Economic and Workforce Development Department, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to review and report with recommendations, including the necessary findings, relative to the disposition of the property located at 1636 West Manchester Boulevard as an economic development opportunity that creates long-term permanent jobs.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (10) | | | | | | 17-0600-S21 | 17-0600-S21 | | | | | | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Los Angeles Convention Center Reserve Fund Policy.
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the Los Angeles Convention Center Reserve Fund Policy as proposed by the Department of Convention and Tourism Development.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that there is no impact to the General Fund.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (11) | | | | | | 16-0037-S66 | 16-0037-S66 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a monetary donation for the benefit of the Metropolitan Division Mounted Platoon.
Recommendation for Council action:
ACCEPT the donation of $32,000 from the Ahmanson Foundation for the benefit of the Metropolitan Division Mounted Platoon; and, THANK the donor for this generous donation.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (12) | | | | | | 18-0234 | 18-0234 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to proposed fees for high-piled combustible storage plans, emergency responder radio coverage systems and installation of gates and barriers across fire apparatus access roads.
Recommendations for Council action:
- APPROVE the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) report dated March 7, 2018 relative to proposed fees for high-piled combustible storage plans, emergency responder radio coverage systems and installation of gates and barriers across fire apparatus access roads.
- REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an Ordinance within 30 days to amend Los Angeles Municipal Code, Section 57.118 New Construction Plan Review and Inspection, Section 57.105.6 Operational Permits, and Section 57.105.7 Required Specific Action or Project Permits.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LAFD reports that projected revenue generated from the implementation of the above services is estimated to be $480,168 for Fiscal Year 2018-19 if the fees are implemented on July 1, 2018. No additional resources are required to implement this program.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (13) | | | | | | 18-0232 | 18-0232 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to establishing a non-compliance penalty fee for businesses that fail to submit a hazardous materials business plan.
Recommendations for Council action:
- APPROVE the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) report dated February 13, 2018 relative to establishing a non-compliance penalty fee for businesses that fail to submit a hazardous materials business plan.
- REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an Ordinance within 30 days to amend Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), Section 57.121, creating a late submittal and non-compliance penalty for failure to submit hazardous materials business plan to be paid by handlers of hazardous materials that submit their plans after the submission period.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LAFD reports that approval of this proposed amendment will create projected additional revenue of $900,720.00. The penalty amount has been determined by utilizing the current noncompliance fee established in LAMC, Section The established noncompliance fee is based on a two hour minimum at the Inspector’s current hourly rate. Based on the current adopted fee schedule, the Inspector’s hourly rate has been established at $216.00. Although the Certified Unified Program Agency Section will not utilize the inspection procedures outlined in LAMC, Section, establishing the noncompliance penalty in accordance with established noncompliance fee in LAMC, Section will provide continuity. Calculated revenue will fluctuate on a year-to-year basis based on the number of businesses that fail to report their annual hazardous materials business plan on California Environmental Reporting System.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (14) | | | | | | 18-0313 | 18-0313 | | | | | | MITIGATED NEGLATIVE DECLARATION (MND) and ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Los Angeles-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant Primary Effluent Equalization Storage and Personnel Building Projects (SCH No. 2017101069).
Recommendations for Council action:
- FIND and CERTIFY that the:
- MND, attached to the Council file, is in complete compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
- City Council reviewed and considered the information contained in the MND prior to approving the Project.
- Final MND reflects and expresses the City's independent judgment and analysis.
- ADOPT the findings as detailed in the environmental reports incorporated in the April 11, 2018 Board of Public Works (BPW) report, attached to the Council file.
- APPROVE the Los Angeles-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant Primary Effluent Equalization Storage and Personnel Building Projects as detailed in the April 11, 2018 BPW report, attached to the Council file (SCH No. 2017101069).
