City of Los Angeles - Election 2013 Back to City of Los Angeles Elections Web Page

Statement of Votes Cast
CD 6 Special Runoff Election

July 23, 2013
Instructions - To download the Election Results Data File place mouse pointer on the desired file name CLICK and follow your browser's instructions to save the file on your computer. Copies of the files ($5 per Diskette) are also available for purchase at Election Division 555 Ramirez St, Space 300

Statement of Votes Cast by Precinct

Statement of Votes Cast by Council District

Summary Totals of Votes Cast

Polling Place List by Precinct

Polling Place List by Consolidated Precinct

Polling Place List by Council District

Polling Place List by School District

Adjacent Precinct Maps
Precinct maps in .pdf format for viewing/printing in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Shows adjacent precincts.

Election Division
555 Ramirez Street Space 300

Call Election Division at 213-978-0444 if you would like to request a CD ($20 per CD set) prior to pickup. 24 hour notice is required.

"Shape" Files of Precincts
Arcview Geographic software compatible data ("Shape" Files) of all Precinct Boundaries.

Election Division
555 Ramirez Street Space 300

Call Election Division at 213-978-0444 if you would like to request a CD ($20 per CD) prior to pickup. 24 hour notice is required.

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