Los Angeles City Health Commission Minutes


Monday, November 14, 2016


Holman United Methodist Church - L.L. White Hall - 3320 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018 - 5:00 PM

Roll Call

Members Present: Andres Taylor, Arriola, Braun, Griffith, Hisserich, Kato, Sharp and Vick (8); Absent: Avila, Esparza, Jacquez, Jimenez, Mandel, Rocca and Shannon (7)

Approval of the Minutes from October 17, 2016

Approved (7); Absent: Avila, Esparza, Jacquez, Jimenez, Mandel, Rocca and Shannon (7); Abstained: Vick (1)



Discussion and possible action on the Los Angeles City Health Commission annual report.

  1. Amending Motion (Sharp - Arriola) Add the following sentence to the end of the third paragraph of the Introduction:

    "The Los Angeles City Health Commission recognizes the City and County Homeless Strategy voter’s adoption of Prop HHH and the Health Commission prioritizes new resources for the following recommendations."

  2. Amending Motion (Sharp - Shannon) Delete the word Drinking from the Potable/Drinking Water and Healthy Food section and amend the first bullet in the Potable Water and Healthy Food section, to change the word drinking fountains to hydration stations.

  3. Substitute Motion (Braun - Hisserich) Add a bullet point in the Potable Water and Healthy Food section to read:

    • Advocate that the Federal government increase Calfresh/SNAP benefit levels

  4. Amending Motion (Sharp - Shannon) In the fifth bullet of the Potable Water and Healthy Food section, change the words food bank to food pantry.

  5. Amending Motion (Sharp - Shannon) In the third bullet of the Affordable Housing section, remove the words more accountability, and replace with transparency measures with.

  6. Substitute Motion (Braun - Kato) In the Veteran’s section, change sentence into the following two bullet points:

    • Increase resources and attention to expand veteran housing and medical services

    • Expedite connections to services for housing and medical care

  7. Amending Motion (Sharp - Shannon) In the first bullet of the Heroin section, add the following words to the beginning of the sentence:

    "Subsidize and"

  8. Amending Motion (Sharp - Kato) In the Affordable Housing section, add a bullet point to read:

    • Preserve rent stabilization and affordable housing


Discussion held and opportunity for comment provided.  The Los Angeles City Health Commission Annual Report with the sections which include Homelessness, Healthy Living and Medical Services adopted as amended (9); Absent: Avila, Esparza, Jacquez, Jimenez, Mandel and Rocca (6)    




Items for future discussion.


Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and The Future of Healthcare Access in Los Angeles.


Discussion held and opportunity for comment provided. (9); Absent: Avila, Esparza, Jacquez, Jimenez, Mandel and Rocca (6)




Public Comment.


Opportunity for public comment provided. (9); Absent: Avila, Esparza, Jacquez, Jimenez, Mandel and Rocca (6)




President Shannon adjourned the meeting in the memory of Bill Rosendahl at 7:17pm.