- ADOPT the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as detailed in the April 11, 2018 BPW report, attached to the Council file.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The BPW reports that there is no impact to the Genera! Fund. The two projects will be funded from the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. Funding information will be provided at the time projects are awarded.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (15) | | | | | | 16-0781-S1 | 16-0781-S1 | | | | | | MITIGATED NEGLATIVE DECLARATION (MND) and ENERGY, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Lopez Canyon Equestrian Trails and Trailhead Project (SCH No. 2016091072).
Recommendation for Council action:
APPROVE the MND prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, attached to the Council file.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board of Public Works reports that there is no impact to the General Fund.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (16) | | | | | | 18-0403 | 18-0403 | | | | | CD 11 | ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) contract with Hensel Phelps Construction Co. for the Airport Police Facility Project at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
Recommendations for Council action:
- ADOPT the determination by the Board of Airport Commissioners that the proposed action is administratively exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II 2.i of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.
- APPROVE the contract with Hensel Phelps Construction Co., for the Airport Police Facility Project at LAX for an amount of $165,800,000 and a term of five years.
- CONCUR with the action taken by the Board of Airport Commissioners on May 3, 2018 by Resolution No. 26491 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, LAWA, to execute the contract with Hensel Phelps Construction Co., for the Airport Police Facility Project at LAX.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Authority to appropriate $24,936,000 for the first of two phases of the Airport Police Facility Project is being requested by LAWA from the Board of Airport Commissioners. Funding is available from the LAX Revenue fund to finance Phase I of the multi-structure Airport Police Facility Project. Costs incurred for this project will be capitalized and recovered through terminal rates and charges, as well as through non-aeronautical revenues (e.g., food and beverage, retail, car rentals). This project and contract award complies with LAWA’s adopted financial policies.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (17) | | | | | | 18-0404 | 18-0404 | | | | | CD 6, 11 | ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) contracts with ICF SH and E, Inc., and Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., for on-call emergency management services at Los Angeles International (LAX) and Van Nuys Airports.
Recommendations for Council action:
- ADOPT the determination by the Board of Airport Commissioners that the proposed action is administratively exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II, Section 2(f) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.
- APPROVE the First Amendments to Contract No. DA-5022 with ICF SH and E, Inc., and Contract No. DA-5023 with Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., extending the contract terms to September 14, 2019, for on-call emergency management services at LAX and the Van Nuys Airport.
- CONCUR with the action taken by the Board of Airport Commissioners on May 3, 2018 by Resolution No. 26487 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, LAWA, to execute the First Amendments to Contract No. DA-5022 with ICF SH and E, Inc., and Contract No. DA-5023 with Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., to extend the contract terms to September 14, 2019, for on-call emergency management services at LAX and the Van Nuys Airport.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. The contractors will continue providing emergency management services at LAX and the Van Nuys Airport. The proposed amendments will extend the term of each contract for one year, to September 14, 2019, and will not increase the original $3 million budget, per contract. LAWA staff reports the budget balances of approximately $1,832,130 and $2,488,929, for ICF SH and E, Inc. and Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., respectively, are sufficient to fund the completion of the current and scheduled task orders during the ensuing year. This action complies with LAWA’s adopted financial policies.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (18) | | | | | | 18-0235 | 18-0235 | | | | | | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the permit requirement for temporary change of use for assemblage purposes and authority to approve or disapprove the crowd management and medical plans for the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD).
Recommendations for Council action:
- APPROVE the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) report dated March 6, 2018 relative to the permit requirement for temporary change of use for assemblage purposes and authority to approve or disapprove the crowd management and medical plans for the LAFD.
- REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an Ordinance within 30 days to amend Los Angeles Municipal Code, Section 57.4701, establishing a permit for temporary change of use (place of assemblage), adding additional requirements for a temporary change of use (place of assemblage), providing the LAFD the authority to approve crowd management plans and medical plans.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LAFD reports that there will be no fiscal impact.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (19) | | | | | | 18-0411 | 18-0411 | | | | | | ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and TRADE, TRAVEL, AND TOURISM COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) agreement with Alliant Insurance Services, LLC, to assist in procuring commercial property and casualty insurance.
Recommendations for Council action:
- ADOPT the determination by the Board of Harbor Commissioners that the proposed action is administratively exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II Section 2(f) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.
- APPROVE the Port Resolution No. 18-8258 authorizing proposed Agreement No. 18-3568 between the POLA and Alliant Insurance Services, LLC, to assist in procuring commercial property and casualty insurance to support operational needs and assist risk management staff in administering the POLA’s insurance and risk management program, for a term of five years and for an amount not to exceed $28,000,000.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Approval of the proposed agreement between the POLA and Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., authorizes the POLA to expend up to $28 million for insurance brokerage and risk management services over a five-year period. Funds will be requested under the current and future annual budget adoption process, subject to the approval of the Board of Harbor Commissioners. A funding out clause has been included in the agreement. The POLA is financially responsible for the costs incurred under the proposed agreement.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (20) | | | | | | 16-0684-S2 | 16-0684-S2 | | | | | | PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Affordable Housing Incentive Program.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Wesson - Ryu):
INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning, in consultation with the City Attorney, to prepare a report with options to provide notice to either the abutting neighbor, or to neighbors within 100 feet of a development project site subject to the recently adopted TOC Affordable Housing Incentive Program.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (21) | | | | | | 18-0179 | 18-0179 | | | | | | PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) impact on equine keeping.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Rodriguez - Englander - Ryu):
INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning and the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, in consultation with the City Attorney, to prepare a report with recommendations and Development Standards to ensure that the construction of ADUs does not adversely impact equine keeping uses located in either K (equine keeping) districts, and in non-K districts.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
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| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (22) | | | | | | 18-0187 | 18-0187 | | | | | CD 3 | PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for both on-site and off-site consumption at Westfield Topanga located at 21851 West Victory Boulevard.
Recommendations for Council action:
- DETERMINE that the issuance of a liquor license at Westfield Topanga located at 21851 West Victory Boulevard will serve a Public Convenience or Necessity and will not tend to create a law enforcement problem.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Department of City Planning, Zoning Administrator's report dated March 6, 2018, attached to the Council file, as the Findings of Council.
- GRANT the Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for both on-site and off-site consumption at 21851 West Victory Boulevard.
- INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transmit this determination to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as the required findings under Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4.
Applicant/Owner: Gregg Berwin, Westfield Topanga Owner, LP
Representative: Heather Crossner, Latham and Watkins, LLP
Case No. ZA 2017-3167(MCUP)
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (23) | | | | | | 18-0337 | 18-0337 | | | | | CD 13 | PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at The Atlas located at 6510 Santa Monica Boulevard.
Recommendations for Council action:
- DETERMINE that the issuance of a liquor license at The Atlas located at 6510 Santa Monica Boulevard will serve a Public Convenience or Necessity and will not tend to create a law enforcement problem.
- ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Department of City Planning, Zoning Administrator's report dated November 6, 2017, attached to the Council file, as the Findings of Council.
- GRANT the Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at 6510 Santa Monica Boulevard.
- INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transmit this determination to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as the required findings under Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4.
Applicant: Clubbizz, LLC
Owner: Maclise Robinson Properties
Representative: Elizabeth Peterson Group, Inc.
Case No. ZA-2017-2921-ZV-CUB
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (10); Absent: Bonin, Cedillo, Huizar, Krekorian, Rodriguez (5) | | |
| | | | | | | | Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration) | | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (24) | | | | | | 18-0900-S34 | 18-0900-S34 | | | | | CD 3 | COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Reseda Boulevard and Kittridge Street Lighting District.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated April 23, 2018.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of AUGUST 1, 2018 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Reseda Boulevard and Kittridge Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $3,319.11 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2017-18 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.
(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: July 25, 2018)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | SET FOR HEARING ON AUGUST 1, 2018 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (25) | | | | | | 18-0900-S36 | 18-0900-S36 | | | | | CD 11 | COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Westgate Avenue and Texas Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated April 27, 2018.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of AUGUST 1, 2018 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Westgate Avenue and Texas Avenue No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $470.16 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2017-18 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.
(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: July 25, 2018)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | SET FOR HEARING ON AUGUST 1, 2018 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (26) | | | | | | 18-0900-S37 | 18-0900-S37 | | | | | CD 13 | COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Sunset Boulevard and Micheltorena Street Lighting District.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated April 27, 2018.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of AUGUST 1, 2018 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Sunset Boulevard and Micheltorena Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $1,004.47 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2017-18 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.
(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: July 25, 2018)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | SET FOR HEARING ON AUGUST 1, 2018 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (27) | | | | | | 18-0900-S38 | 18-0900-S38 | | | | | CD 13 | COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Sunset Boulevard and Argyle Avenue Street Lighting District.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated April 27, 2018.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of AUGUST 1, 2018 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Sunset Boulevard and Argyle Avenue Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $3,930.53 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2017-18 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.
(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: July 25, 2018)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | SET FOR HEARING ON AUGUST 1, 2018 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (28) | | | | | | 18-0900-S39 | 18-0900-S39 | | | | | CD 11 | COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Barrington Avenue and Nebraska Avenue No. 3 Street Lighting District.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated April 27, 2018.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of AUGUST 1, 2018 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Barrington Avenue and Nebraska Avenue No. 3 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $196.53 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2017-18 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.
(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: July 25, 2018)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | SET FOR HEARING ON AUGUST 1, 2018 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (29) | | | | | | 18-0900-S41 | 18-0900-S41 | | | | | CD 11 | COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Carmelina and Idaho Avenues Street Lighting District.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated May 2, 2018.
- PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of AUGUST 1, 2018 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Carmelina and Idaho Avenues Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $376.13 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2017-18 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.
(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: July 25, 2018)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | SET FOR HEARING ON AUGUST 1, 2018 | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (30) | | | | | | 18-0181 | 18-0181 | | | | | | CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (ENGLANDER - BUSCAINO) relative to authorization for the City Attorney to send staff to Phoenix, Arizona, to conduct a deposition of a retired Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Officer.
Recommendation for Council action:
AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to send the necessary staff to Phoenix, Arizona, on or near February 13, 2018, to conduct a deposition of a retired LAPD Officer, pursuant to an order of the United States District Court.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
(Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (31) | | | | | | 18-0227 | 18-0227 | | | | | | COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ETHICS COMMISSION (CEC) relative to approval of amendments to the Conflict of Interests Code for the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions Department (LAFPP).
Recommendation for Council action:
ADOPT the proposed amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code for the LAFPP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the CEC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
(Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
| | | | |
| | | | | | | | Adopted, (12); Absent: Bonin, Huizar, Krekorian (3) | | |
(Pursuant to Council action of May 21, 2018)
| | | | | | | | ITEM NO. | (33) | | | | | | 17-1350 | 17-1350 | | | | | | The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Youth Justice Coalition v. City of Los Angeles, et al., 2:16-cv-07932-VAP-RAO. (This matter involves a challenge to the City's enforcement of gang injunctions.)
(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter) MEETING HELD - NO ACTION TAKEN | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 18-0030-S1 | 18-0030-S1 | MOTION (RYU - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to funding to complete a beautification project on 4958 Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 91601. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 18-0004-S2 | 18-0004-S2 | Diane Cazares | Buscaino - Englander |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ending Roll Call | Blumenfield, Cedillo, Englander, Harris-Dawson, Koretz, Krekorian, Martinez, O'Farrell, Price, Rodriguez, Ryu and President Wesson (12); Absent: Bonin, Buscaino and Huizar (3) | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | Whereupon the Council did adjourn. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Adjournment | ATTEST: Holly L. Wolcott, CITY CLERK By: Council Clerk PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL | | | | | | | | | | | | |